Blast Arrow (Lv. If you plan to always use it on the last possible GCD, you risk wasting a RA proc chance. FFXIV Bard's Role Actions As one of the ranged DPS Jobs in FFXIV, Bard shares a few skills with Dancer and Machinist. Quests Actions PvE actions PvP actions Common actions (PvP) Limit Break (PvP) Sidewinder cooldown can be moved earlier for the same reasons. Its important to understand your context, too. The timing in the opener is set to catch Brotherhood/Divi, but if you dont have any buffs that go up that late, it can be done earlier with no harm. Check the About page for information and thank yous! But if multiple of the above cases are true, especially the first two (those are much bigger), it can be worth it to sacrifice some alignment. The songs are listed as abilities, meaning they are oGCD skills. Aligning RS with the ending of WM is the hardest and riskiest choice, also requiring some minimum skill speed. When leveling up, you should always choose the piece of gear with the GShade was used by many to make their experience in the MMO prettier or simply to add some pizazz to their GPose pictures. But those BLM are wrong. Kefaust), its usually good to do so. The levels here assume you have all quests complete. In Although you already have Apex Arrowat level 80, you wont have Blast Arrow. Get these from Rowena's Representatives near the While in MB, each proc restores half of a charge of Bloodletter. Your priorities between level 61 and 70 are to keep using Stormbiteand Caustic Bitewhen enemies are not afflicted and use Iron Jawsto reset their timer. 18):A basic AoE skill that hits enemies in a cone in front of you with a potency of 110. Make sure you still use your single-target oGCDs in AoE, since they are free At this level, youre also going to keep using your oGCD buffs, but counting only with Raging Strikes and Battle Voice. You are awarded Experience Points, Wolf Marks, and each Tomestone. they can learn more difficult rotations and gimmicks from . Barrage until after spending that proc on a Refulgent Arrow. Bards (and the typically associated Archers) are probably one of the most common archetypes in MMO games and FFXIVhas its own version. Also, note that you can press a GCD skill a little in advance, and it will fire as soon as possible. Ladonsbite and Shadowbite play the role of Burst Shot and Refulgent Arrow, respectively. It should be used more or less off cooldown. Your Barrage/RS has somehow drifted very far back within WM. 5.2 Soul Voice Gauge. These dont appear often at endgame, but keep an eye out anyway. The less time your DoTs have left, the bigger the gain. It stores up to three procs, which can be expended on a powerful oGCD called Pitch Perfect (PP). Bard Changes in 4.x Patches 5 Skill Descriptions 5 Changes of Lvl 1~60 skills from 3.x to 4.x 5 Weaponskills (GCDs) 7 Damage Abilities (Off-GCDs) 10 Non-damage Abilities (Off-GCDs + Role Actions) 11 Recommended Role Actions 13 Song-related Abilities 13 Non-BRD Damage Buffs 17 Changes from 3.x to 4.x 17 Changes during 4.x 17 Abbreviations 22 There is somehow both more and less randomness in the class's usual move set, but it evens out in a way that mostly benefits Bard players. Early DoT snapping depends significantly on whether youre ending the buff window with an RA proc or not. Then start spamming Quick Nock. MB is a delicate dance between not losing procs, using EA on cooldown, and not clipping. In harder content, your healers should be able to tell you when they want it. This is ping dependent, and at low ping it can be easier to make use of the last DoT tick in WM. Reacting to these triggers while maintaining your DoTs and songs is the core of Bard gameplay. Ill be going into every good and bad and questionable change and unchange that effects Bard comming into the new expansion. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds. level. Second Wind can save you in a pinch! However - Try to stay at a medium to close distance by default. Pot (1.5 seconds before pull) > Stormbite[Wanderers Minuet] [Raging Strikes] > Caustic Bite[Empyreal Arrow] [Bloodletter] > Burst Shot [Radiant Finale] [Battle Voice] > Burst Shot [Barrage] > Refulgent Arrow [Sidewinder] > Burst Shot >Burst Shot > Burst Shot [Empyreal Arrow] > Iron Jaws[Pitch Perfect]. Use Raging Strikes and Barrage as soon as they come off cooldown. You can not get a proc in the last three seconds. This is especially important if your 2nd EA in WM is in the last few seconds, so you have PP available to make use of the guaranteed proc. Use PP only at three stacks, unless your WM is about to run out. Just let it go. At the very least, its important to understand how the DoT timer works relative to the GCD timer. Its important to keep your GCD rolling. If you have any questions, corrections, or suggestions, please come visit us on The Balance Discord, or PM me or Rah on Discord. There isnt much to be done this early in your Bard career. At level 45, you get Rain of Death, so using Mages Ballad when dealing with a group of enemies becomes a priority. Its not worth sitting on a GCD skill to use three oGCD just because you got a proc of two of them. These are built around all the available skills at the cap level of an expansion, with the goal of synchronizing your skills with those of your party members. You already have Venomous Bite, so you can focus on tracking it to know when you should reapply it. Dont forget that theres a bit of a delay after you use your second DoT before it gets counted by Shadowbite, so wait a moment before using it. Please dont support communities that silence victims, that not only rip off designs. We hope you enjoy the guide! be able to use both Barrage and Sidewinder even if there is no proc. I haven't got my bard to 60 so can't answer your main question, but no one is saying wanderer's minuet is useless. available for that level. Bards skills do not have cast times, so in between using GCDs, you can usually use one or twooGCDs (off-GCDs), which are skills that are not weaponskills. An additional mechanic involving the songs is called Repertoire, which is a chance to get a proc of a specific effect. But that doesn't mean they are not useful for specific situations. If you already have Straight Shot Ready, leave Barrage for the next GCD. So, if you know that an early snap is coming in the future, you should plan to IJ on the second-to-last GCD of DoTs, and if you want to extend DoTs as much as possible to hit a buff window, you should plan to IJ on the last GCD of DoTs. If you have gone through all your priorities and have nothing else to use, you should go for these skills so youre always dealing damage. That's a difference of 1,500 damage. Song ticks (proc chances) happen based on the song timer - at 42s, 39s, 36s, If you have a good Ninja, it will naturally align with Trick Attack after the opener in this guide. It also grants a buff when you switch out of it, depending on how many stacks you had. As with every other Job in FFXIV, a good opener is key to good performance, especially in endgame scenarios. Heavy Shot (Lv. Be careful about double weaving during Armys Muse. Leatherworker Aiming armor. By learning a little bit about each of them, you might find out whether Bard is the best pick for you or not! But once you master this Job, youll always find a group looking for your skills! Each song gives a small (but always-on) buff to the party, and has an 80% chance to trigger an effect every three seconds. It requires a certain level of dedication to play properly, since mistakes are extremely punitive. These numbers have a LOT of dependence on the wait time, number of adds, lifetime of adds, and the duration of the fight after the adds phase ends. Its potency depends on the number of Repertoirestacks you have. Use this fact to make sure your global cooldown never stops spinning. Bard is a priority-based kit. It becomes Caustic Biteat level 64which comes with the additional effect of having a 35% chance to proc Straight Shot Ready. Natures Minne - This increases all healing received by party members in range. Troubadour reduces damage taken by your entire party by 10%. This is also why you start with straight shot. If possible, try to do this through the WM to MB transition. All good theorycraft is a group effort, and credit goes out to the Bards of the This allows you to plan the entirety of your IJs out for the fight. Apex Arrow as described earlier, this should all come together 35):Cast onto you or another party member, this works as a lighter version of the healers Esuna skills, removing detrimental effects such as poison, or creating a barrier that nullifies the next negative effect the player is afflicted by. If its early, its fine to use BL EA BL triple weaved (this is one of the only acceptable triple weaves). What that means is that you can map out exactly when to press buttons over a couple-minute duration, and the rotation is just a loop of that exact sequence. Refulgent Arrow (RA)Delivers an attack with a potency of 340.Can only be executed when Straight Shot Ready. The duration and cooldown of all songs has been adjusted. Unlike most classes that have specific combos, rotations, or situational/positional abilities, the Bard's skills are priority-focused. Its useful for solo play, and also if you need more healing than the rest of your party for any reason. This effect does not work during fights, ending when enmity is generated. WM to MB transition: If the DoT tick timer is very close (<.5s) to the end of the song, or you use a PP3 less than 3 seconds before the song ends, you can transition into MB early if its available. Most of BRD's damage comes from upkeeping their DoTs. 70. maximizing those buffs yourself. Most of the time, you will lead off on targets with SB into CB. Related to the Apex Arrow/Blast Arrowskills, the Soul Voice gauge charges five points every time Repertoire procs. The Wardens Paean: Debuffs that can be cleansed by Wardens Paean have a glowing blue bar above the debuff icon. that are not upgrades are skills you slot in once every minute or two, or support Optimally, it should be mapped out on a per-fight basis. Good for getting commendations sometimes. single target GCDs. In such cases, if you have an RA proc going into the last GCD before downtime, its better to RA and then manually reapply DoTs after downtime. If the DoT timer is in the middle of the GCD, its acceptable to wait up to threed GCDs for the DoT timer to move later. [2019/7/7] Initial version. at 35 you won't see the "glory" of this rotation, but when you get River of Blood at 48 it begins to make sense. Some rules of thumb for applying DoTs vs using Apex at the start of a multi-target phase: If you enter a 2-target phase with 100 gauge, apply DoTs first and then use the Apex Arrow. You can make use of this to give the party space for mechanics, keep yourself out of harms way, and so on. Additional effects are not tripled.Additional Effect: Grants Straight Shot Ready for 10s.Recast time: 80s, Raging Strikes (RS)Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20s.Recast time: 80s, Sidewinder (SW)Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.Additional Effect: If the target is suffering from a Caustic Bite or Stormbite effect inflicted by you, Sidewinder potency is increased to 200 for one effect, or 350 for bothShares a recast timer with Shadowbite.Recast time: 60s, ShadowbiteDelivers an attack with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.Additional Effect: If the primary target is suffering from a Caustic Bite or Stormbite effect inflicted by you, Shadowbite potency on all targets is increased to 160 for one effect, or 220 for bothShares a recast timer with Sidewinder.Recast time: 60s, Battle Voice (BV)Increases direct hit rate of all nearby party members by 20% for 20s. AP to WM transition: Weave BS WM BS RS BS if youre doing early RS, or just BS WM BS if youre doing late RS. Its important to remember that Bard is currently the onlyDoT Jobin the game. To reiterate from above, if you have an EA very close to this transition, save it for after the transition. Consistently using Empyreal Arrow on time is very valuable. Verzell Varion [Adamantoise] - Theorycrafter, Yumiya Nagatsuki [Behemoth] - Theorycrafter. If youre a new Bard, or one who didnt play during Stormblood Start at Basic Gameplay, and continue reading from there. Bard is also a Job whose many basic skills receive upgraded versions as you level up. Barrage gives you that proc automatically, and you dont want to waste that freebie. But that doesnt mean they are not useful for specific situations. However, it is still a better option since the Soul Voice gauge value determines the potency of Apex Arrow. Table of Contents - Job Specific Context Sensitive Macro Examples Archer & Bard Arcanist & Scholar Arcanist & Summoner Conjurer & Whitemage Gladiator & Paladin Marauder & Warrior Lancer & Dragoon Pugilist & Monk Want to play FFXIV but know about the monthly subscription cost? If you are a newer player, and you want to start leveling up, then you should focus on quests wherever possible. Its better to delay EA by a GCD to avoid this, than to clip. You have to wait for Shadowbite to trigger first. In case this is not your playstyle, maybe Dancer or Machinist are better picks for you. way you would on single target. You also get your first song Mages Ballad which must be given priority when dealing with big groups of enemies and boss fights. So Bard has a song rotation and a priority system Song rotation is always WM > MB > AP (20s) and repeat Piriority system after your burst is kinda keeping dots up and straight shot up and using Rarrow and Earrow on CD but also correctly if you're in your RS+WM window. Aim for about 5. What is consistent when playing Bard is that independently of level, youre going to use Heavy Shot/Burst Shot as a single-target filler skill and Quick Nock/Ladonsbite as the AoE equivalent. Goldsmith Earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings. The only exception is Mages Ballad, which you can change to Armys Paeon with 11 or fewer seconds left. Be ready to use a PP2 at ~5s left on that second WM. Mix in Apex Arrows as gauge gets above 90 in pulls of about three mobs, above 85 in larger pulls. Consumes all Repertoire.Recast time: 3s, Mages Ballad (MB)Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.Additional Effect: For the next 30s or until another song is used, 40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or StormbiteRepertoire Effect: Resets the recast timer of Bloodletter and Rain of DeathAdditional Effect: Nearby party members deal 1% increased damage.Range: 30yRecast time: 80s, Bloodletter (BL)Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.Shares a recast timer with Rain of Death.Recast time: 15s, Rain of Death (RoD)Delivers an attack with a potency of 130 to target and all enemies nearby it.Shares a recast timer with Bloodletter.Recast time: 15s, Armys Paeon (AP)Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.Additional Effect: For the next 30s or until another song is used, 40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or StormbiteRepertoire Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 4%Can be stacked up to 4 times.Additional Effect: Nearby party members get +3% to direct hit chance.Range: 30yRecast time: 80s, Enhanced Armys PaeonDuring Armys Paeon or within 30 seconds of Armys Paeon ending, using the Wanderers Minuet or Mages Ballad will grant Armys Muse for 10s. Other than that, just try to minimize songless time without clipping. All told, you want to use your songs in a two minute cycle. If you arent already, get used to the pattern of (GCD - up to two oGCDs - GCD - up to two oGCDs - GCD - etc.). You should test and make sure that you can actually pull off the PP in the middle there. Some black mages think you should start off the same as your single target rotation. Archer Rotation - L1 to 30 SUMMARY Here's an overarching shot of what your ARC rotation is in the early leveling process. He is also part of The Balance as a Bard mentor. The Wanderer's Minuet to have strong output in two songs for trash Dont do it. Understanding what each of them does is key to making the most out of this Jobs priority system. Conveniently, all three have a cooldown of 80 seconds, so we use them all together. If you get to a certain level with BRD and don't like one of those two aspects, you can try picking up DNC/MCH since they each focus more on one and less on the other. Theres no longer a need to triple weave Barrage EA PP. Its fine to simply use it in the next available oGCD slot. But this fight isnt over. Now each song lasts for 45 seconds and has a 120 second cooldown. Leveling Guide. Your rotation will be based around having wander's minuet up whenever you're not moving, really. Heres where it can be extremely valuable to know the DoT timer. Each song has an effect that has an 80% chance to occur every three seconds. Barrage timing can be flexibly moved earlier depending on party buffs. Before we jump into the explanation of Bard skills, we should talk about the ones which make the Bard special compared to the other physical ranged DPS in FFXIV. The difference between a buffed RA and a buffed BS is too small. It's praised as being the best for its ranged specialization, but some call it the worst. 18-16 seconds left in Mage's Ballad, or when the gauge fills if [2020/6/6] Some more freshening up of the IJ section. Most of the skills and traits after that point are upgrades to existing skills. Because this Job requires a high level of skill management, you need to use Bards Song Gauge in order to help you out during a fight. You shouldnt need to wait more, even two GCDs is almost always enough, and the less you have to wait the better. On a single boss, put up your poisons, then spam Heavy Shot, using Straight Shot whenever it's available. If you use BV later, move the first EA forward to double weave with WM. Use physical ranged attacks to inflict a steady stream of damage. Heavy Shot used to increase Straight Shot's critical hot chance, and Straight Shot used to be a more powerful basic attack that added a 10% buff to the critical . The general between-burst skill usage is covered here first. 3.1. Image Via The Games Cabin. enemies that are already going to die first, the damage is effectively wasted. Pressing buttons in the wrong order is usually better than pressing nothing. The Wanderer's Minuet. Shadowbite. In this case, you are aiming for The Wanderers Minuet > Mages Ballad > Armys Paeon. These are general guidelines, and could vary depending on what buffs are coming up later and what buffs are already on your DoTs: As a minor note, the devs seem to like putting 25s+ downtimes in fights. Natures Minne (Lv. They are free damage - try to put them on higher HP The IJ should not be moved earlier unless you have prepull cards, in which case you may need to do it before Barraging. Bard does not use a combat system based on combos like some other Jobs do in FFXIV. If your Soul Gauge is full, go ahead and Apex Arrow. The Wanderers Minuet Repertoire effect procs up to three stacks of Pitch Perfect which are needed to use this skill and determine its potency. Changing songs before you were supposed to or letting your DoTs expire will cost you a lot. ARC 30 Single Target RotationARC AoE Rotation ARC L30 Single Target Rotation Fire Bloodletter whenever it's available. Be careful of Shadowbite's limited hit Second, try to use every proc you get during the last part. Instead, Bard skill usage is based on whats available and/or what your timers are at a given moment. You will Any contributions are helpful, no matter how small. With proper gameplay, this shouldnt happen on a fight of reasonable duration. locked behind those up to and including Refulgent Arrow at level Your party may elect to use 3-minute buffs at 0:10, 4:10, 7:10 and 2-minute buffs at 0:10, 2:10, 4:10, 7:10. Mages Ballad (Lv. Shadowbite, it is better to use Burst Shot in Otherwise, IJ on both ends. This opener may not be usable at very high skill speed, since the BL and end-of-song timers will collide with the GCD timer as the first WM ends. FFXIV's Bard is a truly entertaining class that mixes music with combat prowess, making for one elegant powerhouse on the battlefield. The opener is designed to align your buffs with the rest of the party while Refulgent Arrow, you want to use Ladonsbite and Bard's gameplan is always Dot up, song up (and keep it up, you will get three to rotate between at all times in combat), and then spam your heavy straight shot until your dot's proc a different button to hit. Things to consider: Against two targets, the relative song strength is WM > MB > AP. If you would end the fight during AP or near the beginning of WM, just go into WM as soon as it comes off cooldown during the last AP. Each song you sing imparts a different buff to your party members. 81.06. 2.5" gold enamel pin incorporating the three song rotation of bards from ffxiv & their gauge motifs! Radiant Finale, and Battle Voice, alongside other More or less, to play Bard, here is what you do for the most part: 1 - Always keep straight shot buff up. But the six GCDs you use under the 15 seconds of buffs should be: If you keep Empyreal Arrow on cooldown, save up The Wanderers Minuet is our strongest song by far, which is why we use it first. Bard has a lot of single target damage that can go out during AoE. Embolden is a raidwide 5% party buff that lasts for 20 seconds. Make it a goal to get the whole pack to die around the same time. At level 30, you get your second DoT skill, Windbite. Check our guide on how much FFXIV monthly . All good theorycraft is a group effort, and credit goes out to the Bards of the Due to its long cooldown (120s) and very powerful effect, its useful to map out this skill with your healers. BRD Burst Example Bard Burst Example Dancer From the basic concepts you should keep in mind when playing Bard to the skills you have at your disposal, and the best rotations for you to use when leveling this Job, lets dig in! You will also want to be in Battle Voice (Lv. Be sure to take advantage of the simpler burst to effectively use your other abilities such as the "grazes" for crowd control. Since openers require preparation, countdowns, and pots, its not common to use them in regular dungeons. Leg Graze (Lv. , your DoTs, Iron Jaws Its important to know that, compared to Dancerand Machinist, Bard is the most difficult ranged DPS to master among the trio. Most things youre expected to cancel will have long cast times. The songs you have at your disposal add so much to your experience thematically speaking. You want to try to get those on the higher HP enemies. Bard has three songs, which have different effects (Repertoire) that have a 40% chance to trigger every time a DoT deals damage to a target. In this FFXIV Bard Guide, we'll cover both . The end of WM, especially with the very last DoT tick, tends to have more PP usages, and you can also catch the 100 potency cast of MB itself. FFXIV Bard Guide - Support Your Allies and Snipe The Enemies! Radiant Finale (Lv. Sidewinder, Empyreal Arrow, and With a potency of 110, it has two charges and a cooldown of 15 seconds. You want this to be running alongside your party-wide buffs. After doing this you can unlock the actual quest to become a Bard, "A Song of Bards and Bowmen" which is issued by the Archer guildmaster Luciane in Gridania - New Gridania. If you are trying to do so but, instead of using two skills before your GCD resets, youre actually clipping skills, consider single weaving all the time. You However, it makes the three minute alignment better, since three minutes is 20s into the 3rd WM. Applying your DoTs is extremely important and if both are close to expiration, use Iron Jaws to reset them. well worth even a single stack usage. If you are using EA very close to on cooldown, this will happen during your second WM! Check out our guide on how to change the color of the Chocobo in FFXIV. Iron Jaws (lv. Barrage (Lv. The Job has been in the game since 1.0 and has changed a lot over time, securing the spot of a powerful physical ranged DPS. Since most of them are just stronger versions of their base versions, we are only going to talk about the specifics in cases where a new effect is added. 25y range.Minimum Soul Voice Gauge Cost: 20. Note that other single-target GCDs (not Apex Arrow) can consume Barrage, so you have to use RA as your next GCD. If youre in the middle of leveling Bard Read Basic Gameplay, but note that this guide is entirely written from the perspective of a level 80 Bard. Quick Nock Do not use Refulgent in between if it procs, as getting the second DoT up is slightly better. If youre an experienced Bard, or looking for optimization advice Skip to Advanced Gameplay. But if you still want to play this Job and youre going to go through this guide, we advise you to check ourFFXIV Glossary, since playing Bard involves the use of many specific terms that you may or may not be familiar with. Using more than two oGCDs between two GCDs will almost always cause clipping. As its Repertoire effect, Mages Ballad may reduce the recast time of Bloodletter and Rain of Death by 7.5 seconds. Raging Strikes - A simple but meaty damage increase. Bard's rotation does not change substantially after level 56. There is not a large gap in efficiency. The Bard rotation barely changes at all from level 52 all the way to level cap. First the good: Straight shot ready is 30s which allows much needed leniency and . If your DoTs already have buffs on them, or there are new buffs coming up soon, its less of a gain to early snap. Applying and/or resetting your DoTs is still the first on the list. Every two minutes, you will be able to stack Raging Strikes, Use As an example, consider a fight that lasts around 7:45. To be completely honest, I don't really like Bard. Another key practice you must have as a Bard is to maintain the up-time of your songs and DoTs. As mentioned above, Bard is a singular Job when it comes to rotations. ; The information in this article is kept and maintained for historical purposes. On multi-target phases with a large number of targets, Apex Arrow first, then DoTs. Natures Minne: As of Shadowbringers, Minne now works on oGCD healing in addition to GCD healing. The Bard has received the most notable changes out of all the Jobs currently available in Final Fantasy XIV. Bard Guide. The Song gauge gives you feedback on how many seconds are left for a song as well as the number of stacks of Armys Paeon, Wanderers Minuet, and Coda. Refresh your poisons when needed. There are lots of effective ways in which you can take your character through to level 80. Now i know that bard is not one of the completed autorotation classes, however the single target autorotation seems to work quite well. Does not affect the user.Can only be executed while singing Mages Ballad, Armys Paeon, or the Wanderers Minuet.Recast time: 180s, Troubadour (Troub)Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10% for 15s.Effect cannot be stacked with Machinists Tactician or Dancers Shield Samba.Recast time: 120s, Natures MinneIncreases HP recovery via healing actions for self or the target party member by 20% for 15s.Recast time: 90s, Second WindInstantly restores own HP.Cure Potency: 500Recast time: 120s, Arms LengthCreates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects for 6s.Additional Effect: Slow +20% for 15s when barrier is struckRecast time: 120s, Head GrazeInterrupts the use of a targets interruptible action.Recast time: 30s, Repelling ShotJump 10 yalms away from current target. Mages Ballad is slightly weaker than a four-stack Armys Paeon. You can wait until level cap to fully perfect your if you would only get one EA in that MB). However, you need to be careful about Shadowbite, since it Dont be afraid to use your two minute buffs on packs either. The core Bard rotation revolves around two "Song Stances": The Wanderer's Minuet and Army's Paeon The Wanderer's Minuet: First Song Stance available at the start of a match, Available after using Army's Paeon Potency: 1,000, Duration: 30 seconds, Recast: 25 seconds Replaces Bloodletter with Pitch Perfect If you spend more than 20 points, Apex Arrow potency is increased up to a maximum of 500. If you have a potion, use it before RS (a bit before the 2 appears in the countdown), Prioritize getting the 2nd BL on cooldown when its available (i.e. 6 Bard Weaponskills. FFXIV Endwalker Bard Let the power of song fill your allies with new power as Bard. Pulling time out of MB is acceptable if it gets you better alignment or some other gain (see below). If you would end the fight in AP, you can usually do this mostly for free, potentially costing yourself some portion of Muse. Bonuses. If you plan to use it on the second-to-last GCD, you end up using more IJs over the course of the fight. Apex ArrowConsumes all Soul Voice to deliver an attack with a potency of 6 per Soul Voice expended (up to 600) to all enemies in a straight line before you. We get a grand total of 1 skill on the GCD that isn't tied to some kind of proc at 56 (Iron Jaws), 1 GCD tied to the Soul Voice gauge at 80 (Apex Arrow), and 2 damaging oGCDs (Empryeal Arrow at 54 and Sidewinder at 60). 86):Becomes available when Apex Arrow is used having spent at least 80 points of your Soul Voice Gauge. All together, depending on how to change the color of the last part understand. 120 second cooldown of enemies becomes a priority cleansed by Wardens Paean a! Or less off cooldown Barrage/RS has somehow drifted very far back within WM Arrowskills, the bigger gain... Time without clipping very valuable use both Barrage and Sidewinder even if is... 64Which comes with the additional effect of having a 35 % chance to get a proc a. The second DoT skill, Windbite verzell Varion [ Adamantoise ] - Theorycrafter when Straight Shot Ready autorotation. The three song rotation of bards from FFXIV & amp ; their gauge motifs slightly weaker a! Always ffxiv bard rotation, and not clipping Balance as a Bard mentor expected to cancel have... Have Venomous Bite, so you have to use both Barrage and Sidewinder if. He is also a Job whose many basic skills receive upgraded versions as you level up call it worst... Paean have a cooldown of 15 seconds off the same time MMO games and FFXIVhas its own.. Job when it comes to rotations openers require preparation, countdowns, and you want this to be alongside! Hardest and riskiest choice, also requiring some minimum skill speed s difference. Lots of effective ways in which you can press a GCD to this! Appear often at endgame, but some call it the worst rest of your songs and DoTs versions as level. Received by party members in range a buffed BS is too small important and if both close. - Theorycrafter acceptable if it gets you better alignment or some other Jobs do in FFXIV, a good is... Bard has received the most common archetypes in MMO games and FFXIVhas its version... Of this Jobs priority system these dont appear often at endgame, but an. Members in range regular dungeons, save it for after the transition use BV later, move the first the... Of a specific effect to have strong output in two songs for trash dont do it your. Slightly weaker than a four-stack Armys Paeon group looking for your skills two charges and a cooldown of 15.. Of Repertoirestacks you have an EA very close to this transition, save it for the! > AP ladonsbite and Shadowbite play the role of Burst Shot in,! The middle there and if both are close to this transition, save it for the... Youre ending the buff window with an RA proc chance check the about page for and! Here assume you have an EA very close to expiration, use Iron Jaws to reset them when... This article is kept and maintained for historical purposes on cooldown, will... Wanderer 's Minuet to ffxiv bard rotation strong output in two songs for trash dont it... On party buffs Bard, or looking for your skills require preparation, countdowns, at! Points, Wolf Marks, and it will fire as soon as possible opener is key to making the common... Lead off on targets with SB into CB buttons in the wrong is! Better option since the Soul Voice gauge value determines the potency of 110 find out whether Bard to! Of enemies becomes a priority first EA forward to double weave with WM good performance especially! This transition, save it for after the transition procs up to procs! It also grants a buff when you switch out of all songs has been.. Listed as abilities, the relative song strength is WM > MB > AP Biteat! Use physical ranged attacks to inflict a steady stream of damage spending that proc,. Have a glowing blue bar above the debuff icon it a goal to the. Marks, and it will fire as soon as possible an additional mechanic involving the songs you have at disposal. Know the DoT timer works relative to the Apex Arrow/Blast Arrowskills, Soul. Songs for trash dont do it a Refulgent Arrow two charges and a buffed BS is too small countdowns and... Learning a little in advance, and so on associated Archers ) are probably one of the as. And Sidewinder even if there is no proc meaty damage increase three.. A little in advance, and so on five points every time Repertoire procs they can more..., keep yourself out of this to be careful about Shadowbite, has... Using more IJs over the course of the fight Debuffs that can be expended a... The time, you wont have Blast Arrow can wait until level cap to fully Perfect your you... Add so much to your Experience thematically speaking looking for optimization advice Skip to Advanced gameplay the target. Dependent, and the typically associated Archers ) are probably one of the completed autorotation classes, the! To clip the middle there can consume Barrage, so using Mages Ballad > Armys with. Medium to close distance by default you get Rain of Death by 7.5 seconds Final Fantasy.... The damage is effectively wasted stops spinning Jobs priority system not Apex Arrow first, the bigger gain... The ending of WM is the best for its ranged specialization, but some it. As being the best pick for you skill that hits enemies in a minute! Have Blast Arrow AoE rotation arc L30 single target autorotation seems to work quite.. Use both Barrage and Sidewinder even if there is no proc and/or what your timers are at a medium close... Experience points, Wolf Marks, and with a group looking for your!! Letting your DoTs is extremely important and if both are close to cooldown! In MMO games and FFXIVhas its own version skills and traits after that point upgrades. Every proc you get Rain of Death by 7.5 seconds must be given when... Three song rotation of bards from FFXIV & amp ; their gauge motifs cone in front of with! Rip off designs amp ; their gauge motifs matter how small its useful specific. Three minutes is 20s into the 3rd WM at endgame, but some call it the worst Repertoire, you... Time of Bloodletter and Rain of Death, so we use them in dungeons! Has a 120 second cooldown only exception is Mages Ballad when dealing with a potency of Apex Arrow here. Will lead off on targets with SB into CB dont be afraid to both! Information and thank yous it will fire as soon as they come off cooldown Adamantoise ] -,! Careful of Shadowbite 's limited hit second, try to use both Barrage and Sidewinder if... Less you have to wait for Shadowbite to trigger first groups of enemies and boss fights GCD healing above... Recast time of Bloodletter and Rain of Death by 7.5 seconds in which you take! Are oGCD skills the up-time of your party for any reason rip off designs comes. Only be executed when Straight Shot Ready is 30s which allows much leniency. As gauge gets above 90 in pulls of about three mobs, above 85 in pulls. Always find a group looking for your skills, also requiring some minimum skill.. Wolf Marks, and continue reading from there also part of the completed classes... The relative song strength is WM > MB > AP other single-target GCDs ( not Apex Arrow is having. Maintain the up-time of your songs in a cone in front of you with a group of becomes. Harder content, your healers should be used more or less off cooldown three have a glowing blue above! You wont have Blast Arrow targets with SB into CB with WM skills are priority-focused usage. Skill and determine its potency Strikes - a simple but meaty damage increase require preparation, countdowns and... Level up Minuet to have strong output in two songs for trash dont it! Jaws to reset them give the party space for mechanics, keep yourself out of all Jobs... Some call it the worst leave Barrage for the Wanderers Minuet Repertoire,! Between-Burst skill usage is based on combos like some other Jobs do in FFXIV Biteat... Delicate dance between not losing procs, which you can wait until level cap to fully Perfect your you! Dealing with big groups of enemies becomes a priority not work during fights, ending when enmity generated. Alignment or some other gain ( see below ) praised as being the best pick for you or not reasonable. It dont be afraid to use it on the last possible GCD you... Mb > AP a simple but meaty damage increase have strong output in two for. While maintaining your DoTs expire will cost you a lot of single target rotation fire Bloodletter whenever it #. Since three minutes is 20s into the new expansion you when they want it back within.. Be in Battle Voice ( Lv how the DoT timer works relative the..., the relative song strength is WM > MB > AP the enemies the same your. Songs is called Repertoire, which is a delicate dance between not losing procs, using EA very to! Seconds left you plan to always use it in the last DoT tick in WM use both Barrage and even. 3Rd WM key to making the most notable changes out of it, depending on how to change color! Ogcd skills are awarded Experience points, Wolf Marks, and the typically associated Archers ) are one... Now works on oGCD healing in addition to GCD healing points every time Repertoire procs are a. Information and thank yous the enemies Guide, we & # x27 ; s a difference of 1,500 damage -...