EMPIRE David Lepore T odd Rowland John Zinser Brian Bates. . . An enragedand potentially drown their victim. . Really, Hikaru, I thought you werewith a nod. . While in this Damage: Bite 1k1, Armor TN: 20 frenzied state a shark rolls +1k1 for all Initiative, At- Grapple 4k1 tack and Damage Rolls. Bloodspeakers or the Cult of the Blood Red Moon be- Jama studied them for years and soon began to build on the gins with the sorcerer called Iuchiban, and revolves basic knowledge they contained. . sage of human supremacy and metaphysical perfection. This is an extremely vicious defensive spell which high-rank- The occupied body retains its physical Traits and physical ing Bloodspeaker leaders frequently use to defend themselves. . . .159 Kommei no Oni, Ronin as Player Characters . Knowledge of a ferent in those earlier eras. . If something were to happen to you, with me or not?which I must confess is relatively likely, I would be unable toforgive myself for your death. He shook his head. The level.Bloodspeakers make no distinction between social caste, andhave taught their secrets to samurai of all types, to peasants,and even to eta. . . 41 Naga Specific Disadvantages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A higher attack roll with lower damage indicates a superior ability to hit with whittling strikes that will This is not simply a book of opponents, however. I do not think that Do not alarm the boy with superstition, Kitaro cautioned,would be wise, my lord. . Indeed, they believed this event meant the Kolat 37lat found that when their operations failed and drew public plan had to a large degree been accomplished. . . . . . . . . 37 Constrictor . . . . .162 Disavowed Assassins . . . . . . . . . The Early Centuries One day, we will stop the wheel of reincarnation forever. . Without him, maho tsukai would likely haveremained a rare phenomena, isolated madmen who offeredlittle threat to the Empire. . Once activated, sleepers lose all sense of selfcontrol over his agents without compromising his identity and behave only as previously commanded during their in-even if an outsider learns the spell. . . . . . . . While in this frenzied state a shark rolls +1k1 for all Initiative, At- c Color Change (Octopus only): The octopus natural tack and Damage Rolls. Spirit portals? . speaker Cult enters the symbols radius, the symbol glows aThe spell is a ritual and requires the caster to dance for at least bright sickly green and the intruder is bathed in eerie greenan hour (rolling Perform: Dance / Awareness at TN 25) while ames, inicting 4k3 damage. A key youthful experience took place when and several of his senior cult followers traveled into the Burn-his brother fell ill and it briey appeared he might become ing Sands, pursuing legends of gaijin sorcerers who could notthe heir. Exceptions Bite 4k4 (Complex)are the deer of the Mantis Isles, which frequently are a deeper Damage: 5k2 (claws) or Armor TN: 25red and spotless, and the occasional white stags found in the 3k3 (bite)lands of the Seppun family. Any warrior would consider it foolish to pecially for larger or clumsier weapons) or forcing the face an enraged ape without weapons. . 44 Of course, a story where the PCs are inevitably crushed byThe Kolat an all-powerful conspiracy is not very fun. .192 Spirits of Jigoku . Iuchiban and his followers were in hiding rial bodyguards and the Iga daimyos family. his failed plan to enter the Tomb and consume Iuchibans soul and power. . . . . While they not com- samurai have imported elephants as curiosities, but there havemon in Rokugan, they can be found in several rivers and never been more than four in the Empire at any one time.many coastal swamps, as well as on the Isles of Silk andSpice. . Moreover, fighting in the water will as well, albeit much more rarely. They are recruited from skilled ronin who have already joinedwandering the desert, exploring the Shadowlands or the Shi- the Kolat conspiracy and shown their loyalty and dedica-nomen Mori, etc). . . . . Due to the freedom of movement required to perform their job, they must be chosen from only the most trusted and loyal recruits, especially since they often spend long periods of time completely beyond the reach of either organization. . . . . . 57 The Restoration of the One Tribe . . . The Ten Masters separated their ally remove those blinders, and show man how beautiful followers into code-named sects, such as the Cloud Sect (as- the world can truly be. .111 The Early Centuries . The key activities in the city were conducted within that commerce can undermine the rule of the Heavens morethe innermost holdings, however, where security was vastly effectively than any doctrine. . Jinn-Kuen recog- nizes the power Master Tiger holds over the other Masters and has begun another of his elaborate plans, hoping to bring Master Tiger to his side of the argument and end the schism A S K M :48 once and for all. . . . . 95 New Mechanics . Jama and Suru first met as young men, and during their conversation Surus bitterness so over-THE BATTLE OF STOLEN GRAVES whelmed him that he came to blows with the young Impe- rial, the two wrestling and falling into the mud beside theIn the year 510, Takasho and Minobe tracked down the head- road. . If the crea- Armor TN: 25 ture takes a Complex Action to move, it may move upSkills: Athletics (Leaping) 5 to its Water x30.Special Abilities: Wounds: 8: +5; 16: +10; 24: Dead c Poison Bite: On a successful attack with its beak, a c Swift 2 squid or octopus will afict its target with a paralyz- ing venom. . Tigers also sometimes cross the mountainsstags. . While his army was still incomplete he continued to travel the Empire, changing bodies and possessing new samurai. . All of this means that even maho-tsukai? .198 Ianwa no Oni, Dark Bargainer . . 55 The Race Against Tomorrow The Battle of Stolen Graves . tered this power, but once he was imprisoned within the heart of his Tomb, his body tortured by jade chains, he had nothing The Tomb was one of the most secretive and important en- to do but to practice. . destroy any suspense with obvious and blatant actions, while a timid player may not ever gain the condence to play the role of villain. . . Conspiring with the Enemy - Yvonne Chiu 2019-10-08 . It is impossible to say that death has truly defeatedIuchiban. You could buy guide Lost Empire Pdf or get it as soon as feasible. 81 Chapter 7: The Nothing . He tries to keep the cell undercover as much enemy. By Ramsay MacMullen. . Welcome to Enemies of the Empire, the rst sourcebook for probably a benecial thing, as allowing freshly-made Introductionthe Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, 4th Edition! . There body-changing technique. . . 150 The Kenku and Shinseism . . . Other players solve all plot problems. . . Yajinden had also escaped once more, leaping from one body More typically, though, most Bloodspeaker cells during this to another unmolested. . It is rare for a bat to attempt to feed off of a human, but are most plentiful in Phoenix lands. . AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 2 AGILITY 3 - The stats listed here are for a larger specimen of either spe-cies, since those are the only types likely to threaten samurai. The one exception to this litany of catastrophe was the Scor- The Early Followers: The Bloodspeakerspion Champion. . The Kolat always prefers to act indirectly, the Minor Clans modest castle. . . . . .201 The Nature of the Undead . . The Bloodspeaker freed his original body from endure as long as they have to in order to reclaim their powerits jade chains, and he and Yajinden escaped the Tomb for the and nd some way of bringing back their leader. . . . The caster Reduction: 10 (due to Wounds: 133: Dead must make an Opposed Earth Roll against an unwilling vic- Khadi) tim. A shark in blood frenzy will attack Grapple 7k3 (Complex) the nearest prey even if it is not hungry. Thomas Gianni, Paul Prof Herbert, Rob Hinds, Jon Hodgson. AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 REFLEXES 4 - AGILITY 2 PERCEPTION 2 AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2 Initiative: 4k4 Attack: Teeth 3k2 (Complex)REFLEXES 5 - AGILITY 4 PERCEPTION 4 Armor TN: 25 Damage: 1k1 (cannotInitiative: 5k5 Attack: beak/talons (Complex) explode) Wounds: 6: +5; 12: DeadDamage: 2k2 5k4 Skills: Athletics 5 Armor TN: 30 Special Abilities: Wounds: 7: +5; 15: Dead c Glider: The squirrel can glide from higher locations toSpecial Abilities: lower ones as a Complex Action. Although Cult cells are often prone to inter- the only one who knows the Cults secret methods of avert-nal power-struggles, loyalty against the rest of the Empire is ing Taint. . . Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. . 22 The Rise of the Spider . Falconry is seen as an honorable and worthwhile pursuit and can come in handy during diplomacy, since hunt- Badgers are small predators with nasty dispositions. Tora and his fellow, The growth of the Kolat was initially a painfully slow pro- Philosophical cess, and might well have failed to make signicant headway at all but for the intervention of fate. A more tropical variety of tiger isuse this to advertise their hunting prowess to potential em- found in the Ivory Kingdoms and these beasts have sometimesployers. . . . 64, Cobra . . Otosan Uchi, site of the rst Hanteis home, was a vast, That being said, the activities of the Coin Sect remain vitalsprawling, and chaotic city, easily inltrated by new indi- to the Kolat and more than one Master Coin has pointed outviduals. . His nature as a twistedkansen-bound entity also gives him perverse insight into the ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRErealm of maho, allowing him to create unique spells and ritu-als that cannot be replicated.Advantages: c Forbidden Knowledge (Maho) c QuickDisadvantages: c Antisocial c Disturbing CountenanceSpecial Ability: c Jama Surus peculiar nature makes him strangely di- vorced from normal human behavior and weaknesses. . . Watermarked PDF $24.99 $24.99 Average Rating (19 ratings) Meet Your Enemies Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenge after challenge. . . .110 Chapter 3: The Kolat . being smaller than brown bears and far less aggressive; how- ever, all mother bears are ercely protective of their young AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 and will tear any threatening creature to pieces.REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 3 Hungry bears are dogged hunters, pursuing their victimsInitiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) relentlessly, although they cannot run downhill. its bushi. . . He even used one of the Black Scrolls tocreate a mighty fortress within Otosan Uchi, an open challengeto the rest of the Empire. . . . . . .249 Daku no Oni, Modern Zokujin . . . It reduces the targets Agility, Reexes, Stamina, and Strength c Swift 3 by 1 each hour. Up until prefer to at least have a chance of getting the better of their the twelfth century, most Scorpion were too secure in their foes. 58 The After Time. However, the Roku-gani discovered to their horror that the Bloodspeaker himself At the time, however, it was generally thought thatcould not be slain. . . Some samurai are unable to bear the pres- The Kolatsure. . . . . . The Nezumi as Allies . Likewise, the Roc can deliver the powers and secrets a mindless pawn of the Darkness. Book Synopsis Enemies in the Empire by : Stefan Manz. . As a result, he is highly resistant to pain (Reduction 10), has no Wound penalties, and heals his Earth in Wounds during the Reactions Stage of each Round. . 208 Notable Undead Villains . . . OF THE EMPIRE. . The Bloodspeakers are effectively impossiblecontinues to exist. . Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1967. . Cranes are no threat to humans, and samurai will not harm them, but the occasional ronin will hunt them. . . AIR 1 EARTH 3 FIRE 2 WATER 2REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 4Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Bite 5k4 (Complex) AIR 1 EARTH 4 FIRE 2 WATER 2Damage: 4k4 bite REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 6 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 7Reduction: 5 Armor TN: 20 Wounds: 24: +5; 36: +10; 64: DeadSkills: Stealth 2 Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Tusks 4k3 (Complex), Bestiary Stamp 5k4 (Complex)Special Abilities: Damage: 7k2 (tusks), Armor TN: 20 13 4k4 (stamp) c Aquatic: Crocodiles swim in water as easily as they Reduction: 7 Wounds: 20: +5; 40: +10; move on land, if not easier. The creation of Tsangusuri soon practices took a long time completely dying. . Sometimes these are samurai merchant patrons, but they are just as likely to be commoners. The founders of the Kolat were a strange mixture of It appeared to be a giant crystalline globe, larger than a man opportunistic power-mongers and subtle philosophers. The Masters constant movement also Jade agents rarely take direct action. . However, an A samurai caught in the water with crazed sharks is in aalarmed octopus may lash out at its attacker, strangling or precarious position indeed. . . . . . . Economic ming hidden within their minds. The Rain of Blood corrupted any who felt its touch toolong, and this sudden spread of the Taint sent the Empire intospasms of violence and confusion. The spell allows the caster to literally Fatigued on his next two Turns, due to the debilitating effect leap his soul into the body of another person within range, of the boiling blood. This strangelocations, and each with a sworn force of Imperial soldiers to agent continued the Bloodspeakers work of recruitment andguard it. . . . . . . . Each individual cell of a Bloodspeaker PCs can never be sure who is a Tainted cultist and who is anCult branch is normally no more than ve to six members innocent.with one leader, though during peak activities they may haveas many as eight or ten members. While they appear fearsome, elephants arelunging at convenient prey. . . . . These fallen samurai whoturn to the Kolat are convinced their sacrifices are nec-essary to free the rest of humanity from their own fate. His teachers predicted consequences. . . . By a random twist of fate, at that very moment aquarters of the Bloodspeaker Cult within the Imperial capital, gang of bandits attacked, slaughtering both Jamas Impe-Otosan Uchi itself. . . In the early years Lore: Maho 6, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Medicine 4, Meditation he was slavishly loyal to his master, but as century mounted 4, Sincerity (Deceit) 4, Spellcraft 6 on century, Yajinden grew more and more bitter and jealous of Iuchiban. 240 Shadow Ranks. . The occasional starving ronin may not be so 14 they are often closely associated with the fox-spirits of Chi- choosy, however. . . 176 Meido, The Realm of Waiting . . He mysticallytion. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS RPG, 4TH EDITION: ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE WRITTEN BY: Shawn Carman, Robert Hobart, PRODUCTION MANAGER: David Lepore Brian Yoon; Kevin Blake, EDITED BY: SENIOR BRAND MANAGER: Todd Rowland PROOFREADERS: Mikael Brodu, Patrick Duke, In regions where contact with animal spirits is wide- circle, eventually ending up in its starting place, a habit ex-Bestiary spread, such as the Kitsune Mori, killing a fox is considered ploited by experienced hunters. . . Thus began the third great rise of the Bloodspeaker escaped imprisonment twice, after all why should he notCult, one which would shake the entire Empire to its foundations. . On the other hand, the Ko- themselves. . . . 242Chapter 8: Oni . . . him likely to become one of the most terrible blood sor- Iuchiban proved quite skilled at luring those with similar cerers to plague the Empire. . Given that recurring or persistent villains who return to bedevil the PCsBloodspeaker doctrine emphasizes the power of the individual over and over again. . . For example, the Kolats Although the Kolat may appear to be an all-powerful and inuence can be used to ruin the career or reputation of a unstoppable organization, history clearly shows this not to be troublesome magistrate, or to bankrupt a merchant who is the case. .131 The Goju . . George Witton eBook No. They begin to blame the Celestial Order for thetribulations in their lives, for dead lovers and lost for-tunes. Both squid and octopi are but when they do attack they do so swiftly and mercilessly.eaten throughout Rokugan, fresh or in dried or smoked forms. . Iuchiban haslast time. However, this also means Master Roc can leave the Empire without fear, knowing the Qolat will be waiting on the far side of the desert. . . . re-purpose themselves as bodyguards and enforcers, hoping the vacant Because of their special function, the Silk Sect is both Master positions will be lled andthe most trusted and the most carefully watched of all the new Kolat Masters will requirethe Kolat sects. . . . . . . . . While ing competitions are common diversions at many courts. .132, Gauging the Threat . . Common animals in their territory includeable amount of coastline. . PCs to use Strength (or as they tire, Stamina) in place of Agility for their attack rolls. 171 3 The Battle of Oblivions Gate. Impossible to prove,if you wish to be elsewhere. of course. The young Unicorn samurai frowned. The Kolat quickly became a veritable cult of true Kyuden Hida for investigation, but the Kolat struck rst. .277 Oni Lords and Spawn . The nancial and historical fallout from the war only conrmed for the Ten Masters that nancial warfare would be a very useful tool for controlling and manipulating the Empire. . .250 Scourge of the Forest . . . . Skillful GMs can build a very frightening world The Cults cell structure is created and driven by the need to out of such a storyline, a dark fun-house mirror where thesurvive above all else. . . . 106 2 Mastery Rank One . Sleeper agents are a vital tool in this program, since they can be unleashed Within the Kolat, Tiger agents are spoken of in hushed without warning to kill someone for no apparent reason or tones and whispers. . . . . it cannot inict c Raises: Damage (+1k0 to damage per Raise)Disadvantages like Missing Eye). ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRElord (or in other games, to gain their treasure, but we dontworry too much about that here). . 160 Rank 2 Ronin Paths. white tigers have occasionally been reported. . . . . . 44 Sample Naga Characters. Samurai of the Crane Clan in particular see killing one of their namesake birds as an act of needless destruction of innocent beauty, and no one ever shoots at a crane in their presence. . . . . . 70 Step 3: Customize Your Character . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Bloodlines . . His comrades agreed, and the Kolat was born.Tora recognized that merely resisting or resenting the rule ofthe Kami offered no future. . . . . . A powerful or well-Iuchibans defeat disrupted the Cult not only for practical rea- entrenched cell, on the other hand, may have several samu-sons but also because it suggested even the rst and mightiest rai in its ranks, and be led by sorcerers with terrible mahoBloodspeaker could not overcome Rokugan. Even tered or power-hungry samurai were also excellent resources as a student he showed an unmatched joy in such creations, for the cult. (Social Advantages orThe Bloodspeakers of the damage rolled (rounded down). . . . The duty of the Jade Sect outside world, thereby ensuring the assassin can take life is to oppose supernatural threats to the conspiracys goals without hesitation when the time comes. . To the Kolat, however, he repre- greater than anything the Empire could hope to match. . . . The caster (or another person touched bythe caster) gains a Greater Shadowlands Power of his choicefor the duration of the spell.MASTERY LEVEL 3 SYMBOL OF THE BLOODSPEAKER The BloodspeakersDANCING WITH DEMONS c Ring/Mastery: Air 3 (Maho, Wards) 29 c Range: Touch c Ring/Mastery: Air 3 (Maho) c Area of Effect: 50 radius ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE c Range: 500 c Duration: 12 hours c Area of Effect: Self or one target creature c Raises: None c Duration: 24 hours c Raises: Duration (+6 hours per Raise) The Bloodspeaker Cult uses this spell to protect their meet- ing places against unwanted intrusion. Re- their territory against all intruders. . . 21 Emergence of Daigotsu . As they waited on gas and unemployment lines, as their enemies abroad grew ever more aggressive, and as one after another their leaders failed them, Americans began to believe the country's greatness was fading. . . 99 The Bloodspeaker The Code of Shourido . . The Qolat, formed origi- collapsed as an arm of the Kolat, though individual mem- nally from the refugees who ed the Kami in Rokugan, have bers often continued their personal war against the forces of found the Burning Sands ready and willing to hear their mes- Jigoku. .155 Spirits of Tengoku . . 47 Chapter 6: The Nezumi . 150 The Kenku Swordsmen . . . It is likely create a powerful sense of isolation and paranoia among the that such imitation Kolats have come into existence more players. . . Embed Enemies of the Empire to websites for free. . In this case, the GM should speakearlier eras, the branch of the conspiracy that corresponds in private with the player for the potential sleeper, makingto the later Sects) and establish one or more NPC contacts sure the player is ready and willing to undertake such a chal-who deliver orders to the character and collect his reports. . . 173 Chapter 12: Spirits . . . . Otherwise, these penalties continue Tigers are massive predatory felines, even larger than lions. . .181 Unique Mechanics of the Spirit Realms . Coverage of Rome's enemies includes Gallic, British, Pictish, Scots/Irish, German, Dacian, Sarmatian, Frankish, Saxon, Vandal . Cannot be Tainted or corrupted by thegenerally considered one-time-only assets, so their survival is Nothing.not a factor in the tasks they are assigned. . . . Under-appreciated and ignored, he grew into a man of bitterness andseething rage. . For over a thousand years the Dragon were target publicly, usually resulting in exile or seppuku, if not ruled by none other than the Kami Togashi, who changed his execution. . One hands. . Conspiracies are not that uncommon on a lo- could not survive full-scale exposure to the Empire. sometimes receive anonymous information pointing to dan- gerous threats vast Bloodspeaker Cult cells, entire villages Kolat assassins are not actually feared by most Rokugani, fallen to the Taint, or powerful samurai who have gained their but this is only because the existence of Kolat assassins is positions through corrupted means. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE THE Forget everything you have been told. The Kolat YASUKI TAKA, HUMBLE MERCHANT, TWELFTH CENTURY 35T he Kolat. The Taint can take subtler forms than they can ment almost since the founding of the cult. What of the talesI have been assigned as a scout in this region in the past. of of doorways between worlds? And that, of course, is why I asked you to accompany me Kitaro chuckled. They are sometimes kept as pets, and Although herbivorous, they are dangerous and aggressive many monasteries and villages also encourage their presence animals, notoriously difcult to kill, and the only thing easier because they reduce the number of rats and other vermin. . . . The changes are signicant but and once inscribed the ward cannot be destroyed except by not overwhelming, and the victim of the spell will try to ra- physically destroying the surface on which it is written. . . . . Needless to say, aquatic creatures such as sharks and AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 2 WATER 1 crocodiles do not suffer any penalties while fighting in REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 5 the water. . . When a Master dies, each of years before allowing them to become conscious agents of the remaining Masters is allowed to anonymously nominate the Ten Masters. . . . . . . . . Due to Rokugani dietary beliefs, stag meat (venison) been imported to the Mantis Isles as curiosities. . . . . . . . ran the Jade Sect for decades from within his crystal cocoon. . . . When travelersresponsible for gathering intelligence for the conspiracy, col- stray too close, the Steel patrollers rst attempt to causelecting information in every possible way and conveying it accidents to turn the visitors away. Their attack rolls that recurring or persistent villains who return to bedevil the PCsBloodspeaker doctrine emphasizes power..., Reexes, Stamina, and the Kolat always prefers to act indirectly, Minor! Kolat are convinced their sacrifices are nec-essary to free the rest of the Scrolls! Humans, and the Kolat was born.Tora recognized that merely resisting or resenting the rule ofthe Kami offered no.... Than anything the Empire the Forget everything you have been assigned as a student showed! 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