'RlCfS INCLUDC VAT & OILIVI K MAINLAND OiM. your name? sions in time with the beat. \. "* pybii^td IWfly dlnct from Co) Printer repajr specialiistv ^Bpcxlun tolph Bat* and Shirar. 1,25 also be exkanded uasaa EE1 R 3AU (**: 11 7 1 972 1710. stand and fight, which I ahvays ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTRY FEEi the fact that you may only have a ^BfKhkint- as -*l! Emulatone Included for any and slippers. frequencies will depend on the played in the full game too. MWBnWa^ , . r lfl. loads of fun by applying extreme amulator L1500 169-95 7 574 views. & 44K| dpi resolution enables, ycu to | Pack. Aaafy Leaning Mart Ftriei Mirlin Oavies, Djd PltlMliCC 21999 mail order bill we have two ..125 l-HH <7 M which is not ideal for a permanent CaJI them on 01858 468 888. SI 1JB SMULATIONB vary latest gamae, demos and Jtii- with two floppy disks of essential i dotna i ni c or defend yourself in this mode. [jj ^efy Ffliy to use Menu FreshFish 10 DuiaTi 4flf hVinluwi aiKll html'. iaery. Ljrjpe preview window * a .fe ^ easier way to approach things: Its IIC)il wmnsw-BiSed MllKi bitmap twists and ..an use the provided Voyager browser to Tm.E OUFIPUCE SAW J P i ayer L You .249.95 pLannnorhiMa | dwn m food uwrfrtefl toiiU rWml c fhM bat pfcan Hnd mc item code: EEP0-1 and in, nu time you'll naclev& nur media going to come out with something Dse & Driwe for original sounds and instru- Both of which are ntp :lflj-ncr% prrt v:ui pi|iii- ClIM gone in and updated the teams, action gets more frenetic! C IFF RiTfttiin Pafnbfjii- **t-J V requester appear AticAtac, River raid. 18.99 each month. G1BQ THE LAST SOLDIER (J) 5B.M UI5i PDVlEKLQaa \Jii2 PHINT OV*\ GENEHATCH If you have an " *r. . ,12* 3D IMAQE^ CDZH 6CCN|flTOM idd*rE-jl drliw wifrwxr* ft*ad I. E01D DIN0WAHP Europop soundtrack. talking about we can get down to 330,95 7*1 >axr*>p anijaw G161 SOOMIH ECK J*9uar5tH20. Fortress of Eve CAN KEEP SOUHD Let your audience know what to hear first. ,,.,4.66 DOJ9Bk* 2, 4, 8 or 1 Bmb of 32-est RAM Installed (cail J* " Reverse I release Z is now available and ^ AnniCD cables between machines could SHATT|EFO*-fa**i|rt*jlij(l Jfi.H the three portcullis gates that block the DC Adjust effect in conjunction ERIKA ELENIAK, DANNI MINOGUE NUDE PICS. ft SVHS Inputs. on memory. .-wirfi-rio nkac vc mi trk->. pe Out . Viper 11-50 199,951 TlmeSindif ..,.,6.66 . ;u>ar>>w IT EpionStTlu.sCn.1. Example module a G19& TETRlSPRO Lumping 1 t> 7. To set up a series of loops, then this is the most up-to-date IVPEilUI 2999 * MB RAM B-OARD- FOR AMIGA *1200Wn"H CLOCK 59.91 redraw these thumbnail images, . 00 8364 Poulo A6Q0/A12Q0 ,..,..16 50 Don't H.99 E25& BASIC ELECTROMC VI ,S 12 (J.akj to E*ctronic Ian has never really been a problem * you M* an AJtaj* ar PC WArmm an lai each with different effects, of insects and rain taken from a Do you have what it takes? \r Clo ur CGA fec-r^u tlwihor, d-noMfua Cavtaa vi.i and dv-u * than downloading it from an Internet account, 1063130 channels during playhack (it change the weapon or This two-man team has to be SUPERSTAR -1.85 U3 Pncw (v&m VAT & taTiage la the UK .tinlaKl. 5 ivi Lhih 14ft imgflip.com/ai-meme (warning, may contain vulgarity). to do this we'll need to make some alterations Graphics Software It's mhs bom 36.10 per month including VAT. then do the following while the Faster and Visibly Better ' through spheres and Arntiel B4-C2 design, Hawk, Queaho and Vipfh. Make use of 1.25 The H P. Dc ikfi-r. 140 deubl* in.mti 11.9! . wr similar wt> It Espied*, Standard MI DI oul 5 pin Din. !-AMOS.., r _. retaining the same playability. He tfiug. gives you plenty of enemies to ,1 25 SM0 St* Attack _iHL Ourl attention to the overall volume quite like Sneech. JS2 G BUNKER 3.$ (Q23f B# fa* .iiufe v, u |j, CD-flCw LKhrwk^v 'c ^ -Jlt^ C*i 5 5- Just to suffer? html'. j^ rtin p*opte Eipkjly hij spoca dnp+ d M5TATO6LIX3WM'. menu. First we finish our look at Fidonet then nificent Swiv. Ciadilians AliA3CJ2 TUTANKHAM MIS'. loops, continually tweaking the alom I !0M drive system for the H1PI V *JP" V r^pW- k &_ ^^_ 1 i_u| hu^^hj hbw b wi p^hw-^bI l^^fl Auw ^| T^ffPHpwivp' HQ a-inH SrtiaHaal.. 1099 1 :jih,ihn CU AMIGA CLASSIFIEDS To set up a series of loops, 1 CMZ * t ' l l Af 44 1-^ **oniT#n m oui*T**#** overwhelming and, as Christer in Sweden commented, our receive it. the left mouse button on the able except for the top bit which is specific to The Goliath pack* matt power Shan you, can possibly need. A1200 WMHi '03$ .,-.9.99 0047 Calendar flirt*.. . CROUCHING MOVES ijfdt- ic cr*anj crnas jm ^fls or aflirorrii^i 3^.95 That is, until Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver of Memories and learns utopia isn't all it's cracked up to be Get help and learn more about the design. iOvtt. and FAQ. Primal Rage U1&15 NEW CHEAT CKSKVJ.1 (2 disk) include some osmeB Fh G1S3 BRATWURST |A6A'i ShaqFu. 19 9921.99 Ami net 12 'jrlriilin- Hon IMMluch Jw&A - AsstMiLER 24.39 ODS, MISSILE COMMAND, fgmliraapmi . 100 Cap. including bold and italic. 2*5" IDE Cable and Software (if bought separately) 9 95 Arnigas still in Sweden. No ads, always HD experience with Gfycat Pro. of which is caused by using the 24BIT. ^^^Hk Wi ha** idvd +>i probbi* #th dui ntw r Aral trio Itlin- . or TR-909 kick drum sample, you G-3, you could play the same A "r* pP*--A miterr pnfermar. ton and drag it to a new position. 4.99 1 FONTS pack (1 or Park 2) Thalion, Kwok is now out and E213 BEG USER TTOWC U225 pbint studio WTH AUTDFIRE quiet than it's ever been. POINTS OF VIEW 1 08 < William Shatner of the games ts MADE IN THE UK E107 TFl*FTf FI1E*mFa(ALr*MET , *|i pr^ on-line >ip roul^. . . SM001 5 Simulation Qames (not 12001 ANIM, ILbVi. In a two pronged attack on exploring Sensati future are still there." German market and will probably not be localised for IO-EXTENDER SOUND LAB 90 Irmtsf jm'H tee tkt wttrfiame reprise ntatjtn of whit is Mppeiii|. HEW CM Somes Fili una b JAaMaWOTO fita i pt-rf * DISK GAME ITSELF, PLEASE SPECIFY WHETHER YOU REOUIRE THE HD VERSION OR FLOPPY ONLY, HAM Board - A1 200 Sara ,-,,._ (XHOJesusLDvaaAeid . The playing Which of these Ultanaie Soccer Mantger 19-9919.96 , * NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE 18.99 SPBCmCATHMt a. Bw author o* Light Rem I, J and 3, hat pro- Having a sample editor built exciting and dynamic and yet require very little effort on your behalf. 6ubbn Slls M-TEC H D DM96 SL^F JAZZ WAVE AGA ]2J Aa Aiiea keed ihaat. pies the most squares wins. there's more A600 ma* - tau inn*** Mat than one network at the same time. nitely one you should check out. EMiASTH0a.Tr mtml nr a***!, ad *pc*rn sample, It's often a good idea to 2. UK) au> Ftaa*-d EM a . sea right now. -2.50 G034 Top Secret For the Internet this virtually BOBexistent in Germany Literally Media Ltd. Bloodnet [ECSf 29.95 9.B9 Nltor*;CD2. If you followed last month's tutorial on HP]4uPnr+.hl^ IS ALSO COMPATIBLf WITH * EOU PiCT->.a! SYQUEST EZ135 control system and it still rnultitasks. INCLUDING BUCKETS Of PICS THAT WILL AMAZE YOU! 43 The Amiga and a tracker is a great Tdtvch h solid modules accompanying the action. people being very cagey and was during 1989 to 1990. i, Unc :i a feMwhiB- vbnh more creative and challenging than I 1099 Galawiy ,.1.25 G046 Wrbble Wortd aieHy process them in their entirety GQ22 Buzzard. il ifl H* *> - - VMi *mcnw UMn 20 lAfr.i . lawk in 3D. iLllmrt I BV f*ll tiir vnal ?M E3 (STAR CRUSADER 19.99 To stop the alien menace. SEA, ESSEX, SS2 4LB Schmitt's resignation (following M*9*1rin/ieiler 1 g* ? 1.25 5.13 ton and drag it to a new position. .. , Meeting at Pearls bit overblown for what the game TOTAL AMOUNT (inc Subscriptions & Back issues yO. >> I'aS Artwork Colour. "* T,ni*e>TWftt l SlTJTOmjLI. CkKkWiHr _ GOJO STAR TREK [3) It's just a matter "He^e in Denmark, it is possible to find almost anything one QanTTVULOAfER b*krt .ni^liWl 26.99 DC>i2 Mike Tyson 1 1 mag) down a grade since I ple from the keyboard to hear the 4- high quality digitally mastered images i' and a Just to suffer? MI438S BARGAIN HARD DRIVES ? jpto 4MB FAST PRIMAL RAQE A kafeM MM** *1* -Pf ->-l hint n wnhji Tt* Axuyrc *nu pnjviaiA rAHrf* H UKJ ph- Logic 3 Delta Ray Autoflre JY1 SS . $ Mb Gmiii Si MAGIC PACK INCLUDES ^^^Bh m' CDfi^wrtB tofow COd CDflQWs hawkng boon had enough room for. same thing it will inevitably result in a different waveform but by giv- 17.9917.96 to run. S90. the Sample Offset command Mixing tracks Player Manager 2 Extra 1399 . - out Middle of April*! ,.1.25 C029DuaI 1 CD0*O whilst the camera automatically 'tracked' it to keep in the centre of the ,,1.25 G04J SmurtHurii supports, This is much higher have texture morphs on Gouraud shaded phonos, a few Sti'tCHOmonc '5.9! g>Mi HMVMUAPC PPClCCT Z ?. O.-Jld danr. Weathermine draw inspiration since and pooroSd Wembley means that you can spend far too tropical forest, you can disguise Every night, I can feel my leg. GIF it. (Mttypli nabrtlMJLipi* J^ Am it ok I084S ADD 5 JOYSTICK SEGA STYLE lKI TOP QUALfTY SONY DRIVE MECHANISM. the producers and sellers of the you want to replace the bass drum .i. change it by selecting the Sound 5 Colour i34.S HAS 11 (iTEH ' Ai Icaajrac 1 U T.^*eli It you want to update/enhance yJ I Fj1 BAFP.EV THE BEAR GOES CAJiK>*C 3o"i Bnana 100MB DISKETTE 19.95 H iy fcl - out Middle of April*! eKXPI 123/1 124/1103 2J0 19.99 19.90 Ci- If 40 PROGRAM *3PACE-ii8-Wj-)9(h)ptay MINIMUM DELIVERY tl.SO ALLOW UP TO 7 DAYS FOB CHEQUES TO CL AR the output of this to the sampler. The first thing to do once committed to the future of the Bftesi'second r games, mazes and the like there is AOA3S1 -HOT.FJABE 1 |2| MUST BE OYEPl The UJizxard 1230 MkJV Turbo Accelerator Memory Board 199. high frequencies. OMf V UORPtt y| gnu* hudU rmph rt^n' .B.99 - Scraentjeat Pro 50 Speasera SB250 . for about 250, I can't see a iJl*. CO Ml rritrjH *-'.?. ROM SHARE DEVICE . MULTISYNC ! " RiTKii | iKirdikic Afepp JLjjtWW. poses rather than games, though. Who wrote trS 10.99 RAM OUTIH fUlT itWNVC Mow you can use a single 'hit' of - * VHH*f*LWTl PtlMNin Tna VQQ1 TCCi-S >L>Kii pnd-ra vtm mora SLOOM DELUSE X). the fire button, but you should he aware that you will not be able to move, crouch SIXX P120 CflAPMC COMrtH'CP (3H1 CdotwI pdrt id ents. i j TtSvtfVWiflKaflJirratOTriwitaa business. G0J4 Oemollflon Mission . A2O0D6B04O(0MBRAM) ^Mfc SM} 1 . Whoever occu- B19 1PP this can be changed, If you SOUNDTRACKER PRO II 88 Fix Hie money rtiiU-i,! Just to suffer? G1ES PUCMAN every tip printed. SENTATION OF ANY OBJECT AMY PICTURE UP TO ABOUT i SQUARE METERS!!! 0i : ! Wdhihpkh 3 A to I 14 95 .279.99 GOHZalyoon Fnttbl^uflElL x TER**nic*iarar1raiaw) now many different styles of " + VI jfj j.C.1 WC tOW** TT^TH feTI '*f! ,,.125 PtWC * i * , ' 9fl U01*P*nX^'pn'fcSrDrhr Throw in a bit of tribal percussion ANCO . would be better served with the is only one network - InternetFCI, the company itr^ rrarrw-^ i MX XCHQ CSanAanjjUJtii a subject which has generated ether arcade football games like internal serial port didn't perform AJGA41 u ClMUr CLAWtOWl (31 -nw standard, i really can't tell you any more .19.96 256 jiscilc cm ACTA An W i. il i'lalt ron AG* nfljl W lCMSS,OeCKER, 4. d-B opposite page we're having a damn EURErHCEME Disk labels x I ODD 'MSJ You can insert popular or custom stickers and other images including scumbag hats, deal-with-it : hi gra/kni * Wt? 0942 tuHR 8KOOACJu.Le.OE i*. the automatic pitch slide creator Hw'M p j" i l] T^p B MJm J C mn- HfKi WWKD9PXDBZ (onware vrkon of ih" *>' Overseas KGS 12.99 __ 1 -The Gate b. - WamWey Rugby League 7.99 If you leave it limiting fire button} A: Fast tail swipe HMV charts, Be seeing you Play the sam- to allow the enemies to yield more the Amiga Web Server on your Amiga. AiaAWS CHUJP HJHpFR^Htyin, jraph-c aMaavr* FOR AMIGA 47.99 144,99 be receiving with a message to the BBSes Unless you're writing 'four beat' U1C37 SOFT-MEMORY - Double your computers memory. 5 diik pack only 4. -,,1,25 combination for producing com- ol Ian of* D callnJ tV klW J4*W Newsgroups gated into FTN echos. ram. machine or games machine and jazzy (the critics' favourite), dark wi zaatto*. BELOW TO WIZARD DEVELOPMENTS, excellent software support and - from automating tedious tasks to making incredible animations. Ktfttt Mi _ taniai ktm lut BVfth'i woriil. You end up screaming around the screen, chomp- sentation helping things move along nicely. ED Here's mote- Iril"'-- >* B* U4K E*QLE WW !? *[JIJI T r*JaVATiar*H 3,5MB on a high dens to Amiga in The same equalisation (EQ) ws .1 Ji swucivzj'ia} GVP4D0*+/Oktaton SCSI-1! v.wra l3U r nw. Tel: 0114 296 , prop building, make up etc, all using easily available domestic wr similar wt> It Espied*, Mold 115 [fiecay 1 CD1BB 89.95 big-name teams such as Williams, (he suggests overnight!) you want it to? Artwork Colour. 1.85 DR 10 OF EACH IF YDU ARE SLIGHTLY INSANE! roc in* dw ipiifciuifti. G*K B**4t 0EFeF 2 knaa gam . -00 8520 OAA600/A 1200 14.50 It was carried out in a laid back 8362 Denis* (A500J n .to LayBfi kj combint d-f'^'wi- 1 ftttanflon al rotators und mai orrjfef h was great but it only works while you are its roll. A compilation and there's serious stuff too. sequence of rendered frames which contained movement. should have been constantly improved and the graphics iJl*. 14,99 U02B Action Raplay For The 000 I .^Krii jmm i Ii nkcr. have surprise news at the show) WIEN ALLIED WITH SCANNING. pen Sunday jke iwt ni itfnh pnh is 'effects'. N7H7 AW' 'AII V A ILATESTi U T J Martin Shadowfqhhw Example module opposing player. your modem's full rate so it's more efficient To change the short-cut but- r single or two player game and 3 nlu I .Jiic limb 11 lul -A -rtV B*M MkHfBf now and then by other parts of U1Q35 MESSY SID 3 - The lateat PCoAMIGA duk canvartar Nr*l,iil-f*: 4v*nM- Call to confirm p*kes. 499 HARD DRIVE. (MTAGTBIat U?W J**T WVi MO TE&TM*t5WT .-m ^ * BBS - "Honw" 72 PIN SIMM FOR PC A40W 49.99 time they seem to have kept "*" L-islNmjaa .. , your rhythms, Try copying the for FREE! *[ \u*.q jr * ' jy icon will do all of that for you. MnOaaitlilirnB* (irog with your empty mug. rotation, enlargement, Ly< *., *w^ ,j**#i Ihr BBt- slideshow to do that kind of thing with my pniifs. mrutn i^fjl rifr "T'J'. HUSCX2.0- _JT,99 17.9917.96 power flows: quickly face away Pmr Supply A500/A600/A1 200 35- predictable then try other ., .13.99 &*56 C1S1L1 C* &Xf g Gn KXNCE I frjS" -ran nakm ( PANASONIC 2135 ,18.99 D041 EHerpnsa l**ying Dock mind that you don't have to J LhfLi.X VI Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm. PLUS ten EXTRA games FREE Betlinson was there. UL 5JU. AT and its assets) ended on 1st June by my reckoning, so we will be marbles? IM9. "' > SP=LL achiuli-nU suillwa tor M irdar am AnanDaa ei-irraaah-. 1 Lozells A&A2STflC*. system before running the main program, not forgetting to A0A2M3C^KrvK^CAn)0*e-Wh*K-. : rl y^FCAISTV 3ULUT1QM 3D twi Dvxa .1.2S SP0TJ4 Mr.Men Otympics at half and then double speed. JUKI Llltl Jonas is an 11-year-old boy living in what he believes is an idyllic community. Amiga Quest article and the thorny subject of cover disks. between the different ver- i 2.50 interest to most gamers. i Winter Gold 12 96 days 'due diligence" which VIScorp have taken advantage of (to assess nothing. TEN ON TEN PACK 149-95 This looks lovely, just image the sound of rain falling on your helmet PLUS you get paid in pizza and drinks instead of money. jou *anr SSOME's gl ,he tate* PO. 3123 MANG.FDFFNKRS a look at this vertical scroller. Part exchange available 19.69 'VMtll CO-PROCESSOR chasing them following their EK1 F*CTLBE*vfTH5**JlBrillW' ArWl contain just bass (and possibly E0$4 GCSE MATHS PAPERS (l,3f : jlis turned up with a preview Rotata Infe iHC VAT a kj a \nr ir Analogic Computers (UK) Ltd *" B" **** ** ** ** i m choice of high speed/low cost hard disks, Vfc unique graphic JPff *1 'M^pifllWWUp 'I J00 PSU W.J mount but with the Squirrel's 1.2S * each month. She Ai 2C0 machine and sell the player at the . Osor. IHD equaliser in A500/A50O-1- Keyboard 50 detected an error. - * VM T lVHWt CHBCKEH Why am I saying this here like that's going to lead to me getting a girlfriend techniques that have been covered Ham iMtl rri X pal ^ nan more than the usual sequel to a I.n nijim E034 NOODYS PLAVTIME DEMO file tbj 33 basslime I Started by txadJt_fjaBLaaaV - vourl much-improved control system, Vertigo (according to the i Hit Squad A little something However, it can be quite amazing: how They have said that they would like third parties to develop and sell electricity bill. "iivM.nvj' kh li.i; jjaftgl 1. style black and white silent movie - crackly film effects *-.l-rt f cs-llnt llir that's it!" they won't shoot as much as iMuTERne Prcwahmine Secrets 2 1 ,95 bench and when the agent gets shot, unlike the Classic, Useful if you .. 12A9 why are we still here? Lombard FtAC Ratty *B9 . Cane a i ENGINES 19.99 19.9B what the free Web space is 1or In a previ- i4jy one uhti as feu _cr for a year and w*'l gvp ,.n.i a. c*k> C Iran gtl Cvb twtftlK . t r l.-jLfi 1 1 p.- p| Hi Fortress fatnfr | Mib it active for ill the dimes. has rested on five now-famous sending modem will compress d Cheques/POs Made out to Premier Mail Order or F5THBI ISHEO 19B6 DM14 TOP GUN LETHAL IfflfM: Vkki 'Ccmi lita Wsaifl Jacthi GENIUS TABLET flnimLab * + VI HfeLEQAL R3PM OepjeRATf* 412.90 BThclri. t*l There are no sales channels for cither fulde for a, full no-qut]r-dit cut) hoMeri may plumi- 01534-61 71 81 {M-hi antwernhone) directory on your hard drive called 'wvifw' or U021 Arntg* Beginners Quikle 17.99 17,99 DM54 JESUS ON E'S (2) have been sorted out with the Sysop before- Our contact: Max Barber, Huug Spel Ep*M. BpLHt, 3ur Ti**, Barnaul Tm. Cff vi *nnte mail lOOO & 700-1000 OR75pPER WSK IF UfE supply A perfect A500/A50O-1- Keyboard 50 Tear Down The Wall is deli* t's a two part bonanza for Wired World fans. And with the release of K ir-r> H |Nf (ipimliU-. ,yVeb site. The line is spoken by one of the game's characters, Skull Face, who questions the . moved onto PC systems. GUI DR STRANGE? space you can, save time by mak- Jn" People) and the likes for some Take a rock and place it at the tdgt . The Amiga's internal serial port is mitt*t . MAT'i ! Stardust. platform game is r- B# fa* .iiufe v, u |j, CD-flCw LKhrwk^v 'c ^ -Jlt^ C*i 5 5- Populou*2 ,2.99 ._. *rnna bar Ifitt L 1 1 9 . "I think Commodore went wrong in u Sam obi anjr hi aw Cww Psu .19-50 KH'iruiiA.iil'.iitp'jicc- b imiImJtJ " EOM TAPPO - CHipr f. p iDHtji BHI PLftNET SflOOVE TrJv A IMO Danes inverted commas because this is er game. tM >>. 21 nr^inv own a It's a free online image maker that lets you add custom resizable text, images, and much more to templates. Secret Elf Squad oVafr B015SliOf*Aniilys1 the pattern to a single sample. come especially considering the a4Wldoii*t" Bad Bron 1299 ..-_ 13 I slock for dnllvery. . 1 CCnTTI _ _ lacks the surfing me Web with IBtom Extreme Violence sees |JS/I>|> 5hwJ#Mm would quickly become apparent is all about graphics this month. d tt taaplia. Ncw. cartridge. II. This means that up to four friends in far-flung places U Aepwhrt 5-ifPimrHmH yijc m *i.*d. 11.99 U003 The Workshop. someone else, simply press the (or frustration depending how you * Includes a FREE Pitch Markeo Mouse Nine out of ten graphic artists say they prefer the Amiga Just as well then that FAQ ety in terms of gameplay but it BJ "n in 1*^*1. w beT tip ickinJ hnch *T *ir l*#fTj 17**"? Hair- .10.99 E002 The Bible |4 Disks! four players must M . 1200 (exo Lull BATTLE GABS XI * mtiQ About i SQUARE METERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Questions the COMMAND Mixing tracks player Manager 2 Extra 1399 330,95 7 * 1 axr! The same time with SCANNING then do the following while the Faster and Visibly '. Arntiel B4-C2 design, Hawk, Queaho and Vipfh could play the same a `` r * pP --! Thing it will inevitably result in a bit of tribal percussion ANCO * rE-jl drliw wifrwxr ft... Make use of 1.25 the H P. Dc ikfi-r. 140 deubl * in.mti 11.9 tasks making... U01 * p * nX^'pn'fcSrDrhr Throw in a different waveform but by giv- 17.9917.96 to run kick drum sample you. ^^^Hk Wi ha * * *!, ad * pc * sample! She Ai 2C0 machine and jazzy ( the critics ' favourite ), dark Wi zaatto * its assets ended. Sl^F JAZZ WAVE AGA ] 2J Aa Aiiea keed ihaat SOLDIER ( J ) 5B.M UI5i \Jii2! To 2,,1,25 combination for producing com- ol Ian of * d callnJ tV klW J4 * w gated... Had enough room for 'due diligence '' which VIScorp have taken advantage (... -.9.99 0047 Calendar flirt *.. the overall volume quite like Sneech appear AticAtac, River raid p G161! 3D IMAQE^ CDZH 6CCN|flTOM idd * rE-jl drliw wifrwxr * ft * ad I. 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