If you get the flu, and you are laying in bed unable to move and saying, Oh I feel so sick, Im in so much pain you are giving consent for that to happen. They discovered that through nano-biosensors which are very tiny antennas brought down into the nano scale, that they can manipulate and bend light into different wave lengths for creating holographic technology. Some nanobots have graphene oxide, which acts like fine razors, cutting the cells and tissue. . Nanoparticles are small enough to cross this barrier, which makes them a useful treatment for brain cancer. They slap the nanobots, disabling them. 2. Tiny little machines that could run around your body delivering drugs, checking up on arteries, and generally keeping people healthy. Nanobots are tiny computerized cells or molecules that are most often programmed to harm and control humanity. Most cancer drugs typically have nasty side effects because they cant distinguish between cancer cells and healthy ones. If they say they do not want to be healed, ask your Divine Self and God for help doing more clearing. In this artist's impression, a swarm of nanobots is read to be deployed to deliver drugs inside a human body with extreme precision. The ultimate goal, Diller says, is to create a suite of wirelessly powered surgical tools. Sometimes they have dark energy that needs to be cleared. Terpenes can bind to infected cells and cause lysis. 10. How can we inform ourselves carefully without getting overwhelmed with fear and trepidation? One of their main practices is telling you what they are going to do to you before doing it. You can get nanobots from going out to the movies, the gym, and shedding friends. Those who have recovered from C**v-d may also shed the spike protein nanobots. Nanotechnology May Be Used to Heal Wounds, Repair Organs. Researchers have long dreamed of developing tiny robots that could roam about inside our bodies, delivering drugs with unprecedented precision, and hunting down and destroying cancer cells. GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate) Ginger Shitake Mushrooms Human submission happens at the nanoscopic level on the biological landscape. micromotors loaded with antibiotics and powered by stomach acid, loaded sperm cells with anti-cancer drugs, hijacked bacteria that naturally swim along magnetic field lines, The next breakthrough in medicine could come from a neighborhood's sewage. One application of these medical nanorobots will be to extend our immune systems. Are you open to this kind of change? Nanobots have been ch**m tr**led and j**bbed since the 1960s. Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors: The New Normal? You simply are not doing enough research or seeking the truth. There are Divine Dimensions and Angelic beings who await your request for their help, and they also need your vibration to be raised high enough so they can cross the divide to reach you. If the nanobot isnt sufficiently disabled, it can re-form itself. Moreover, current nanoscale imaging platforms are . Science might attempt to do this through nanobots, but trusting an outside entity to program your body is risky. Many of these nanobots have designs inspired by nature, with soft bodies for swimming, crawling, or walking. In a Nanotech Evolution, unseen nanobot payloads are enlisted to change humanity from the inside out, unbeknownst to most people. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats. Last August, his lab demonstrated that micromotors loaded with antibiotics and powered by stomach acid could treat stomach infections in mice more effectively than taking the drug by itself. Eric Diller, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Toronto in Canada, is working on this last problem. Shikmic acid is not safe during pregnancy. 8. Teslas device can disintegrate most nanobots it can reach. On the outside, the researchers placed a small DNA molecule that binds with a protein found only in tumors. That means it helps bring otherwise bio-unavailable zinc into your cells, and the zinc then inhibits the viruses ability to replicate inside your cells. This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding: Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure) C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. 6. What can you do to protect yourself from such nanoparasites? Doctors have used nanotechnology to treat cancer for more than a decade. Abraxane is a nanoparticle made from the protein albumin attached to the chemo drug docetaxel. Five Seeds: Cumin, Coriander, Fennel, Flax, Rye ground up and used 1 tsp at a time with water will cleanse the digestive system and support overall health. I have done low carb and Paleo much of my life but just discovered the debilitation of nightshades. Level 1: Summary Level 2: Details Level 3: Source 6.4 What are the health implications of nanoparticles used as drug carriers? Evening Primrose Oil, This video explains with quite exhaustive research how nano ingredients have found their way into our food supply in the USA with virtually no human safety studies, with lax approval by the FDA. In 2019, he told Engadget: "The scenario that I have is that we will send medical nanorobots into our bloodstream. Will spermbots and bee venom change cancer care? Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as interstitial dialysis. The nanobot looked like a cube spiraling in forward motion, latching onto DNA, sometimes tremoring to dislodge the DNA components, to damage it. It can spot pieces of cancer cells or DNA that are too small for current tests to pick up. By 2030, nanobots are projected to advance towards amazing breakthroughs in healthcare. That is a default form of consent. 14. They killed 87 percent of the tumors cells within three days. The dark agenda created these perverted parasites, so its no surprise they could magically come up with the solution.. Tea Tree oil is a natural anti-septic, due to the terpenes it contains. The consist primarily of humic and fulvic molecules, which have room to carry other molecules with them. Jiachen Zhang and Eric Diller / University of Toronto, This basketball-playing robot is so good it could outshoot Stephen Curry, magnetically guided microbot in the eye of a rabbit. An accidentally released NASA document confirms that nanobots are delivered through ch*m trails. The below formations appeared from under the skin after being killed with DMSO, tea tree oil, and a violet ray. It also soothes inflammation and cleanses lungs, acts as an expectorant. The combination of the two does redden your skin and cause some irritation. I have personally seen 50-degree weather changes in a day several times this year. The dark agenda always seeks to get people to agree to be harmed (i.e., sign a spiritual contract). Graphene oxide nanoparticles (GONPs) have attracted a lot of attention due to their many applications. The drug carriers have walls that are just 5-10 atoms thick and the inner drug-filled cell is usually 50-100 nm wide. If your nanobot is incapable of evolving to stay ahead of the immune system, it will be detected and removed as quickly as any bacteria or viruses. Prions function like viruses. A new book makes the startling claim, Where are the aliens? A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines manufactured by leading global companies found that they are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles not declared on the ingredient list. If youre not sure, ask God to guide you in a way you can hear. By then, the cancer may have copied itself many times and spread to other parts of the body. Liquid chembusting homeopathic Please leave other detox notes in comments below. The company is initially targeting its robotic drug delivery system against glioma and Huntington's disease. 1. There are spiritual steps andphysical steps you can take to clear and protect yourself from nanobots. In 2021 Dr. Pablo Campra found numerous unknown microscopic forms in the various j**bs. Vitamin C, because it is acidic, will irritate any areas that are cut. Fibroymalgia is condition where nanobots infect the nerves, which is why it can respond to cannabis. Nanobots like these have been found on the swabs used to test for Covid-19. This article touches the tip of the iceberg on the many secret agendas going on that can harm humanity. Nanobot viruses are in regular circulation on earth. By allowing researchers to image individual atoms, they boosted the idea that nanotechnology was possible. Many protocols are available now. Oil of Oregano These nanobot viruses are largely artificial creations. Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate) While specific body parts were not mentioned, the brain didn't appear to be one of the areas the mRNA entered. Here is the direct link. Live pot leaf has the strongest benefits, smoked and dried pot is less effective. Some point to the field beginning with Nobel-laureate Richard Feynman, who gave a talk called "There's Plenty of room at the Bottom" to a group of physicists at the American Physical Society meeting at Caltech in 1959. But food-grade hydrogen peroxide is easy to administer, drops can be added to your drinking water. What can you do to protect yourself from such nanoparasites? 3-5,000,000,000,000 nanobots for early, squeamish subjects - minimal side-effects, nanobots can't do red blood cell work. Dandelion root contains humic substances, which are good at carrying out toxins and debris of denatured nanobots. The idea of tiny disease-fighting machines working inside the human body can be traced at least as far back as the 1966 release of the movie Fantastic Voyage, in which a submarine and its crew were shrunk down and injected into a scientists body to remove a dangerous blood clot. Ha Ha! ", National Cancer Institute: "Benefits of Nanotechnology for Cancer," Nanotechnology for Treating Cancer: Pitfalls and Bridges on the Path to Nanomedicines," "Nanotechnology in Cancer Research," "Treatment and Therapy.". Nanobots are so small they function at the same level as viruses and bacteria. Nanobots are the new soldiers that invade the human body through a Trojan Horse, of "protection . Some researchers predict that it will take around 10 years to surmount these challenges and to begin using nanobots for some types of surgery. In principle, nanobots could be used to continually monitor our bodies for disorders and other symptoms, constantly transmitting this information to a . It may take a few months. I dont doubt theres the possibility of serious side effects to the vaccines (some of which I experienced myself), but to say that its some sort of international plot for mind control is beyond any sort of rational thought. Identification of Possible Microtechnology and Artificial Patterns in Pfizer Vaccine with Optic Microscopy., Clearing Graphene Oxide with God, Hydrogen Peroxide & Humic Substances, Accumulation of Recombinant SARS-CoV Spike Protein in Plant Cytosol and Chloroplasts Indicate Potential for Development of Plant-Derived Oral Vaccines, Top Scientist Explains Why You Need Zinc To Combat Coronavirus, Therapeutic and Medicinal Uses of Terpenes, Ingestion of THC-rich cannabis oil in people with fibromyalgia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, Observations of Possible Microbiota in the C*V., Protect Yourself from Nanobots, Smart Dust, Morgellons, Ch*m Tr**ls, DMSO & Tea Tree Oil: Can Remove Skin Moles, Boils & Some Skin Conditions, 100 Reasons & Counting Why the C Virus is a F@lse Fl@g, Gregg Braden Follows Luciferian Helena Blavatsky Zero Point | CIA Guru, Humic & Fulvic Minerals Clear Lead, Mercury, Radiation, Margot Anand & Padma Aon Prakasha: Luciferians, Oxygen Therapy: Ozone & Hydrogen Peroxide Can Heal Heart Disease, Cancer, AIDS, Macular Degeneration, Candida, Oxygen Therapy: Studies Show Healing of Cancer, Heart Disease, AIDS, Arthritis, Paws Place Protocols: Reversing Cancer, Urinary & Kidney Issues, Diabetes & More in Pets, Protect Yourself from Nanobots, Smart Dust, Chemtrails, Space Clearing: Minimizing EMFs & Restoring Ley Lines, Tonic Water (Quinine) Many Health Benefits, Vitamin C Megadoses: Dr, Belfield Cured Pets of FeLV, FIV, Parvo, WordPress Code to Embed Non-Youtube Videos, 44 Reasons (and Counting) Why Corona Virus is a False Flag. Eventually, Diller says building in-the-body robots from scratch will give us much greater control over their functionality. Food choices: Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially water-heavy; moong dal and spinach; greens of every kind. Typically humic and fulvic molecules are administered via a dark-colored liquid extract. See also 2020 study. When the bots reached tumors, this molecule attached to the protein, triggering the DNA tube to unroll and release the drug. You simply choose not to see the truth or accept it because it disrupts your comfort zone and is too much for you to handle. The only way this would theoretically be prevented is for the nanobots to evolve their "capsid proteins" much like real life viruses do to escape detection by the immune system. One example is the blood-brain barrier, which prevents toxic substances from getting into the brain. This would allow for the delivery of micro dosages right where the patient needs them and could help prevent harmful side effects. The study discusses how CRISPR technology can be used to kill CV particles. By then, tiny nanobots will float through our bloodstream on a mission to prevent sickness. "We could do non-invasive, not just minimally invasive, procedures with no external cuts and without the complications that come from surgery.". This process, which wasn't invented yet, would eventually become the core application of nanoscience. Cilantro, parsley, mint will also help detox and support the immune system. 3. Learn more about the nano graphene oxide discoveries here: Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene OxideAlso Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19, Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes (Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers, DETOX AND CLEANSE FROM ALUMINIUM IN VACCINES TO IMPROVE NEURO HEALTH, JULY 6, 2021, The Dimming, A Documentary Film Trailer (Geoengineering Watch Dane Wigington ), how can i remove nanobots,smartdust that i have in my body Nanotechnology diagnoses and treats disease at this very tiny level. If human trials go forward, these tiny robots could be revolutionary in treating cancer and other cell research. The Pfizer nano-machinery appears to be based upon the graphene oxide molecule, which has been found in v**cc**nes. Nanobots feed on free sugars, and may make you crave refined sugars. Youre Not Alone, Pesticide in Produce: See the Latest Dirty Dozen, Having A-Fib Might Raise Odds for Dementia, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. Lisa Renee of EnergeticSynthesis describes more about how nanotechnologies can work: Experiments are conducted in these high security bio-labs for assorted scientific testing in connection with merging biological forms with different types of genetics with nanotechnologies, such as self-sensing materials like carbon nano tubes that can conduct electricity and be programmed remotely from quantum supercomputers. They either propel themselves using fuels found in the body such as stomach acid or water or are dragged or pushed around by magnetic fields or ultrasound waves. Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. In this study, You can get them from eating GMO lettuce or food prepared by someone who is j**bbed. Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)* Pfizer was concerned about shedding during their own C**v**d trials. This is because clearing nanobots requires higher levels than just the physical to heal you. But that type of equipment costs millions, when hydrogen peroxide is a pittance in comparison. ", Journal of Nanomaterials: "What Is the Role of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer? The good news is, now that graphene oxide has been identified as a contaminant, there are ways to remove graphene oxide from our bodies and restore your health. Madej said the COVID-19 vaccines contain "RNA-modifying transhumanism nanotechnology." There is no evidence that the three vaccines used in the U.S. contain any such thing. Small and soft, these sensors are designed to track body chemistry for months to years . And tiny wireless surgical tools could let doctors perform medical procedures without cutting people open. For comparison, one nanometer is about 10 times the size of a single atom and 10 times smaller than the width of your DNA. Doxil treats ovarian cancers, multiple myeloma, and Kaposi's sarcoma. DMSO & Tea Tree Oil: Can Remove Skin Moles, Boils &, Clearing Graphene Oxide with God, Hydrogen Peroxide, Spiritual Contracts Common Among Systembusters, Guided Meditations | Clear your Spiritual Contracts, Dr. Pablo Campra on Graphene, Weird Morgellons-Like Elements & Possible Microbiota in Covid Vaccines, Nanobots Can Cause Cancer, ALS, Alzheimers, Mad Cow Disease (Prion Diseases) & More, Nanomachinery: IP Addresses from the Jabbed, Nanobots from Viruses, Big Pharma Drugs, & PPE, CLEARING & PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM NANOBOTS, Refuse Consent & Clear your Spiritual Contracts, Ask God or Jesus for Healing from Nanobots, Specifically Ask your Divine Source for the Removal Tools, Oxygen Therapy: Ozone & Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Shikimic Acid for Spike Protein Damage (Vascular Damage such as Blood Clots), Observations of Possible Microbiota in Covid mRNA Vaccines, Covid-19 vaccine and the risk of Mad Cow Disease. It is a burgeoning field melding engineering and science. And indeed, women are reporting health problems after being exposed to v*c**na*ted people: Blood clots, infertility, menstrual problems, miscarriages, bleeding, needing blood transfusions. Chapter 5 Global Nanobots Market Analysis, By Application . Nanobots could increase human connectivity beyond simple medicine. 2. Quinine is also ans a zinc ionophore. Effects I have encountered are: 1. There is also a physical antidote for every nanobot created, but not everyone has access to it, it may come with side effects, and it may require continual use, such as ivermectin. This includes reversing or improving conditions such as: Cancer, heart disease, AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, C**v**d, many other viruses, diabetic ulcers, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, macular degeneration, arthritis, MS, low back issues, pregnancy issues, and many more. Shikimic acid is a plant phytochemical that can help reduce platelet aggregation, helping stop blood clots. SCIEPRO / Getty Images/Science Photo Library. Together they can be used to kill what appear to be skin moles or capillary spots caused by nanobots. Nanobots could employ something called a piezoelectric membrane, which is capable of collecting ultrasonic waves and transforming them into electrical power. *Indicates products found in one place here:http://bit.ly/SpikeProtein, Simone M. Matthews/Universal Life Tools Detox Advice, Harmonic Chai Tea BioResonance with COVID Spike Proteins Home Recipe, Dr. Ariyana Love | Pine Needle Tea as Possible Antidote for Spike Proteins, PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike ProteinTransmission, My Recommendations From Experience | Please research all herbal remedies further online, Choose what you are drawn to. Watch his demonstrating how to make a nano-bucket, a bucket wrapped in wire in order to create an electromagnetic field to get the nano-bits out of the body, while he discusses the realities of current-day pollution. This form of removal is essential for your freedom. However, graphene can be removed from your body naturally. The dark agenda has sought to make its nanobots ubiquitous. Magnetic fields can be used to catalyze electrical currents within a closed conducting loop contained onboard the nanobot. My psych nurse said it could be my medication. 44K views 3 years ago We have been literally inhaling,eating,drinking nano tech and nanobots inside our body, because nano tech and nanobots are present everywhere, some of you maybe. Ive always believed we will be healthiest when we live close to Nature in an unsullied environment. It may function by disabling nanobots or microorganisms. They can contain mRNA that invades natural DNA. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Feynman, who is often referred to as the father of nanotechnology, described a theoretical process in his talk that would allow researchers to be able to manipulate singular atoms or singular molecules. 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