Wait, don't take your driller too soon. Do = 8.5 cm. Baking bamboo produces a very pleasant aroma, somewhat similar to the sweet smell of baking cookies. I know one Pan Flute maker who deep fries his bamboo in oil, like making French fries, but in my opinion the bamboo is somewhat brittle if you use this process. All in all, baking bamboo in an oven is the way to go, and is directly analogous to the kiln drying of wood. Be forewarned that the bore diameters of the pipes usually shrink by just a little bit by about a quarter of a millimeter or so, as the residual moisture leaves the bamboo. Occasionally, a piece of bamboo will crack during baking, but this is actually quite rare; sometimes, small cracks or fissures may appear in a bamboo pipe after baking, but in my experience, these small cracks or fissures do not widen or go anywhere after baking, the bamboo is pretty much stabilized., Step Four: Pipe Selection Use a ruler to measure and mark the bamboo. You can read more on our, STEAM Activity for Kid: Chromatography Art Project . I used to play pan flutes. = speed of sound (in m/s? Later I will explain how to dispose everything even better. Other Flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK WELCOME! A fun musical instrument craft and science activity all in one! Intro How to make a PAN FLUTE! How to make your own Pan Flute. Do you want some more directions? Step 2: Tracing Because for as long as I can think about, I don't seem to find a reason to give you my name. Since it seems there is a shortage of willingness about find out the tubes length on your own (it sounds bitter, right? How boring!!! In slatting, slats are created by flattening out the lateral sides of the pipes in order to give them a flat surface along which they can be glued to their neighbors. The bottom pipe is slatted only on one side where it interfaces with the pipe above it and the top pipe is also slatted on only one side where it interfaces with the pipe below. All the intervening pipes are slatted on both sides laterally. Because the pipes of the Pan Flute are assembled in a curved or arched fashion, the slats you cut on the sides of the pipes cannot be perfectly parallel they must be inclined ever so slightly inwards towards the players side. Getting the right degree of inclination from parallel is part of the fitting process. The initial cutting of the slats is usually done by whittling away the lateral sides of a pipe with a wood carving knife, although I have on occasion used a small chisel although I dont recommend it, and now use whittling exclusively. After the initial cutting of the slats, the slats are then deepened and fitted more precisely with those of the neighboring pipes; this is usually done either by using scraping blades, or by scraping with the edge of a triangular or half-round rasp. Knot the end when you are done. Make a pan flute with both ends of the straws open and one pan flute where the straws all have one sealed end. 2 Scour for bamboo. It seems to me that there's no error at all. Zamfirs law of slatting states that the maximum slatting depth between adjacent pipes can never be deeper than that which would produce a minimum distance separating adjacent pipe bores that is narrower than the average wall thickness of either of the adjoining pipes. For example, if two adjoining pipes have an average wall thickness of 3.0 mm., then the narrowest distance between the bores of these two adjacent pipes cannot be shorter than 3.0 mm. Any narrower than this, says Zamfir, and you run the risk of having the sound of one pipe leak or bleed over into the next. Slatting and fitting the pipes can also be tricky around the middle of an instruments total span, or the top of its curve or arch; extra care needs to be taken here to make sure that the slats are cut and fitted correctly. Fanning is something that results when the slats of multiple consecutive pipes are not cut to a uniform depth or width from the tops to the bottoms of the pipes. Most typically, the pipes are fanned outwards towards the bottom; the remedy is to cut the slats deeper at their bottom ends and refit the adjoining pipes. It needs to have one end open, and the other end closed by a joint. Make more drums. Pan Flute tuning is a rather tricky process, and one that is not that well done by a beginner. This is especially true of the high notes, especially those that are above the d of the middle octave or register of a standard Alto Pan Flute. Beginning players generally find that the pitch of these notes is unstable, and easily sags, because they have not developed sufficient embouchure strength and support. And so, Pan Flute tuning is best done by a seasoned or advanced player. Using an electronic tuner is recommended, but it must not be relied upon exclusively use your ear as well. In the lower octave of an Alto Pan Flute, the pitch is inherently stable. In the middle register, the pitch gets somewhat less stable, tending to rise with a more forceful air stream and embouchure, and to fall with a less forceful one. And these tendencies are even stronger in the top register. In the middle and top registers, what we are looking for is to have the pitch center around the neutral or in tune pitch on the electronic tuner. It may take a while before you get the tuning of your new Pan Flute exactly right, and where it needs to be be patient, and listen. For finishing (optional): - sandpaper of various grit - a Dremel-like tool (optional but very useful) - a lot of patience, a googolplex tons of patience if you want to do everything by hand. All the pan pipes start out here. If you have questions Please ask! What can you make with pan flute in Little Alchemy 2? The previous nine steps, the first three quarters of the Pan Flute making process, were the preliminary steps of putting the instrument together and getting its basic framework set and solidified. The last three steps are truly the steps that involve finishing up the instrument refining it, adjusting it, tweaking it, and otherwise preparing it to perform. These last three steps, and the sub-steps that comprise them, can actually be done pretty much concurrently, especially the first two of them, which are quite interdependent and intimately involved in adjusting and refining the Pan Flutes tuning and playing response. So, without any further ado, here they are, Step Ten: Beveling the Pipe Rims When building a set of pan pipes, leave an extra bit of material more than what is indicated here. Step 2: Experimenting With Tunes and Tubes. You should be able to find all of these items from the hardware store. Step 2: Make a clear plan Determine the increasing number of pipe lengths your pan flute will contain. So the disposition I chose is similar to that of key on a keyboard, but the accidentals (black keys) are nearest to the player and have been lowered. We placed them on the tape in this order to better space them out equally, but it might be easier for younger kids to just put them on the tape from longest to shortest and not really worry about spacing. For another project (a tin whistle) I've started to sand them by hand with a medium grit sandpaper. Shakuhachi: The East Wind | File also the section to make it planar, especially if you use an handsaw. Luckily, some physician (well, actually a lot of physician) already studied this matter creating and developing a branch of physics called acoustic. Compare the sounds each pan flute makes. Optional: Decorate your cardstock with markers, crayons, or paint. Take one of your pen tubes and measure from top to bottom half-centimeter increments on the pen tube. We need 13 tubes with various length, from slightly more than 15 cm to slightly less than 32. Here is the meaning of various symbols: - L is the length of the tube - v is the speed of sound - f is the frequency Fine. OK, maybe there's the need of some other explanations. Then just trim with a knife to fine tune if needed. is appropriate for the top end. The reinforcing strip(s) for the bottom side of the frame can also be done in a similar manner, tracing around the entire periphery of the instrument with a pencil to get the proper silhouette or outline. Just remember to cut the front and back strips at least a centimeter or two longer than needed, to cut off to the right length when the end pieces are added; similarly, the bottom strip(s) are to be cut at least two to three millimeters wider than needed, and then trimmed off later. An Exacto knife and/or saw are the best cutting implements to use for cutting the strips., I have usually made the end pieces for my Pan Flute frames from bamboo whose inner or bore diameter is large enough to fit snugly around the outside of the top and bottom pipes; however, other makers have carved them out of wood. The bottom edges of the end pieces are filed or rasped off to be flush with the bottom surface of the instrument, but their top ends can be carved into various aesthetic designs, which are usually spired or pointed. It is usually recommended that the last strip to go on in the assembly of the frame is the (last) bottom strip, which is cut to cover the bottom edges of the end pieces, providing an unbroken and uniform surface on the instruments bottom end. The fitting of the end pieces and their joinery with the front and back reinforcing strips is another point to test and show the level of craftsmanship of the Pan Flute artisan. I trust that you will work out your own best procedure or protocol for doing this joinery work as your craftsmanship and experience unfold and develop. The most aesthetically pleasing frame is one that appears to be seamless.. They also have the opportunity to write and record their own music. ). :), Reply If you have both at home, your kids could make a pan flute out of each. 8. Make 2-3 turn, then knot the end and trim the exceeding yarn. If the note is lower than n will be negative, if the note is higher it will be positive. (We cut ours into the following lengths: 6 inches, 5.5 inches, 5 inches, 4 inches, and 3.5 inches.) Ill mention various options you can use in each step below. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; So the hole center must be 7.06 cm from the open end. The formula for calculating the length of a pan flute pipe is L = (c / f) / 4 (the "theoretical length" L equals the speed of sound c = 343 m/s, divided by the desired frequency in hertz f, that quantity divided by 4; this simplifies and rearranges to: Length of pipe (in centimeters) Frequency (in hertz) = 8575). The musical sounds the instrument can produce play a big part in conferring on the pan flute a sophistication that its production doesn't involve. Learn about vibration and pitch by creating a PAN FLUTE! But what if we want a note higher than a C6? So take the C#/Db and D#/Eb tubes, and follow the same process as before. So, the best thing (maybe it's only a dream) is a mechanism that open both ends and holes with a single lever, and only the ends with another lever. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; If. Math:Kids will need to measure and compare lengths in order to create their straw pan flute. Is there any tips you can give us?Thanks,Julian, 4 years ago I want to tune them in the key of E flat but Im not quite sure how to tune them. This activity can be done with just a few basic materials: Straws (paper or plastic) Tape Scissors Decorations (optional) Both paper and plastic straws will work for this activity. We need to make the pan flute in tune and well constructed. The inner diameter should be not too big nor too small: a 1-1.5 cm of inner diameter is fine. Using the first formula shown in the previous step we obtain the list of length: 31.69, 29.91, 28.23, 26.65, 25.15, 23.74, 22.41, 21.15, 19.96, 18.84, 17.78, 16.79, 15.84 rounded to second decimal digit, measured in centimeters. Now we need to determine which notes we want to produce, and their frequencies. This time, since the whistle was less than 40 cm long and the sum of lengths now is more than 295 cm, I've decided not to sand it. This post contains affiliate links, which means that at no extra cost to you I can make a tiny bit of money to help support this blog. amzn_assoc_asins = "B0771KXDLH,B00II02KM0,B00000IS02,B073R2FBWY,B00005RF5C,B00DQRV6B6,B00K89KG66,B0002F5CQK,B015EV2NZE"; Filed Under: Crafts for Kids, Elementary, Science, Sound Tagged With: homemade instruments, sound, straws, Welcome to Buggy and Buddy! davido@fourwindsflutes.com. First is why not copper for pipes and second is could you re-post the second formula image please ? Putting a quality Pan Flute together is a lot like putting together a jigsaw puzzle you always want to be able to reach for, and find, a piece that is just the right size and shape to fit. This requires having a good supply of bamboo pipes, of all assorted sizes and bore diameters, ranging from the very largest that you will be using, right down to the very narrowest, and every conceivable size and diameter in between. You definitely dont want to come up short, so its always better to have a supply of bamboo in excess of your needs than to be wanting in any way, or having to make do with a pipe that really isnt everything that youre looking for. Besides having a wide selection of pipes of every possible diameter available, the basic qualities desired in a bamboo pipe for making Pan Flutes are straightness, roundness or cylindricality, and hardness and denseness. A bamboo pipe doesnt have to be perfectly straight in fact, few are but it cannot be too crooked; slight bowing is permissible, with adjacent pipes selected to be congruent in the direction of their bowing. Please its very important that I have your name, or at least your sources so i can get their name. But we can take advantage of physics! Also, the note emitted depend also by how the pipe is played, and you can adjust the tone by tilting the flute or changing the way you blow on the open end. As you'll notice the frequency is inversely proportional to the length of the pipe. If you are good player you can go even three tones lower than the basic tone of the pipe. Load the pieces of rough cut bamboo into the oven when it is cold, taking care to place the racks on which you lay the pieces a sufficient distance from the heating elements above and below. You can load quite a few pieces of rough cut bamboo onto the racks of an average oven. You will load the bamboo into a cold oven, before you turn on the heat, close the door firmly, then proceed to turn the heat on. First, turn the oven up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and bake the bamboo at that temperature for an hour. Then, turn up the temperature to 200 degrees F for a half an hour, then to 250 degrees for half an hour more then turn off the heat and, keeping the door of the oven closed, let the bamboo cool down gradually over a period of several hours or overnight. Its possible to bake the bamboo for a half an hour more at a temperature of 275 degrees F, but not absolutely necessary if you do so, be sure that your oven has an accurate thermostat, and that the temperature does not go over this level. Your formula is length (which unit?) 1. Anybody could help? Lay them out next to each other, with the top edges lined up. Materials we need: - about 3 m of metal or plastic pipe (if you use metal try to avoid copper) - duct tape of any kind - strings/shoelaces/yarn/whatever you want to keep tubes together - 13 pieces of whatever you can use to close one and of a pipe (coins, metal or plastic scrap, wood, cardboard remember that it will cover the end from outside, and cannot be inserted like a cork on a bottle because this will shorten the air column and change the note produced). As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. on Introduction, Hiam working on a similar project for school where i will be needing the varying length for the notes Is it possible to get some help from youMy tubes have a diameter of 10mmI am having difficulties to get the lengths for the notesThanksDevesh, Greetings :) I've been wanting to make a set of panpipes for ages, but had no clue where to begin. It is commonly known in folk music but originates from South America, where ancient Amazonic tribes made the instrument from bamboo to provide melodies to their traditional tribal songs. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Take five wide straws and cut them into varying lengths. Honestly, I don't understand why you need to know my nameHowever, I suppose you're asking for the sources of information about the data and the formulas used. The disposition of tubes, in my opinion, is not so good, because of my lack of memory. Encourage children to measure and cut their own straws. Place the shortest straw on the right hand side of the tape, with the same amount (about 3/4 inch) hanging over the edge. Now we have the basis to determine the tubes length. I will try making one, the information which you have given is something fantastic. Again, the answer came from physics. 1 year ago After the initial rough cutting of the slats, they can be fitted together by placing them on a Pan Flute Mold, which is essential for both slat fitting as well as gluing or assembly. Since the proximal or players side edges of the pipes are the ones that interface directly with the player by touching his or her lips, it is here that the pipes must be most precisely and uniformly aligned. And so, a Pan Flute Mold provides the maker with a curved, convex surface upon which to lay the pipes for fitting and assembly, providing precision alignment for the players side edges of the pipe rims. Perhaps the simplest way of making a Pan Flute Mold is simply to take a wooden board, hammer two rows of nails into it about 1.5 feet (45 cm.) I'm Chelsey, a former teacher and parent living on the central coast of California. Understand that the flute is weaker than your other current instruments and it's primary use is to stop the others from burning out from overuse. You should also notice that this is a fractional dependence w.r.t semitones. My local store sells only 1 or 2 m long tubes, and with 3 short (1 m) tubes you can do every pipe. Musical craft ideas can be a great learning activity for kids. To optimize the space and to use only three 1 m pipes, we will cut each pipe as follow: 1st pipe: 31.69 cm + 29.91 cm + 22.41 cm + 15.84 cm (low C + C#/Db + F#/Gb + high C, about 2 mm left) 2nd pipe: 28.23 cm + 26.65 cm + 25.15 cm + 19.96 cm (D + D#/Eb + E + G#/Ab, almost nothing left) 3rd pipe: 23.74 cm + 21.15 cm + 18.84 cm + 17.78 cm + 16.79 cm (F + G + A +A#/Bb + B, less than 2 cm left) As you can see, I wrote also the note corresponding to each section. Obviously open ends will go on the same plane. I know you've already provided the end result, but I need to know how to get there because this is for a school project. This way you can have a pan flute whose range is, for example, C4-C7, three octaves! Im here to guide and assist you on your world flute journey in any way I can. Please write me at: Meaningful Activities for Learning & Creating. My panpipe is wooden and no doubts it is not elastic one :) To play a semitone I change only the angle from which I blow (and maybe also cover the hole a little bit by a bottom lip). Once done the first row, we need the accidentals row. I like really zillions of things, very different one another. File slightly the end surface of the tube to create something the glue will adhere to. Pan Flute (Nai): The North Wind | Bansuri: The South Wind | Native American Style Flute (Love Flute): The West Wind Place the remaining two straws onto the tape. Now you should have three partial pan flutes: one with 8 tubes, one with 2 tubes and one with 3 tubes. If your nose touches the open end of the C, D or E tube when you try to play a C#/Db or a D#/Eb, then raise the 2-tubes group. Keep practicing and learn to play a song with . I'm kinda strange guy. There are two basic schools of thought when it comes to how to thin down pipe walls from the outside, and from the inside, with each of them having their respective pros and cons. The way I prefer is to thin the pipe walls from the outside until they are of perfect thickness. To do this, I go, from rough thinning to fine thinning, from whittling to rasping to scraping. The best pipes are just scrape and go, in which all you need to do to thin the pipe wall down to its proper thickness is to scrape the outer skin off of it but sometimes, the walls need to be thinned down quite a bit more than that. The other school of thought is to thin down the pipe walls by reaming the inner soft, pithy layer out from the inside with various drills and reamers. The main rationale for this approach is to remove the soft, pithy inner layer of the bamboo, which is the least inherently sonorous and resilient, leaving nothing soft to dampen the pipes sound. This sounds great in theory, but in practice, it only works if you have a solid, reliable method of reaming out the inside in a straight, uniform manner, as ruts and/or ridges on the interior of a pipe bore will warp, distort or roughen the sound of a pipe. A sharp knife/boxcutter. at the bottom end. If walls are significantly thinner than this, they must be similarly thin throughout the gamut of the instrument and the same goes for thicker walls as well. Also remember that if a pipes walls are too thick, they can be thinned down extensively, but doing so takes off the hard, sonorous, resilient outer layer of the bamboo and leaves mainly the inner softer and pithier layers, which are not so acoustically desirable. A pipes inner bore diameter provides the primary guideline for determining exactly how long you will cut the piece please refer to the table of pipe sizes and dimensions on the page of that name. Definitely, the best pipes are those that are perfect just as Nature made them. Generally, I make my rough pieces of bamboo about one internode in length, cutting about one to 1.5 inches below each node. An exception to this general rule must be made for the longer pipes in the lower octave of a Bass Pan Flute, of course. , Step Three: Baking or Kiln Drying the Pipes 3 years ago, 3 years ago The semitones could be made by bending the panpipes for about 60 degrees - this makes note sound a semitone lower than normal, so you don't need tube for each tone - 22 tubes is enough :). 6 years ago, So if you look at the general theory, L = v/4f from standard physical principles. My son (just turned 6) has been very keen on making homemade books recently. We made our pan pipes to simply explore how the different lengths of each straw affect the sound you can create with it. #1 Measure the diameter of your straw. If you don't know how to use a tube-cutter and you cannot figure out by yourself feel free to ask. The frame or the boot of the Pan Flute must be made from special materials that have both the requisite flexibility to be molded to the shape of the instruments arch or curve, as well as enough strength to provide sufficient structural reinforcement. The main material to be used is wood; traditionally, Lemn de Tei, which is Linden wood or Basswood, is the wood that is used for the frame. Fortunately, Basswood is available, in the requisite 1/16 or 1/8 inch thickness, at hobby stores that sell wood for model airplanes. I have also found that 3 to 4 laminations or layers of paper thin plywood, also used for making model airplanes, also works well, and may be structurally stronger than Basswood. Another great material to use is sheets of fiberglass glued on with epoxy, which provides an extremely strong and durable first layer of reinforcement for the instrument. The end pieces for the frame are usually made from pieces of split bamboo that are of the right size and inner diameter to fit around the ends of the bottom and top pipes. And the wood is glued onto the instrument either with masking tape if the wood is more flexible, or with clamps. Layers of paper thin model airplane plywood are fully flexible for easy bending, but Basswood strips may need some steaming or moistening with hot water to soften them up., Prior to the actual affixing of the frame to the bottom of the instrument, there are a couple of preparatory sub-steps that need to be done. The first is to sculpt the bottoms of the pipes into a smooth, aesthetically pleasing curve with a half round rasp. Because bamboo tends to splinter easily, it is recommended that the outer edges of the sloping bottom rims of the pipes first be rounded off with a rasp as a safeguard against this happening before this sculpting can begin in earnest. Secondly, if there has been marked or significant warping of the curve or arch of the pipes since their initial assembly, remedial measures can be taken to correct this, and bring the curve or arch back closer to the original ideal of the Pan Flute Mold. If the arch of the pipes has warped wide or decreased in its curvature, the pipes can be trussed with a thick nylon cord and thick strips of cardboard or folded heavy paper can be wedged into the end, around the lowest pipe, until the arch is tightened sufficiently. If the arch of the pipes has warped tight or increased in its curvature beyond the ideal, the pipes can be laid upon a table or flat surface and a stone of about 5 6 pounds (2 3 kg.) About vibration and pitch by creating a pan flute activity all in one we need to measure compare! Tune and well constructed that temperature for an hour at hobby stores that sell wood for model airplanes the to... 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