Two flights of nine bombers each approached Houston and Marblehead. 's) and started dive-bombing / strafing runs against us. Industrial Parts Cabinet. A short time later, we were listing heavily to port and the afterdeck was awash, in fact under water. USS Corvina: USS Pope: USS Cotton: USS Porcupine: USS Cowell: USS Portent: USS Crow: USS Porter: USS Cushing: USS Porterfield: USS Cythera: USS Preston: USS Daly: USS . The Jap ships stood off momentarily until our fish had completed their runs and were spent. Original map by Donald Hoegsburg. USS Pope temporary managed to escape from the Japanese warships hiding in rain squalls. USS Chatelain closes in on the damaged U-505, June 4, 1944. The enemy ships were steering to the north-north-east. Photo No. van Beusekom, RNN), HrMs TM-10 (S.Lt. Asheville does not strike her colors, raise a white flag, jump into the lifeboats or scuttle . [4] This was to be the start of a long, almost 60 hour ordeal for the men in the water, as the survivors from Pope would not be rescued until almost midnight on 3 March by the Japanese destroyer Inazuma. Otherwise, photos courtesy of cited or linked sources. It was torpedoed by either the submarines USS Shark (SS-314) or the USS Snook (SS-279). The first part of the night of 28 February / 1 MArch was uneventful. On 4 June 1944, a hunter-killer group of the United States Navy captured the German submarine U-505. Piet Hein then turned around towards the US destroyers with the intention to attack the Japanese again. Others made contact with the natives of Java, who alerted the Japanese to the sailors' presence. This humanitarian decision by Lieutenant Commander Shunsaku Kud placed Ikazuchi at risk of attack, and it interfered with her fighting ability, due to the sheer load of rescued sailors. The Philippines were falling as outnumbered American land forces retreated down the Bataan Peninsula. The destroyer eventually turned away to the westward under the cover of smoke. [5] Pope remained afloat long enough to be sunk about 2pm[6] by the sixth salvo of a Japanese cruiser arriving on the scene. J.B. de Meester, RNN) and four US destroyers; USS Stewart (Lt.Cdr. [5] With her location/identification now being finally confirmed, all ships lost during the Battle of the Java Sea and subsequent engagements have now been discovered/located and positively identified. The Naval History and Heritage Command does not have custody of crew lists, nor do we have current contact information of former crew members. As HMS Exeter was loosing way, HMS Encounter and USS Pope drew ahead. During the course of our patrol, we spotted two ships approaching and were manned and ready to fire on them, when we recognized them as allied ships. Pope was laid down 9 September 1919 and launched 23 March 1920 from William Cramp and Sons; sponsored by Mrs. William S. Benson; and commissioned 27 October 1920 at Philadelphia, Commander Richard S. Galloway in command. by HistoryNet Staff 6/12/2006. The Allied ships worked gradually to the southward and westward eventually steering 260 degrees. The wreck of USS Pope, DD 225, was located and identified in December 2008 by the dive vessel MV Empress, approximately 60 nautical miles (110km) from the wreck of HMS Exeter, which Empress discovered in 2007. They were steaming in column, on both our port and starboard sides. and a 2007 TV programme.[5][6][7]. Eccles, USN). Eventually, they dropped a bomb that narrowly missed the ship and exploded in the water on our after port quarter. Due to a malfunction in the fire control table all salvoes fired by HMS Exeter missed the enemy ships. She was reassigned to Squadron 5, Division 15 on 3 February 1933. His ship, the U.S.S. P. Schotel, RNN) was to have sailed with these ships ass well to try to escape but she remained behind with either damage to her propellers and / or an incomplete crew (shore leave had been granted, sources vary on this) and was eventually scuttled to prevent her capture by the Japanese. From 15 July to 20 September 1938, she cruised in Chinese waters off Chinwangtao and returned 5 June 1939 with the South China Patrol force removing American consulates and nationals. In the Orient, Pope protected American lives and interests during the civil strife in China. Soon after HMS Exeter was brought to a halt, HMS Encounter also had to stop due to damage received in the engine rooms by splinters. 1 Mar 1942 : At the Battle of the Java Sea, slightly damaged cruiser HMS Exeter, destroyer HMS Encounter, and destroyer USS Pope at 0850 hours. Shortly after manning our battle stations, an enemy destroyer was sighted, dead ahead. The Trinity Of Jewish Control: The City Of London, The Vatican And Washington DC. Their targets, Asashio and Oshio were not hit and both Japanese destroyers now went after their attackers. Besides the ships themselves their crews were also suffering from fatigue due the immense strain they had been under the past weeks. Sometimes the things that almost happened are as interesting as the things that did. USS Pope (DD-225) steaming at high speed with her guns manned during short-range battle practice off the coast of Luzon, Philippine Islands, on 15 January 1924. HMS Exeter sank around 1150 hours. From 1931 until 1937, the Pope continued to "show the flag" off the China coast, during the summers and spent the winters in the Philippines engaging in division maneuvers. Getting back to the action itself, while this was taking place, we were being continuously bombed, shelled, and strafed. The action was over around 0215/20 and Tromp retired from the Strait to the north-east. : The U.S. Navy Destroyer's Service in World War II. Pius's relations with the Axis and the Allies may have been . Neither they nor we inflicted any type of severe damage. The other two ships were also in need of repairs and were not 100% fit for battle. USS General John Pope (AP-110) Near the Norfolk Navy Yard on 6 October 1943, just after her Welin boat davits had been mistakenly removed and replaced with life rafts. French Indochina had fallen and the Japanese were marching down the Malay Peninsula toward Singapore. Please note that we're still working on this section and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War. The Exeter had taken a fish (torpedo) in one of her two boiler rooms and Encounter was escorting her back to port. General John Pope reactivated 17 August 1965 to serve again as a civilian-crewed ship of MSTS, operating from San Francisco. This destroyer was then engaged with gunfire at ranges between 20000 and 14000 yards. The wreck of USS Pope was located and identified in December 2008 by the dive vessel MV Empress, approximately 60 nautical miles (110km) from the wreck of HMS Exeter, which Empress discovered in 2007. When the two Japanese destroyers entered the Strait they encountered the four US destroyers. However while leaving Tjilatjap in the evening of the 18th the Dutch destroyer Kortenaer grounded and was only able to get of at high tide therefore was no longer part of this force. We saw no more of either of the British ships, as by now we were attempting a run to freedom. HMS Encounter followed suit and the resulting smoke screen proved effective. We were forced to stay in Surbaja, tied to the dock, to effect emergency repairs to the hotwell. Many of us found time to say few prayers of our own. During the summer of 1944, the far-ranging transport made two round-trip voyages from San Francisco: on the first she got underway 27 May for New Guinean ports, Guadalcanal, and the Russell Islands, debarking 3,800 men of the famous 1st Marine Division at San Diego, California before returning to San Francisco; and on the second she departed 26 July for Honolulu and returned 8 August. Muster Rolls, 1860-1939. Please use this if you spot mistakes or want to improve this ships page. With each pass over the ship, they would strafe the ship with machine guns. Pope was stationed off Swatow and Pehtaiho during 14 June 19 August, observing the Japanese Navy en route to Swatow and the subsequent bombing and occupation of the city. The German submarine was the first enemy . Hughes, USN), USS Pillsbury (Lt.Cdr. Also another enemy report was made. The memo was conspicuously absent from the 11-volume collection published by the Vatican in defense of Pius' reputation . On February 3rd the cruisers USS Houston (CA-30), Marblehead (CL-12) and the Dutch light cruiser De Ruyter rendezvoused with nine Dutch and American destroyers off northern Java for another run at the enemy. To fight on was futile as she was a sitting duck with no means to maneuver. At this time Piet Hein was hit several times, resulting in her to come to a stop. From 1965 through 1970, she transported troops to bases in the Pacific and Far East, supporting the anti-communist struggle in South Vietnam. She served for many years with the Asiatic Fleet . The balance of the task force was made up of about 20 destroyers from the fleets of three countries. They launched torpedoes (Ford three, Pope - five) and turned away. Placed in ferry commission in July 1943, she was commissioned in . Pope returned to Manila in late June on neutrality duty and remained on station there until 11 December 1941, when she got underway for Balikpapan, Dutch East Indies. After having completed our job, we also abandoned ship, swam away and watched as she sank by the stern. William D. Porter. General John Pope debarked them at Nouma 23 December and returned via Pago Pago to San Francisco 10 January 1944 with 2,500 veterans. Two throttlemen are assigned to each throttle during battle, at about ten or fifteen minute intervals, we would take turns going to the hatch leading to the main deck, undog it, and gulp in a few breaths of fresh air, while glancing at the action that was taking place above decks. US Corporations' September 30th fiscal payment deadline Sep 30, 2023 USA Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. Rear-Admiral Doorman therefore wanted to attack them in three waves. Soon she was illuminated by a searchlight and the Japanese opened fire. The USS Pope (DD-225) was a Clemson -class destroyer in the United States Navy that served during World War II. During battle action, all the hatches of both engine rooms were closed and battened down. Our aerial gunners would return the fire but with no apparent success. $500.00. Following the war, General John Pope continued to sail to Japanese and Korean ports on troop rotation duties, finally being placed in reduced operational status at Seattle 14 May 1955. We were assigned to patrol the minefields outside the entrance to the harbor of Surbaja. By the following evening, we had completed the necessary repairs and were once again prepared to return to action. The enemy cruisers to the north-west were the first to open fire from long range. This arrangement had been authorized for the Admiral W. S. Benson (AP-120) class but not for the AP-110 class. Action continued by the sole remaining Allied ship, USS Pope. Another shipmate by the name of Mathews and myself went with him to set off the charges. She first served with the Yangtze River Patrol 9 September 9 October 1923 and continued to make her presence known through repeated patrols until 1931. Notable exceptions were duty off Japan in connection with the United States Army "Round the World Flight" in 1924, a visit to French Indochina in 1926, and a visit to Japan in 1929. He was a navy man in WW2. When north of Bali she went to full speed and returned to Surabaya for repairs. 1,090. Treffers, RNN), HrMs TM-9 (Lt. J.A. On board the Exeter the ships engine room staff meanwhile had managed to repair another boiler and speed was increased around 1055 hours to 26 knots. Departing Okinawa the following day, she disembarked the 64th TC at Qui Nhon, South Vietnam on 10 August 1966. Although the Japanese cruisers were evaded by a course change within the squall, Pope was rediscovered by aircraft from Japanese aircraft carrierRyj after she emerged from the squall. We then entertained high hopes of possibly reaching Ceylon, and were looking forward to a good time there. Squier - Booklet of General Plans, 1942, General G.O. Sweat ran off our bodies in rivulets. Pope fired all of her torpedoes and 140 salvoes of naval gunfire. The enemy took avoiding action and no hits were obtained. On 23 July 1966, elements of the 64th Transportation Company boarded the General John Pope, and departed from the Tacoma, Washington Outport Facility, arriving in Okinawa on 5 August 1966. The damage to the Exeter was bad enough to make her unfit for action. Boon, RNN(R)), HrMs TM-11 (S.Lt. Wiley exercised administrative control only from the destroyer tender, USS Black Hawk (AD-9), and was not aboard USS Paul Jones during the first three months of . Pope was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 8 May 1942. After a few minutes the mistake was noticed and both Japanese destroyer retired up the Strait to the north. Movements of the Allied ships during the night. USS General John Pope (AP-110) was a troop transport that served with the United States Navy in World War II.After the war she was transferred to the Army and redesignated USAT General John Pope.She later served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars as a civilian-manned Military Sea Transportation Service vessel, as USNS General John Pope (T-AP-110). Flooding worsened as Pope maneuvered to evade six more bombers,[4] and only one crewman was lost as the crew boarded life rafts when flooding could no longer be controlled. By now most of us realized we were going to lose the ship: "we were finished". Welford Charles Blinn, USN) departs Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies on 28 February 1942 together with the British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter and the British destroyer HMS Encounter. This was not the case, one Japanese destroyer was heavily damaged and one seriously. Pope fired all of her torpedoes and 140 salvoes of naval gunfire. They had their hands full like those of us below decks, and were sweating to keep up the pace. No aircraft or ships were spotted until about 0715 hours. [3] In the evening of 28 February 1942, Exeter and the two destroyers left Soerabaja and proceeded north. With the odds being so heavily in their favor, we felt we were fighting a losing battle. They sailed from Surabaya in the afternoon of the 19th. During the lull in the battle, my thoughts turned to the men topside, who were directly engaged in the battle: the gun crews, ammunition handlers, gun loaders, machine gunners, torpedo-men, the officers directing them, and those involved in directing the ship. She was, by all battle tactics, out of commission. Like the preceding Delaware-class, Utah and her sister Florida carried ten 12" gun in five twin, center-line . She remained in this area until her return to Manila 12 October for the Neutrality Patrol off the Philippines. We had received a message from the C-in-C (commander in chief), with the instructions to "defend the isle of Java to the last". Returning via Nouma to embark casualties, the ship reached San Francisco 18 May 1944. Stewart ; and DesDiv-59 with USS Pope (DD-225), Peary (DD-226), Pillsbury (DD-227) and John D. Ford (DD-228).4 USS Paul Jones (DD-230) was the nominal flagship of DesRon-29, but Capt. The Pope, Exeter, and Encounter were still steaming in column when they started firing at us. On 9 January 1942 Pope was one of five destroyers in an escort composed of the cruisers USSBoise(CL-47) and USSMarblehead(CL-12), with the other destroyers USSStewart(DD-224), USSBulmer(DD-222), USSParrott(DD-218), and USSBarker(DD-213) departing from Darwin to Surabaya escorting the transport Bloemfontein. As the Dutch naval base at Surabaya was now under daily air attack it was deemed wise to sent the Tromp to Australia for repairs. The final years of the General John Pope began when she was placed out of commission once again on 1 May 1970, transferred to MARAD, and laid up in the National Defense Reserve Fleet at Suisun Bay, California. In the Orient, Pope protected American lives and interests during the civil strife in China. After a refit, Pope departed 12 May for duty in the Pacific. [7][8] The survivors from Encounter and Exeter were to be more fortunate, as those that were not rescued right after the battle on 1 March[9] by the destroyer Inazuma,[10] were rescued the following day by the Japanese destroyer Ikazuchi, who picked up the last 400 odd survivors from those two ships on 2 March. It would mean a break in the monotony, but it could just as well be certain death. The transport returned to Seattle 17 August following this long voyage, but she was underway again 11 days later via Ulithi, Cebu, and Leyte for Yokohama, returning to San Francisco 8 October with over 5,000 veterans. Wasp, a United States Navy aircraft carrier, slipped beneath the waves 350 miles southeast of Guadalcanal. The Japanese landed around 0200/19 on the south coast of Bali. At this point, the skipper had one of the crewmen lie down on his back with a pair of binoculars. The Treasures from World War II US Navy Command Files consist primarily of records from the Pacific Theater. Being stopped, with almost all her main armament out of action and without torpedoes, abandon ship was then ordered and HMS Encounter sank at 1210 hours. The US destroyers then set course to the east to leave Badoeng Strait. We were running a zigzag course and the shells fortunately fell harmlessly into the sea. H. Kuboki) and Michishio (Lt.Cdr. Full-service research & records analysis. Piet Hein was a little ahead of the US destroyers and opened fire with her 4.7 guns and also fired two torpedoes. With no further means of propulsion, she slowed to dead in the water. With a top speed of . In May 2011, the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) completed construction of its new facility in St. Louis, Mo. $2400.00. We had one 3.25" AA. General quarters sounded once again and in practically less time than it takes to relate, we were once again at our battle stations, determined to do our best to fend off or destroy our enemies and protect our ship. Otis Elevator Vintage. Originally built in New Orleans by Higgins Industries, she was a critical asset for the US Navy during World War II, serving in European waters from 1944 to the end of the war. For the full action report see this website (offsite link). While doing so her smoke generator was started. During the action the enemy had spotter aircraft overhead the Allied ships. This was done to prevent the enemy from boarding a slowly sinking ship and gathering information or charts about our fleet operations. As they sought to escape the three Allied ships fought four Japanese heavy cruisers and four destroyers throughout a fierce three-hour action, and they damaged a number of enemy ships. USS Pillsbury (DD-227) commissioned 15 December 1920, 1,190 tons, 4- 4" guns, 12 TT. U.S. Military. This is a list of aircraft carriers of the Second World War. There was no pain connected with it, it was more like someone had touched with a hot iron; luckily it did not hit bone. The Snook was lost six months in the Luzon Strait later on April 8, 1945 with 60 onboard. He would know. Only 123 are liberated which include the Commanding officer and 29 died in captivity. They stayed beyond the range of our secondary battery (guns). The survivors had been adrift for about 20 hours - in rafts and lifejackets, or clinging to floats, many coated in oil, and some blinded. We now found ourselves in the water. These two ships had been part of an attack force that had engaged a Jap fleet in the Java sea the night before. . H.P. At 1245 hours, Nachi fired once again on HMS Exeter by gunfire. On 20 November 1966 the first elements of the 199th Light Infantry Brigade departed the Oakland Army Base on the General Daniel I. Sultan. Course was immediately altered to 320 degrees to try to evade but these cruisers were also seen to turn towards. J.N. The Allies were at that time under the impression that they had obtained a victory. The Dutch cruisers claimed heavy damage on the enemy but according to Japanese reports on the battle damage was only minor and after being initially taken by surprise the Japanese soon counter attacked. General John Pope then embarked another full complement of troops, including the 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, and sailed 6 April for Nouma and Oro Bay, New Guinea. J.W. After about 15 minutes Piet Hein was illuminated by a Japanese searchlight and taken under fire. 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