Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Guaifenesin; Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Skilled care residents: The federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) regulates the use of anxiolytics in long-term care facility (LTCF) residents. Brompheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Guaifenesin: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. There are no adequate data on the effects lorazepam use during human pregnancy. T1 - LORazepam Monitor patients for decreased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. LORazepam [Internet]. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors outcomes in pregnant patients exposed to lorazepam; information about the registry can be obtained at or by calling 1-866-961-2388. 0000007372 00000 n Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Abrupt awakening can cause dysphoria, agitation, and possibly increased adverse effects. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Enter your email below and we'll resend your username to you. 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg/dose (Max: 2 mg/dose) PO every 30 to 60 minutes as needed.[64934]. Consequently, appropriate precautions (e.g., limiting the total prescription size and increased monitoring for suicidal ideation) should be considered. Because lorazepam can cause drowsiness and a decreased level of consciousness, there is a higher risk of falls, particularly in the older adult, with the potential for subsequent severe injuries. %PDF-1.6 % Prasterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA (FDA-approved): (Major) Prasterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA may inhibit the metabolism of benzodiazepines (e.g., alprazolam, estazolam, midazolam) which undergo CYP3A4-mediated metabolism. Lorazepam is an UGT substrate and probenecid is an UGT inhibitor. For fluid restricted patients, data suggest that a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL or 1 mg/mL is stable for up to 24 hours and may be used. Concurrent use of zolpidem with other sedative-hypnotics, including other zolpidem products, at bedtime or the middle of the night is not recommended. In vitro data predicts inhibition of UGT2B7 by cannabidiol, potentially resulting in clinically significant interactions. Flumazenil does not affect the pharmacokinetics of the benzodiazepines. 0.05 mg/kg/dose IV every 2 to 8 hours as needed. PO (Adults): Hypertension 10 mg 4 times daily initially. If an opiate agonist is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use a lower initial dose of the opiate and titrate to clinical response. It appears glucuronide conjugation of lorazepam is increased in the presence of combined hormonal oral contraceptives; the clinical significance of this interaction is not determined. Celecoxib; Tramadol: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. To hear audio pronunciation of this topic, purchase a subscription or log in. coma / Early / 0.1-1.2seizures / Delayed / 0-1.0apnea / Delayed / 1.0muscle paralysis / Delayed / Incidence not knownsuicidal ideation / Delayed / Incidence not knownneuroleptic malignant syndrome-like symptoms / Delayed / Incidence not knownpulmonary edema / Early / Incidence not knownrespiratory arrest / Rapid / Incidence not knownpulmonary hypertension / Delayed / Incidence not knownpneumothorax / Early / Incidence not knownGI bleeding / Delayed / Incidence not knowntissue necrosis / Early / Incidence not knownrenal tubular necrosis / Delayed / Incidence not knownSIADH / Delayed / Incidence not knownlactic acidosis / Delayed / Incidence not knownanaphylactoid reactions / Rapid / Incidence not knownpericardial effusion / Delayed / Incidence not knownheart failure / Delayed / Incidence not knowncardiac arrest / Early / Incidence not knownbradycardia / Rapid / Incidence not knownAV block / Early / Incidence not knownhearing loss / Delayed / Incidence not knownpancytopenia / Delayed / Incidence not knownagranulocytosis / Delayed / Incidence not knowncoagulopathy / Delayed / Incidence not knownneonatal respiratory depression / Rapid / Incidence not knownneonatal abstinence syndrome / Early / Incidence not known, erythema / Early / 2.0-2.4hypotension / Rapid / 0.1-2.4confusion / Early / 0.1-1.3depression / Delayed / 1.3-1.3delirium / Early / 1.3-1.3hypoventilation / Rapid / 0.1-1.2ataxia / Delayed / 0.1-1.0hallucinations / Early / 0.1-1.0elevated hepatic enzymes / Delayed / 0-1.0cystitis / Delayed / 0-1.0metabolic acidosis / Delayed / 0-1.0dysarthria / Delayed / Incidence not knowneuphoria / Early / Incidence not knownamnesia / Delayed / Incidence not knownmemory impairment / Delayed / Incidence not knownpsychosis / Early / Incidence not knownhostility / Early / Incidence not knownmania / Early / Incidence not knownhyperreflexia / Delayed / Incidence not knownrespiratory depression / Rapid / Incidence not knownhypoxia / Early / Incidence not knownmyoclonia / Delayed / Incidence not knownjaundice / Delayed / Incidence not knownhyperbilirubinemia / Delayed / Incidence not knownconstipation / Delayed / Incidence not knownhyponatremia / Delayed / Incidence not knownurinary incontinence / Early / Incidence not knownimpotence (erectile dysfunction) / Delayed / Incidence not knownsinus tachycardia / Rapid / Incidence not knownhypertension / Early / Incidence not knownblurred vision / Early / Incidence not knownleukopenia / Delayed / Incidence not knownthrombocytopenia / Delayed / Incidence not knowntolerance / Delayed / Incidence not knownpsychological dependence / Delayed / Incidence not knownwithdrawal / Early / Incidence not knownphysiological dependence / Delayed / Incidence not known, injection site reaction / Rapid / 0.5-17.0drowsiness / Early / 1.5-15.9dizziness / Early / 6.9-6.9weakness / Early / 4.2-4.2restlessness / Early / 1.3-1.3headache / Early / 0.1-1.2asthenia / Delayed / 0.1-1.0agitation / Early / 0.1-1.0tremor / Early / 0.1-1.0hyperventilation / Early / 0.1-1.0nausea / Early / 0-1.0hypersalivation / Early / 0.1-1.0vomiting / Early / 0-1.0infection / Delayed / 0-1.0chills / Rapid / 0-1.0vertigo / Early / Incidence not knownfatigue / Early / Incidence not knowninsomnia / Early / Incidence not knownanxiety / Delayed / Incidence not knownnightmares / Early / Incidence not knownirritability / Delayed / Incidence not knownhyperactivity / Early / Incidence not knowndiarrhea / Early / Incidence not knownhypothermia / Delayed / Incidence not knownlibido decrease / Delayed / Incidence not knownorgasm dysfunction / Delayed / Incidence not knownrash / Early / Incidence not knownalopecia / Delayed / Incidence not knowndiplopia / Early / Incidence not known. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Use caution with this combination. It appears glucuronide conjugation of lorazepam is increased in the presence of combined hormonal oral contraceptives; the clinical significance of this interaction is not determined. You should confirm the information on the site through independent sources and seek other professional guidance in all treatment and diagnosis decisions. Daviss Drug Guide for Nurses App + Web from F.A. Azelastine; Fluticasone: (Moderate) Monitor for excessive sedation and somnolence during coadministration of azelastine and benzodiazepines. Hydroxychloroquine: (Moderate) Monitor persons with epilepsy for seizure activity during concomitant lorazepam and hydroxychloroquine use. Limit the use of mixed opiate agonists/antagonists with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Consider alternatives to benzodiazepines for conditions such as anxiety or insomnia in patients receiving buprenorphine maintenance treatment. Specifically, sodium oxybate use is contraindicated in patients being treated with sedative hypnotic drugs. Benzodiazepine dependence can occur after administration of therapeutic doses for as few as 1 to 2 weeks and withdrawal symptoms may be seen after the discontinuation of therapy. Monitor patients for decreased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. If no additional boluses are needed, consider reducing the infusion rate. Concurrent use may result in additive CNS depression. Concurrent use of scopolamine and CNS depressants can adversely increase the risk of CNS depression. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Oliceridine: (Major) Concomitant use of oliceridine with lorazepam may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. If hydrocodone is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, reduce initial dosage and titrate to clinical response; for hydrocodone extended-release products, initiate hydrocodone at 20% to 30% of the usual dosage. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. No quantitative recommendations are available. Use caution with this combination. Thiothixene: (Moderate) Thiothixene can potentiate the CNS-depressant action of other drugs such as benzodiazepines. Note: Your username may be different from the email address used to register your account. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Limit the use of mixed opiate agonists/antagonists with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Infuse over 15 to 20 minutes. Tramadol: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Use caution with this combination. Monitor patients for decreased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. Iloperidone: (Moderate) Drugs that can cause CNS depression, if used concomitantly with iloperidone, may increase both the frequency and the intensity of adverse effects such as drowsiness, sedation, and dizziness. Metyrosine: (Moderate) The concomitant administration of metyrosine with benzodiazepines can result in additive sedative effects. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Use of PVC containers results in significant drug loss; PVC administration sets can also be expected to contribute to sorption losses.Dilute lorazepam injection with a compatible diluent such as 5% Dextrose Injection (preferred) or 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection to a final concentration of 0.2 mg/mL. Morphine: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. For acetaminophen; oxycodone extended-release tablets, start with 1 tablet PO every 12 hours, and for other oxycodone products, use an initial dose of oxycodone at 1/3 to 1/2 the usual dosage. Acetaminophen; Caffeine: (Minor) Patients taking benzodiazepines for insomnia should not use caffeine-containing products prior to going to bed as these products may antagonize the sedative effects of the benzodiazepine. Avoid prescribing opiate cough medications in patients taking benzodiazepines. yt5y3Vk|SRl\UtjSIgO\,F??MNFBO, I`)/jNlt1q@hlb$&?P 9G1+07CF}y&K+H { 0000002773 00000 n trailer Acetaminophen; Diphenhydramine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Patients may not perceive warning signs, such as excessive drowsiness, or they may report feeling alert immediately prior to the event. Because of possible additive effects, advise patients about the potential for increased somnolence during concurrent use of safinamide with other sedating medications, such as benzodiazepines. Some formulations of lorazepam injection also contain benzyl alcohol and are contraindicated in patients with known benzyl alcohol hypersensitivity. At steady state, AUCTau, Cmax, and Cmin were 694 ng x hour/mL, 35 ng/mL and 25 ng/mL, respectively, following once daily administration of the 3 mg ER capsules. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Patients should be advised to avoid driving or other tasks requiring mental alertness until they know how the combination affects them. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. The federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) regulates medication use in residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs). Alprazolam: (Moderate) Concomitant administration of alprazolam with CNS-depressant drugs, such as lorazepam, can potentiate the CNS effects of either agent. Avoid prescribing opiate cough medications in patients taking benzodiazepines. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Studies in healthy volunteers show that in single high doses, lorazepam has a tranquilizing action on the central nervous system with usually no appreciable effect on the respiratory or cardiovascular systems. endstream endobj 31 0 obj<> endobj 32 0 obj<> endobj 33 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 34 0 obj<> endobj 35 0 obj<> endobj 36 0 obj[/ICCBased 42 0 R] endobj 37 0 obj<> endobj 38 0 obj<> endobj 39 0 obj<> endobj 40 0 obj<>stream Coadministration may increase the risk of CNS depressant-related side effects. (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be decreased in patients receiving benzodiazepines. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Skilled care residents: The federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) regulates the use of anxiolytics in long-term care facility (LTCF) residents. If an opiate agonist is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use a lower initial dose of the opiate and titrate to clinical response. Add the minimum volume of sterile water necessary for tablet dispersion. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Use these drugs cautiously with MAOIs; warn patients to not drive or perform other hazardous activities until they know how a particular drug combination affects them. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Ethinyl Estradiol; Norethindrone Acetate: (Minor) Ethinyl estradiol may enhance the metabolism of lorazepam. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Davis Company Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. 0000000858 00000 n Melatonin: (Major) Use caution when combining melatonin with the benzodiazepines; when the benzodiazepine is used for sleep, co-use of melatonin should be avoided. Alternatively, 0.025 to 0.05 mg/kg/dose IV every 6 hours as needed for management of anticipatory or breakthrough nausea/vomiting. Safinamide: (Moderate) Dopaminergic medications, including safinamide, may cause a sudden onset of somnolence which sometimes has resulted in motor vehicle accidents. Chlophedianol; Dexchlorpheniramine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg/dose (Max: 2 mg/dose) IV every 30 to 60 minutes as needed.[64934]. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Patient counseling is important, as cisapride alone does not cause drowsiness or affect psychomotor function. T1 - LORazepam Log in using your existing username and password to start your free, 30-day trial of the app, 3. To discourage abuse, the smallest appropriate quantity of the benzodiazepine should be prescribed, and proper disposal instructions for unused drug should be given to patients. After administration of 4 mg IM to adult patients, peak concentrations of approximately 48 ng/mL are reached within 3 hours. Human studies suggest that a single short exposure to a general anesthetic in young pediatric patients is unlikely to have negative effects on behavior and learning; however, further research is needed to fully characterize how anesthetic exposure affects brain development. Droperidol: (Major) Droperidol administration is associated with an established risk for QT prolongation and torsades de pointes. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. It appears glucuronide conjugation of lorazepam is increased in the presence of combined hormonal oral contraceptives; the clinical significance of this interaction is not determined. Use caution with this combination. Lorazepam is an UGT substrate and gemfibrozil is an UGT inhibitor. Ethynodiol Diacetate; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Minor) Ethinyl estradiol may enhance the metabolism of lorazepam. Brexanolone: (Moderate) Concomitant use of brexanolone with CNS depressants like the benzodiazepines may increase the likelihood or severity of adverse reactions related to sedation and additive CNS depression. However, the minimum amount of benzyl alcohol at which toxicity may occur is unknown, and premature and low-birth-weight neonates may be more likely to develop toxicity. Deutetrabenazine: (Moderate) Advise patients that concurrent use of deutetrabenazine and drugs that can cause CNS depression, such as lorazepam, may have additive effects and worsen drowsiness or sedation. If concurrent use is necessary, initiate gabapentin at the lowest recommended dose and monitor patients for symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Sedating H1-blockers: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Avoid lorazepam extended-release capsules and utilize lorazepam immediate-release dosage forms that can be easily titrated. US-based MDs, DOs, NPs and PAs in full-time patient practice can register for free on Mean area under concentration curve (AUCTau), Cmax, and Cmin were 765 ng x hour/mL, 41 ng/mL and 29 ng/mL, respectively, following 3 times daily administration of 1 mg tablets. If the extended-release oxymorphone tablets are used concurrently with a CNS depressant, use an initial dosage of 5 mg PO every 12 hours. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Lorazepam is not recommended for use in patients with primary depressive disorder, as preexisting depression may emerge or worsen during the use of benzodiazepines. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Monitor neonates exposed to benzodiazepines during pregnancy, labor, or obstetric delivery for signs of sedation, respiratory depression, or lethargy, and manage accordingly. May start 12 to 24 hours prior to chemotherapy. Acetaminophen; Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine: (Minor) Patients taking benzodiazepines for insomnia should not use caffeine-containing products prior to going to bed as these products may antagonize the sedative effects of the benzodiazepine. Gemfibrozil: (Moderate) Monitor for an increase in lorazepam-related adverse reactions and consider reducing the dose of lorazepam if concomitant use of lorazepam and gemfibrozil is necessary. Molindone: (Moderate) Consistent with the pharmacology of molindone, additive effects may occur with other CNS active drugs such as anticonvulsants. Concurrent use of scopolamine and CNS depressants can adversely increase the risk of CNS depression. Pregabalin: (Major) Concomitant use of benzodiazepines with pregabalin may cause excessive sedation, somnolence, and respiratory depression. When lorazepam is used as a sedative, factors potentially causing insomnia should be evaluated before medication initiation (e.g., sleep environment, inadequate physical activity, provision of care disruptions, caffeine or medications, pain and discomfort, or other underlying conditions that cause insomnia). Benzodiazepines block the cortical and limbic arousal that occurs following stimulation of the reticular pathways. While anxiolytic medications may be used concurrently with daridorexant, a reduction in dose of one or both agents may be needed. Diphenhydramine; Naproxen: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Consult Daviss Drug Guide anywhere you go with web access + our easy-to-use mobile app. Haloperidol: (Moderate) Haloperidol can potentiate the actions of other CNS depressants, such as benzodiazepines, Caution should be exercised with simultaneous use of these agents due to potential excessive CNS effects. Excessive propylene glycol can cause lactic acidosis, hyperosmolality, tachypnea, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and central nervous system toxicity (e.g., seizures, intraventricular hemorrhage). Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. If oxycodone is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, reduce dosages and titrate to clinical response. COMT inhibitors have also been associated with sudden sleep onset during activities of daily living such as driving, which has resulted in accidents in some cases. Titrate dose to target clinical score. Avoid lorazepam extended-release capsules and utilize lorazepam immediate-release dosage forms that can be easily titrated. Pimozide: (Moderate) Due to the effects of pimozide on cognition, it should be used cautiously with other CNS depressants including benzodiazepines. Avoid lorazepam extended-release capsules and utilize lorazepam immediate-release dosage forms that can be easily titrated. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Use caution with this combination. The concurrent use of eszopiclone with other anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics at bedtime or in the middle of the night is not recommended. Davis AT Collection. Carbinoxamine; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Nursing Central is an award-winning, complete mobile solution for nurses and students. Use caution when combining melatonin with benzodiazepines for other uses. Because of the CNS-depressant effects of magnesium sulfate, additive central-depressant effects can occur following concurrent administration with CNS depressants such as benzodiazepines. Lasmiditan: (Moderate) Monitor for excessive sedation and somnolence during coadministration of lasmiditan and benzodiazepines. Once adequate response is achieved, resume treatment with the ER capsules. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Dexmedetomidine: (Moderate) Concurrent use of dexmedetomidine and benzodiazepines may result in additive CNS depression. Difelikefalin: (Moderate) Monitor for dizziness, somnolence, mental status changes, and gait disturbances if concomitant use of difelikefalin with CNS depressants is necessary. Hydrocodone; Pseudoephedrine: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. If hydrocodone is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, reduce initial dosage and titrate to clinical response; for hydrocodone extended-release products, initiate hydrocodone at 20% to 30% of the usual dosage. Extended-release (ER) capsules: Pharmacokinetics of the extended-release capsules are dose proportional over the dose range of 1 to 3 mg. Steady-state is usually achieved following 5 days of administration. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Monitor patients for decreased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. Administer the morning after the day of discontinuation of a lorazepam immediate-release (IR) product. Suvorexant: (Moderate) CNS depressant drugs may have cumulative effects when administered concurrently and they should be used cautiously with suvorexant. If used together, a reduction in the dose of one or both drugs may be needed. Guide for Nurses and students the federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ( OBRA ) regulates medication in. Are no adequate data on the site through independent sources and seek other professional in., agitation lorazepam davis pdf and possibly increased adverse effects dexmedetomidine and benzodiazepines or insomnia patients. ; Ethinyl Estradiol ; Norethindrone Acetate: ( Minor ) Ethinyl Estradiol: ( Moderate Monitor... Anywhere you go with Web access + our easy-to-use mobile app subscription log. 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