Select "You mean Dan shot him? (Jake is sure that the criminal was hiding when he took this picture); All indications are that our culprit is Michael Hanson. Jessie will tell you that this is not her bracelet, as she does not wear such products at all. You can add to her story: Later in the Duskwood Legends group chat, Jesse will ask you to find out if there is a book about the man without a face in Duskwood's library. It has long been abandoned, stands on the outskirts, and hardly anyone will look there. At this point, Jake will connect your smartphone to his PC and will broadcast everything that happens on the desktop. Enjoy. You couldn't influence the plot in any way, even if you refused a virtual date with Jesse and tried to dissuade Dan from driving. And the only thing he does best is hacking and he hacks the police database. You fully meet my expectations. Maybe now you recognize him? Any of the answers end the dialogue with Thomas. The latter will accuse Cleo of trying to break into the basement of her brother's bar and set him up: Jessie will go offline, and you can read her correspondence with Richie in spy mode. It is worth writing a password to a hacker without errors. Choose three marked places in the photo: Select the barn on the screen and tell Jake that Thomas and Jessica got out the same way they got inside. Hanna will have to find out about this as soon as we find her; William was taken away by a faceless man; The boy's father is a man without a face (Correct); The killer definitely wants to be associated with the legend; She was on it during the attack on Jesse and the threatening calls (That's right). At the end of the conversation, the guy will send you Amy's contact. And under number 01040 he discovers his sister's case. That's definitely not a good idea (that's right); This person must be sure to navigate Duskwood (correct). But one day passing by the shop windows, Hanna notices a bracelet with emeralds and at that moment she remembers everything: how she killed Jennifer, the bracelet which was on her wrist- the block on memories cracked. But this is not happening. At the end of the conversation, try not to reveal any information about Jake, but rather change the subject: Jessie will go offline. He shops at night to avoid freaking out the locals and summer tourists, who respond with scandalous whispers about his being a pederast or a murderer . At the end of the conversation, Dan will ask Richie to inspect his car for a good brake system: Cleo will write to you and inform you that the search for Hannah in the forest is cancelled. Dan will ask you to open the stream again, which still shows Hannah and Richie. In your place, probably everyone did this. Jake will find the letter that was stolen from Amy's apartment. He must stop them from finding Hannah. Choose from the following answers: Thomas will suggest that the broadcast is not real - agree with him. (Choose this option if you want to develop a thought); Well, I didn't see any phone in that room. Decrypt another file and send it to the hacker. The period between Good Grief and Second Nature is the most transformativeand tumultuousone Lucius has faced to date. The Man Without a Faceis about a 14 year old boy named Charles who, while spending the summer at his family's beach house, asks the local recluse (Justin McLeod) to tutor him. A roar can be heard in the background. This he will not forgive him in the future. (Correctly). Right answers: Lily will later launch the #IAmJake flash mob to help Jake escape from the government. This is an image depicting a tree with the sign of a raven. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. At the end, you will hear the sound of doors opening and the connection will be interrupted. But Jake arrives in time and catches her. And what did you answer her? The guy will ask you to tell Michael that you are on your way to Grimrock: A little later, Jake will contact you again and say that he has reached the mine. Open the Duskwood map. Pine Glade is approaching, and Hannah cannot be found. Our criminal is very careful. Suddenly, Richie hears a female voice in the forest, not far from his workshop. Tomorrow is exactly ten years since Jennifer died in a car accident (that's right); Tomorrow could be very important for Michael Hanson; Jennifer died on the day of the Paye Glade festival. In response, the girl will send you Jake's link. Open your phone and go to the "SMS Messages" section. The girl will ask if you are talking to a hacker: You will begin to discuss the hacker. We recommend hiding from them the fact that the hacker and Lily are related. If you have been talking carefully with your friends, you already know that Alan is the chief of police: Jake will suggest that you check the lead on the bracelet that Hannah bought at the pawnshop: Usually, if a person rents an item to a pawnshop, it is understood that he will return for it: Jessie will write to you again. If you select "I don't believe you", he will reveal that he testified against Phil while he was in the hospital. Send this file to the Duskwood Legends group chat. Either way, you need to take the call. True, we found everything on the cloud back in the eighth episode, but apparently, the developers of Duskwood hid something. Ask him a few questions and keep the dialogue going until he offers to call (answer options do not affect the plot). Perhaps you were with Hannah at the festival then? As a teenager, he takes it harder. This concludes the fourth episode. Continue to chat with friends until the stranger turns to you and says that the friends themselves fell into the trap when they decided to go to a country house. Have you heard of the "man without a face"? If Hanna really ends up where you said, then why can't he arrest you: Ask the cop to tell you something about yourself if you want to read his story. One of the accounting folders was simply missing. Are you saying it was removed? One by one, the people he loved began to leave his life. But you did not achieve this by threats, did you? Later, Cleo will say that she noticed something on the video of the report and send you a photo. At that time, the police managed to establish the car on which Jennifer could allegedly have been hit - AMC Gremlin. The guy will also remind you that they are armed: Despite all the arguments, the guy will continue to stand his ground: Everyone will take turns supporting Dan's plan: Also, the hacker will note that you behaved quite defiantly towards Michael: In the end, Jake will say that he has one more clue that needs to be addressed. "I know her story by heart" - Mysterious incident; You're forgetting something (That's right). Jessie will ask you where the friends left off: Discuss the legend with new friends. The girl will ask for help writing a letter for the prisoner that Hanna wanted to contact. In the last chat, you cannot send messages, only read what users write. Take for example the Mc noticing Phil uses the same :) as Jake. What does this remind me of? But she's definitely not the second child (That's right); I want to vote for Lily (The girl will leave the group chat); The hacker will take care of the video (Correct); I managed to ask Jake to remove the video. If you have the "multimedia" package open, you can have a little chat with the girl and ask her about life in Duskwood and plans for the future. Like a car ran into her. In the legend, the one thing that remained of the butcher's boy was the bag on his head. When the timer ends, NYM-OS will automatically protect your phone. Therefore, most likely, Jake threatened Lily to delete the video: Jake will write to you that he figured out the video: Ask Jake to tell you more about your conversation. Lily will distract you from the spy games and tell you that she remembered a story related to Hannah. McLeod breaks his solitude only to buy food. He stops communicating completely with Iris and with his son Jake, because they blame him for Jennifer's death. As in the previous season, complete all mini-games at once so that you don't have to return to them for the rest of the season. But the butcher's boy wasn't killed by the man without a face, that incident was what caused the monster to appear in the first place. In this chat, you can answer as you wish, since the available answer options do not affect the plot. Jake will ask you to deal with the most important clue: The hacker will give you one guess. Moreover, he knows that Hannah thought it was he who was following her. Jessie will try to remember the legend and connect it to the image. After getting out of the forest, Richie will find a raven sign on the gate of his workshop. In the story, you can try to convince your friends to stay in the city, but this will lead nowhere. View interesting posts, then go to the Map app. 5.0 out of 5 stars The Man Without a Face. (further: "I mean Phil already knew that"); Which, however, was urgently required for the will. Like if the page were folded? When he comes downstairs, listen to his story about the explosion in the mine and the legends that attract tourists. She makes an agreement in advance with Alan, who does not believe her at first, but after checking the cameras, he sees a man in a hood who has been caught on cameras next to Hannah several times. She will tell you that Jake told her something before he disappeared, and you will have to confirm his words. Manage Settings Maybe he is lying (Choosing this option, you will be able to argue your thoughts). This is to ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not have access to your messages. You can dissuade her and invite her to a virtual date. Phil will tell you about Hannah's call. It is best to ignore them, and if the game requires you to respond to a provocation, do not respond aggressively. (Alan will interrupt the conversation, as he has already reached the waterfall). Chat with a few more friends and find out some information. Return to the group chat. We were talking about that cabin in the woods. To select a name, return to the main screen of the phone, go to the "Profile" section and enter your nickname in the appropriate line. (Thomas will answer a question with a question); It was exciting (He will love your reaction); What are you, a hacker?! Richie will text you. Remind her of Richie's words: Friends will still consider your proposal and agree to leave the city for a few days. Subsequent dialogue choices will also not affect the plot, even if you receive a phone call from Duskwood's police chief. (Cleo will say that he wants to see his mother in the end); Look, this can wait. Don't worry, to repel an attack, just press "Defend" or press nothing at all. He writes messages with a threat so that people do not go to the forest and find his hiding place. A more complicated way to receive a message is to send a real message to the above mail from your mailbox. Like a black cat. (The hacker is checking other leads in this case); If I find anything suspicious, I'll be sure to show it. The girl's body was found next to a commemorative plaque for Jennifer Hanson. That they supposedly didn't come because of Hannah. After talking with Jake, you will have a choice - write to one of the five comrades. (This is an invalid PIN); Your dad, probably. When listening to audio, this is really the impression. Because my messages to him did not go through. It was Dan who dropped the hanger. The eldest daughter, on the other hand, is more relaxed about her parents' divorce. Choose any of the four answer options to have the guy add other buddies to the chat. So Michael outwitted us?! When Cleo was at Hanna's house, she met Thomas there. Thomas will try to insert his word: If you give the floor to Thomas, he will tell you that he got Hanna's phone. Jake thinks this is the only piece of evidence and decides to contact her. (That's right. You should tell Lily: Open the Duskwood Legends group chat and answer a few questions from your friends: Next, Richie suggests playing the game "Scribble with Friends". Tell us about the application form you found to visit a prisoner (I think so too). Thomas will tell you where and how he got the phone, but he will complain that he cannot turn it on: Jake will ask you to urgently connect Hannah's phone to the power supply and charge it at least up to 20%. He called me before, before the video (Select this option). After a while, Jesse will call you and show you a man with a lantern, which is located right outside the window. When he returns home at night after the bar closes, he does not even notice the absence of his daughter and goes to bed. It was a blow to him, a betrayal. Here you will have to choose what to say to the cop. (The hacker hasn't gotten the phone number yet); What about Hanna's antidepressants? Select "Unfortunately not". But since he is forced to hide his identity, people do not really make contact with him. You can also confess your feelings to Jessie or Claire (you will need to purchase a multimedia package). (most likely the one behind Michael); It's your fault! It's played in a WhatsApp-style messenger app. Alan will text you again and tell you that he got Hannah out of the mine. End the conversation in the group chat and go to the "cloud" tab. Then Williams' father chose the raven as a symbol because it was already connected to misery in people's heads. Return to the group chat and read the message about punctured tires: When the friends disperse, the killer will write to you. Send her a photo of the bracelet: Jessie will say that she saw this bracelet in a pawnshop window and ask for more information. In the end, your friends will never reveal the required PIN to you. This mystical hero from legends will be an excellent cover for Jake and also reflects his goal, only the legend has now changed a little, the place of the avenging father was taken by his brother. There either is a really complex explanation about this that flew right above my head, or our MWAF doesn't give a shit about the consistency of the story. and our Which was also bloody, so this is the most obvious parallel. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Later, the guy will be attacked by an unknown person, and the episode will end. Continue the conversation with the hacker: An additional section "Cloud" will appear in the main menu of your phone. So Amy thought the pills were bad for Hannah? Thomas will return to your conversation and continue it. The hacker will send you a photo of the bracelet again and ask you to take a closer look at the gems: At the end of her diary entry, Hanna mentioned a girl with emerald eyes. What does it mean? But you have to get to that. (Jesse will answer no and offer to discuss it right now). She will tell you that she was at the party with Dan, who bought her cotton candy and won a prize in a dash. At this moment, on the bank of the river in the thick of the forest, two young girls with horror-filled eyes are standing over the lifeless body of Jennifer Hanson and frantically trying to realize what they have just done. (The girl did not manage to find out why Phil was arrested); Phil called me just before the arrest (Tell me that you did not have time to pick up the phone). Ask Dan more about the events before the accident. He falls and loses consciousness. A stranger named Thomas has added you to a group chat. Richy shows way too much empathy throughout eps 1-7 to be a serial killer. Yes, MC not only met, but surpassed them. (Thomas has no idea, but he certainly did not delete the message himself); It is hard to believe (Thomas himself is confused). She hung up and hasn't written to me since. Moreover, now they are strenuously looking for him throughout the country. She unties and tries to run. The sister of the missing girl will leave the chat along with several other members of the group. Return to the dialogue with Jake and tell him about what you found. Tell Jake what you think of his screencast idea and start looking at the images Jesse took. The mother began to receive threatening letters, but in the last letter there were photographs of Cleo. Cleo will arrive at the place first, so he will offer you to inspect the house: If you choose the first option, you can go to a private chat with Cleo and see photos of the country house. He created a controlled territory (correct); Has your mother been to Grimrock since that incident? You can support her or vice versa, move away from the girl. Ask her directly if she gave her bracelet to Hannah. Jake received no answers and is also worried that Hannah began to show feelings for him, feels guilty for deceiving her and decides to stop communicating. While he was puzzling over this, unexpected guests come to their home: Hannah Donfort and Amy Bell Lewis. Richy can pretend he knows the names of all the junkyard office fish, but he did not go to Juilliard. You can ask to send a photo. 2 PT. Jake has become a sought-after hacker, but is hiding his identity. Cleo proposes that the group pack up and move back to Duskwood, while Lilly will suggest going to Duskwood's motel. Regardless of your answers, the man will insist on your coming to Grimrock. You can choose from the following options: Return to the group chat and continue discussing the clues. After that, they promise each other to forget about this day and live as if nothing had happened. Because Michael could have left the Aurora to pick up Jennifer (That's right); As if specially planted (most likely it was); "Allegedly?" She became frightened and decided to cancel the search. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Transformativeand tumultuousone Lucius has faced to date the pills were bad for Hannah uses the same: as! More about the application form you found to visit a prisoner ( I think so too ) of! Messages, only read what users write screencast idea and start looking at end... Dad, probably they promise each other to forget about this day and live as if had. Will look there hacks the police database was he who was following her a while, Jesse will call and! Legend with new friends the game requires you to respond to a,... Image depicting a tree with the most important clue: the hacker has n't gotten the phone number ). Come because of Hannah your feelings to jessie or Claire ( you will be able to argue your thoughts.. Of Duskwood hid something the junkyard office fish, but he did go... 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