The building is an official site of the Haunted History Trail of New York. When he looked over the bannister he saw a man in black walking through the stairhall. The Octagon House may not be one of the most recognized landmarks in Washington, D.C. This story was originally published on March 1, 2020. That must of been very challenging indeed; even with the Captains money to help her). An owner reports that a spinning wheel on display was found completely taken apart in just a moment. But the house is definitely a place worthy of its reputation, especially if you happen to be a fan of paranormal activities and ghost stories. An intern working at the museum late one night had a black Labrador Retriever with him. Ruth may be the culprit. But all that changed in 1952 when the home was spared from demolition by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in California, a group that seeks to preserve historic buildings. Around that same time, the American Institute of Architects, which had been headquartered in New York City, began looking for a new national headquarters location in Washington, DC. It was in sad shape, needing boatloads of money to fix it. The house, which PG&E spokesmen said the company places no value on, is one of the few in San Francisco never to have been wired for electricity. From all quarters the party rushed Too brave to desert, yet cowards at heart, we watched the gray light of morning dawn, and each man of us thanked God his night among ghosts was past. Monmouth Plantation, MS (The Spirit of General John Whitman found ways to show his anger and restlessness at the new owners who soon won him over). Ann Ogle Tayloe lived in the Octagon until her death in 1855. During the Civil War, Edmund Brown had enlisted with the Union Army, leaving his wife and three children to hold the fort so to speak. A variation of the legend from 1980 reduces the legend to a servant girl who had an unhappy affair with a military officer is said to have met death in the same way [suicide].. It speculates that the haunted nature of the house is part of the reason that the house had suffered from stretches of vacancy. [23] The first allegedly died before the War of 1812. Virginia Tayloe Lewis, a granddaughter of John Tayloe III, grew up in the house and recorded this family memory in an unpublished manuscript: "The bells rang for a long time after my Grandfather Tayloe's death, and every one said that the house was haunted; the wires were cut and still they rang Our dining room servant would come upstairs to ask if anyone rang the bell, and no one had. On April 19, 1797, Tayloe paid $1,000 to Gustavus W. Scott for lot 8 in Square 170, at the corner of New York Avenue and 18th St., N.W. Dolley and James Madison resided in the Octagon House from September 1814 through March 1815, after the White House was burned by the British. October 27, 1953: Living room in the Octagon House, aka the McElroy House. The unusual design was to ensure the building would present faces square onto both streets and take advantage of the dramatic corner for the entrance to the building. The octagonal home includes four rooms on the first floor and seven rooms on the second, built around a central staircase. Aside from the ridiculous floor plan, the inexpensive homes were made of lime and concrete, a combination that was apt to crack in freezing weather and collapse entirely in natural disasters. Items are moved and sometimes go missing. When the daughter turned in anger to go down the stairs, she fell down the stairs (or over the railing; stories differ) and died. Others contend that the Underground Railroad didnt extend as far north as Fond du Lac, that slaves came to Wisconsin through places like the Milton House about 90 miles south, and then quickly departed from Racine, Kenosha, or Milwaukee. The servants' bells are no longer in the house and there are no reports of their continuing to ring today. The home was designed as the winter home of John Tayloe III and his family. A young lady on her wedding night is killed in a freak accident when he Creepy Tales from Old Alexandria, VA Alexandria, Virginia, has an exciting place in history, and especially when it comes to the ghosts that haunt every corner of this city, it seems. Mr. Tayloe gave himself up to the law. Wed 9th feb.""[12]. Shadows are seen in rooms all over the house and property causing the moving cold spots as well as stationary ones. [11] "Another invitation recalls one of General Washington's closest friends, whom he persuaded to become a resident of Washington in its infancy, and who built the spacious mansion on the corner of New York Ave and Eighteenth Street, which is one of the surviving relics of the primitive city, not having been destroyed by the British in 1814 - Col. Tayloe: "Mr. Tayloe requests the favor of Mr. Van Rensselaer to dine with him on Sat next at 4 o'clock. Additionally, there have been reports of odors of cooking food coming from the kitchen downstairs. It was rented to a girls' school in the 1860s, and the Federal government in the 1870s, when it served as office space for the Hydrographic Office of the U.S. Navy. Pamphlet, "The Octagon A Brief Description and History" (American Institute of Architects). From all quarters the party rushed Too brave to desert, yet cowards at heart, we watched the gray light of morning dawn, and each man of us thanked God his night among ghosts was past. 276 Linden Street July 31, 1966: The Octagon House (aka McElroy House) on Gough Street, between Green and Union Streets, in San Francisco. A lot of TLC was showered on this historic home by the current owner, Helen Hanson for forty plus years. The McElroy Octagon House in San Francisco's Cow Hollow neighborhood is one of two octagon houses in the city and just a handful of survivors from around the nation. The Octagon House is described as being "An Extremely Unique Property; an Architectural Masterpiece!" The house's mid-1800s' American style layout may be a bit odd by modern standards, but the space is well-designed for a family in 1856 as well as families who lived here throughout the eras. The plan was to establish a node of development to stimulate fill-in growth. People collect free clothing at a distribution center outside of the badly damaged McElroy Octagon House after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The remains of gold leaf show in some of the relieved portions. He is connected to this structure or property and has chosen to spend his after-life here. He fretted about labor and real estate costs, marveled at the boom of San Francisco and wrote sadly of the turmoil ripping at the seams of the nation. This condemned home became endangered when plans for a new school were presented, and the authorities were eyeing this property with plans to tear it down if no one would buy it, despite being listed on the NRHP. At that time, the house was already being rented out to various tenants. Her specter is allegedly seen crumpled at the bottom of the steps or on the stairs near the second floor landing, and sometimes exhibits itself as the light of a candle moving up the staircase. The 1880 census shows Harriet and Emma (then 27) living with a 20-year-old doctor and a young laundry worker. He commissioned William Thornton, who was also responsible for designing the U.S. Capitol building, to design the home for him. Ghost hunters say some of the soldiers who invaded never left. Event Start Time: 8:30pm Event Finish Time: 4:00am His letter, in some ways, feels remarkably current. From that time, the Octagon House became a rental. The Octagon was firmly established as a haunted house by 1888, when, it is reported, twelve men decided to spend a night in the house in order to expel the ghosts or prove the legends wrong. She also opened up the house to several paranormal groups, like Southwest Wisconsin Paranormal Group. October 27, 1958: Rejuvenated Octagon House (aka the McElroy House), moved, landscaped and decorated. It sat below the Verdier Mansion, at 1001 Vallejo Street, where, according to Herb Caen, Sally Stanford ran her brothel at one time. [29], There are numerous reports of occurrences in the Octagon that were supposedly caused by the household ghosts. Every November 24, the neighborhood legend went, a person could be heard creaking up the staircase in the middle of the house. Edward Thornton Tayloe, George Plater Tayloe and Henry Augustine Tayloe were all born at the Octagon. His is buried in Rienzi Cemetery. The Octagon House, WI (The spirit of Rose at first didnt like having to share the house with the new owner, plus not trusting this owner to make repairs. But the company's plans have changed, and the house together with its lot, 65 by 110 feet, appraised at $20,000, will be sold October 13. . Ann was only a year younger than her husband. {"type":"HYBRID","minzoom":false,"maxzoom":false,"types":["ROADMAP","SATELLITE","HYBRID","TERRAIN"],"mappingservice":"googlemaps3","width":"auto","height":"350px","centre":{"text":"","title":"","link":"","lat":38.897613,"lon":-77.04125,"icon":""},"title":"","label":"","icon":"","lines":[],"polygons":[],"circles":[],"rectangles":[],"copycoords":false,"static":false,"visitedicon":"","wmsoverlay":false,"zoom":17,"layers":[],"controls":["pan","zoom","streetview","type"],"zoomstyle":"DEFAULT","typestyle":"DEFAULT","autoinfowindows":false,"resizable":false,"kmlrezoom":false,"poi":true,"cluster":false,"clustergridsize":60,"clustermaxzoom":20,"clusterzoomonclick":true,"clusteraveragecenter":true,"clusterminsize":2,"imageoverlays":[],"kml":[],"gkml":[],"searchmarkers":"","fullscreen":false,"scrollwheelzoom":false,"locations":[]}, The Staircases and Colonel Tayloe's Daughters, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. [28], A gambler shot to death in the home's third-floor bedroom in the late 19th century has been reportedly seen in the room in which he died. Photos, some of which you can see in the gallery above, show the damage. An electrician was brought in to, finally, get lights in the place. A 1929 variant of the story claims that this is one of the most famous of the Octagon tales, and claims that proof of the story came in a body having been discovered in the house: an octaroon, a favorite of the lord of the manor. But the caretakers of the NSCDA had a plan, just in case. I regard Octagon House as being possessed by the spirit world, long time owner Marlene Hansen said in 1976. It will take me a long, long time to move my things out, so they will have to live around me, Hansen said. Instead he chose the primitive wilds of the new federal city and the architect Dr. William Thornton, the man who designed the new United States Capitol and the help of James Hoban winner of the White House design contest. September 17, 1951: Stairway in the Octagon House (aka the McElroy House) . Rise from the grave and help out some animals at t, Haunted Hotel for Sale in Wisconsin, Ghosts Included. In 1937 the book Washington: City and Capital stated that, At midnight Dolley Madison is believed to hold court again among the shades of pretty women and stately men. But he remained loyal to his country in the War of 1812 serving as a Colonel in the Virginia Militia, and later on, in the Virginia State Senate. (Owner, manager, employee, etc. The Octagon House, as it came to be known, was completed in 1801 in the very early days of the new federal city. Cites: (a) Glenn Brown, architect, Secretary of the American Institute of Architects. Look which ever way you will, he wrote, and you observe happiness prosperity and wealth.. At the hour of midnight, as I and two others were crossing the threshold of a room on the second floor, three feminine shrieks rose from the center of the room. It has a conical roof from which the later developments of Gabel-roofed dormers were added to update the style a bit, when dormers were popular. Inside this unique historical structure there are twelve rooms, and two full bathrooms; seven rooms on the ground floor, and four rooms upstairs. If a spirit has had a structure to itself for a time, and saw how the living have neglected it in the past, he or she may take some time getting used to having to share and may express other feelings as well. He also was the Mayor of his community. The Octagon House, considered to be one of the most haunted places in Fond du Lac, is located in the historic district at 276 Linden Street. The four remaining daughters all died over the age of 38. Some declare that it was discovered, after a time, that rats were the ghosts who rung the bells; others, that the cause was never discovered, and that finally the family, to secure peace, were compelled to take the bells down and hang them in different fashion. Caretaker James Cyprus had summoned the physician for his ailing wife. This daughter, too, fell to her death down the stairs (or over the railing), and her shade is alleged to haunt the third floor landing and stairs between the second and third floors. It is in great condition. Colonel John Tayloe III, for whom the house was built, was born at Mount Airy which he later inherited the colonial estate built by his father, John Tayloe II on the north bank of the Rappahannock River across from Tappahannock, Virginia. Another famous presence that is said to be overstaying her welcome in the home is Dolley Madison (who had passed in another house in Washington D.C. in 1849, but lived here for a large part of the presidency of her husband) she is said to be haunting the Octagon House as well as other D.C. landmarks like the White House and the Cutts-Madison House where she lived out her final years. On either side of the porch the first floor was enlarged a bit to support the porch. The Armour-Stiner House is an octagon-shaped and domed Victorian-style house located at 45 West Clinton Avenue in Irvington, in Westchester County, New York.It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1976. In widowhood, she often lived in poverty, partially relieved by the sale of her late husbands papers. The interior is elaborately finished, the doors of the first story being of mahogany. It is suggested that it would also be a perfect home for Air B and B. She is said to have written that in Washington the Octagon was generally thought to be haunted because of the violent and unexplained ringing of the service bells. Isaac Brown had given the main house to his son Edmund, as a belated wedding present just before Isaac died. In 1828, Tayloe III died while residing in The Octagon House. The parlor mantle is made of a fine cement composition painted white. Enamored with the octagon house phenomenon, they set to work building. He took the dog down to the basement, and when they got to the bottom of the stairs the dog started to growl, lunged for the only spot of light in the room, and sat there cowering until they went back upstairs. Children who die from accident or disease, sometimes choose to stay in a structure in this world where they felt love and support. By this time, it was the centerpiece of a roughly 60,000 acre department of interdependent plantation farms-known as the Mount Airy department, located approximately one hundred miles south of Washington, D.C., in Richmond County, Virginia. However, after forty years, it got to be too much so Helen Hanson closed her museum. The servants bells are no longer in the house, so there are no reports of their continuing to ring today. She calmed down and accepted Marlene, as the living owner who would be responsible in fixing up Roses house. The Tayloes owned hundreds of slaves, and had between 12 and 18 who worked at the Octagon. His wife Anne would live another 27 years before dying at the house as well in 1855. Also, a kitchen, a basement, an attic, probably common rooms like a living and dining area; all have their place in the houses 2,420 sq feet on a double corner lot. While the spirit people dont seem to mind sharing with living people, as they have done so for over 100 years, co-existing with spectral housemates is an acquired taste, and not welcomed by potential buyers of this property so far. The generous outside space also has a hexagonal garden. In 1937 the ghosts activities are defined: a murdered slave girl, another suicide, and the ghosts of slaves wander screaming through the house and grounds, Jackie Bouvier, in her unpublished 1952 essay about the house, related a variant of the story very similar to the first version. Dolley and James Madison resided in the Octagon House from September of 1814 through March of 1815, after the White House was burned by the British. Paranormal and strange occurrences have been witnessed by the living. In 1898, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) selected the Octagon to be their new national headquarters. When Cyprus told him that there wasn't, the doctor looked perplexed and told him of encountering a man on the stairs just a few moments before who had been dressed in a military uniform of the early 1800s. Located at 2548 Gough Street, between Union and Green Streets in San Francisco's Cow Hollow. There are a number of ghostly legends at the Octagon that deal with its early history as a gathering place for the elite of Washington. It attracts Ghost Hunters from all over the country, and it is rumored to have over one hundred active spirits. Gotham Paranormal Research Society has investigated the Music Hall several times and has consistently detected paranormal activity including intriguing EVP . A boatload of hard evidence has been caught by various paranormal investigation groups. By the 1950s, property records were long lost and it was a city mystery as to who built an eight-sided home, among the rarest in America and just one of two left in San Francisco. Complete and normal one moment; completely taken apart moment later. She was an antique dealer after all. Mary Clemmer Ames wrote about it: "It is an authenticated fact, that every night at the same hour, all the bells would ring at once. The first allegedly died before the War of 1812. However, the 1970s owner did manage to get this Octagon House listed on the National Register of Historic Places, on November 3rd, 1972, before the state took ownership of this as is fixer-upper opportunity, and put it on the market at a reduced price. The Octagon House has a rich history and has seen several deaths within its walls. Of those, one died in 1800 at the age of one month (Ann Tayloe) and never lived in the Octagon. The Coade stone, stoves, other decorative elements, and furniture were imported from England. A date with the wrecking ball was set, despite the efforts of the group, Save the Octagon House Committee. Caretaker James Cyprus had summoned the physician for his ailing wife. The house was once the temporary home of then-President James Madison and his wife Dolley as the White House was undergoing reconstruction due to the fire that burned a good portion of the building and Washington in general during the War of 1812. At the outset, he planned on building a home in Philadelphia since it was closer to Baltimore and other major places of personal interest to Tayloe. She died in Washington, D.C., but not at the Octagon House. Updates have been made, including electrical, mechanicals, central air and a new roof. There are gorgeous hardwood floors throughout the house. The butler, in a state of great alarm, rushed into the dining-room and declared that it was the work of an unseen hand. The stories recorded here are merely a presentation of a few of the reported experiences and legends that have evolved over the past 200 years, and should not be taken as historical fact. The museum was administered by the American Architectural Foundation from 1970 to 2011/2012 (though the museum was closed from 2007 through 2013). The 3rd ghost that was felt on the third floor is tied to the British occupation of . [30], For other buildings called Octagon House, see, The War of 1812 and temporary presidential residence. [4] The house is well built of brick trimmed with Aquia Creek sandstone. "[26], Museum superintendent Alric H. Clay claimed that in the 1960s spirits would often turn on the lights and open The Octagon's doors late at night. One location in particular that has a reputation for frequent unexplained activity was the impressive circular stairwell of the house. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. At the time, it stood alone on the edge of marshland with nothing but wild territory beyond. "The Octagon," by George McCue (American Institute of Architects Foundation, Washington D.C., 1976) p.3-4,9,11,23,25,42,4445,47,6065,68. Source: []. [4][5] Col. Tayloe had been considering building his new home in Philadelphia under the expert hands of architect Benjamin Latrobe. The Octagon House in Washington, D.C. has a fascinating floorplan and an elegant design. There was plenty to see here; featuring a lot of antiques and items from the early days of the Brown family and their descendants. By that time, the neighborhood around the house had changed significantly as factories and breweries filled the Foggy Bottom waterfront. He died on September 17th, 1862 along with thousands more at the battle of Antietam, the deadliest one-day battle in American military history. Edwin would not make it back home to his young wife and children. Tayloe was reputed to be the richest Virginian planter of his time, and built the house in Washington at the suggestion of George Washington on land purchased from Gustavus W. Scott or Benjamin Stoddert, first Secretary of the Navy. from Georgetown, and about .5mi. He participated until the slaves were free by President Abraham Lincolns famous Emancipation Proclamation. Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Aghast we stood. Soon after the house was converted into a museum, the superintendent at the time was said to have witnessed various lights flickering on or off or having them turn off for no apparent reason with no one at the switch. PG&E agreed to sell them the home for $1 and the savings were much-needed by the NSCDA. She fell into a well and died). Local dressmaker and antiques dealer, Marlene Hanson bought the property with days to spare, without even seeing the inside of it. I do not believe that, the world ever has furnished a parelell [sic] to our progress as a City in the Same time, William wrote. The Octagon House, also known as the Colonel John Tayloe III House, built in 1799 and located at 1799 New York Avenue, Northwest in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. It had closets on every floor, an innovative feature for its time. Eyes stare out from the dark in the cellar where the hidden tunnel enters the house. This passageway led down to the basement tunnel, which led to the nearby river. "Now and then I hear tales of the ancient ghosts in the Octagon House. Tayloe owned a quadroon slave, of whom he was very fond. The oldest of the Octagon's ghost legends is that of the mysterious ringing of the servant's call bells, just one of the legends linked to the African American slaves who once lived there. No one, though, knew who the spirit belonged to. The Octagon House, considered to be one of the most haunted places in Fond du Lac, is located in the historic district at 276 Linden Street. A crawl space hides behind panels of fake drawers in an upstairs bedroom that leads into a secret room. Through all of its history, entities have glommed onto this house for probably variety of reasons, and have basically behaving themselves, going about their business, with a few mischievous habits. This is a carousel. These variants were both included in a 1934 article entitled Octagon House Ghost Stories by Virginia Faulkner. The Octagon opened as a museum in 1970. In 1952, an architectural designer, named David Stovel, moved in and improved the property. If his name doesnt sound familiar, his creation will: He was a co-founder of the Bohemian Club. Currently operated by the American Institute of Architects Foundation, the Octagon Museum offers self-guided tours, permanent and changing exhibitions, public programing, and guided tours by appointment. Whether for bootlegging during Prohibition or as a stop on the Underground Railroad, the purpose of its many secret passages and hidden rooms remain a mystery. Solomon, Mary Jane; Ruben, Barbard; and Aloisi, Rebecca. Its name comes not, as one might think, from the number of sides to the floorplan, but the number of angles in the building. If you experience problems with the form or want to attach images please email them to, Are you affiliated with this location? The octagon house trend was short-lived, and its not hard to see why. Doors open and shut by themselves, without help from the living or the wind. His first problem was to plan a house that would fit the lot, the south side of which was cut away on the bias by the diagonal of New York Ave. Indeed, Isaac Brown had a secret purpose for the homes special features. By 1874 the bell legend was well established. The view of Cow Hollow in the 1870s. Inside was a trove of papers that finally answered the question: Who on earth would build a house this strange? There are numerous reports of occurrences in the Octagon that were supposedly caused by the household ghost. Shanley Hotel, NY (Spirit of the hotel barber still looks after his daughter here. In 2011, the T.V. Among other remedies, had been previously tried that of exorcism, but the prayers of the priest who had been summoned availed nought."[21]. The spirit of Ruth made her presence known to the owner Marlene throughout the house, and perhaps to the docents as well. The other death, stories claim, occurred in 1817 or shortly thereafter. In the center of the building is a large winding staircase, which serves as a corridor leading to the rooms. Ultimately, though, McElroy had faith for the future and excitement for whoever found the box he was placing in his familys new home. Besides being the emergency escape route from a possible attack from hostile Native Americans, Isaac Brown joined Fond de lacs Underground Railroad by using this house as an Underground Railroad stop in this massive effort to move ex-slaves to Canada. The original floor plan for the San Francisco home is a mess. Through one door, you went into the parlour. When the British marched into Washington in August 1814, there was a French flag flying outside the Octagon. Some academics believe the secret spaces within the Octagon House were built during that time for the clandestine storage and transportation of liquor. Which serves as a belated wedding present just before Isaac died the bannister he saw a man black... The Haunted History Trail of new York the other death, Stories claim, occurred 1817! New York main House to his son Edmund, as the winter home of Tayloe! [ 29 ], for other buildings called Octagon House, including electrical, mechanicals, central Air octagon house ghost! While residing in the Octagon House has a hexagonal garden went into the parlour heard... Neighborhood legend went, a person could be heard creaking up the House property... Forty years, it got to be too much so Helen Hanson closed her museum in an bedroom... Four remaining daughters all died over the age of one month ( Tayloe! 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