Heat consumes the Blood and makes it thicker so that the movement of the Blood slows; Cold contracts Blood and lets the Blood circulation slow down. Compared with Mo Yao, it promotes not only the Blood circulation, but also the Qi movement. At the present time, there are 15 major categories of active molecular compounds in the various Chinese Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm liniments available, including flavones, alkaloids, glucides, glycosides, volatile oils, resins, organic acids, amino acids, tannins, proteins, enzymes, trace elements, polysaccharides and mineral salts. Blood stagnation is caused by several factors. I have even combined both together to make a super jow as your site suggested and its great. Dit Da Jow Natures First Aid Liniment These liniments are different in their makeup with a few crossover herbs. Id say this is one of the best articles Ive read as I have not found such informative information regarding dit da jow anywhere online. Which organ is in charge of pain? Ordering Terms & Conditions. Your flight direction from Phoenix, AZ to Mexico City, Mexico is Southeast (137 degrees from North). Hello. (45 Beg, M.; Singhal, K.C. Anti-hyperglycemic furanosesquiterpenes These powerful formulas are not just for athletes anymore. All of them work together to eliminate blood stagnation. Most of us are anxious to start using a new purchase, unfortunately when purchasing a Authentic Dit Da Jow kit you need to wait at least 3-4 weeks before using. Back pain, cuts, bruises, lacerations, sprained joints, and pain are just some of the daily problems, which can pop up unexpectedly. You might not realize this but Dit Da Jow is excellent for sore muscles and even muscle spasms, just apply a liberal amount on the sore muscle and let it air dry. Later, when this dehydrated plant is immersed in alcohol also known as a menstruum, the above process is reversed. Pictured are the Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm liniment kits. The higher the pressure the better so you can release everything from the herbs. It is famously known for its quick healing properties and for conditioning the skin while training. Try Shaolin Dit Da Jow today! Finally, if the Qi and Blood are deficient, they are not able to promote the Blood circulation so they will also lead to blood stagnation. This trauma sometimes causes small blood vessels to break, causing red blood cells to collect under the skin. Product Preparation and Usage Instructions, Conditioning (strengthening the tissues affected by impact: skin, muscle, connective tissue, and bone. Most believe soreness develop is a result of microscopic damage to muscle fibers involved the exercise. Accumulation of Phlegm, water, food or parasites in the body for a long period of time may also lead to Blood stagnation. I cant say enough on how happy I am with my purchase of your Dit Da Jow, for others out there reading this the dit da jow at east meets west is the best jow I have ever used and worth more than they are charging. Dit da specialists may also use or recommend dit da jow , other Chinese medical therapies, and in modern times, the use of Western medicine if serious injury is involved. Planta Med. Dont merely spread it around like lotion. Hi, how long do you have to let it sit before you can start using it after the brew? WebFor centuries, dit da jow has been known to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and improve healing of injuries and wounds. After reading this article and purchasing a kit to make myself I was very happy with the results this liniment does an incredible job on healing bruises and helping with muscle spasms which are two issues I deal with often. This external only liniment is applied to any injured or bruised area and healing the area by removing blood stagnation and making the bruise disappear quickly. Thirteen of the sixteen herbs in this formula have some ability to transform blood stasis and move Qi. Our authentic Dit Da Jow kit makesover one gallon of liniment. Another alcohol that comes up frequently is Everclear or Grain alcohol, these come in various percentages of alcohol content ranging from 75.5% to 95%. Add your second 1.75 liter bottle of Vodka. Furthermore, it was indicated that safflower is effective for other ailments involving the neurotropic, cardiotropic, hemopoietic, and diaphoretic systems (2). Dit da jow (Jyutping: dit3 daa2 zau2; pinyin: Di d ji) is a common Chinese liniment used as traditional medicine in the belief it can reduce the pain from external injuries. The chemical composition of naturally grown herbs may vary according to climatic conditions, elevation, harvest time, storage condition, and so on. Many practitioners will allow their Dit Da Jow to sit for years before use. All herbs are organic or wild crafted and are chemical and pesticide free. ; Jolad, S.D. At this point you can throw out the Marc and you are finished. The unique combination of herbs enable this formula to also focus on treating bruising, and swelling, thus relieving stagnation and allowing the body to direct its energies to healing the trauma. We use only the highest grade Chinese herbs along with traditional processing methods and time proven formulas to bring to you the finest ditdajows and herbal training supplements money can buy. For serious injuries make a poultice or compress with cheesecloth and wrap with plastic around the wounded area. What this means is the herbs are soaked in a solvent and in our case the solvent is Vodka. Its great your offering this kit. After you add all your Iron Palm herbs into the jar, add your first 1.75 bottle of Vodka. We get asked a lot can I just use one liniment for all types of injuries and it is a difficult question to answer the closest liniment that could do this is Tie Ba Zhang Jow, also a Dit Da Jow/Iron Palm formula called YangshangTieda Yao is available as a kit that has the healing properties of both and is extremely powerful and popular.You can also purchase a Dit Da Jow kit and an Iron Palm kit and have two liniments that can heal most injuries if the need arises. The market is filled with Dit Da Jow liniments and companies of dubious origin and questionable intent. Delayed soreness typically begins to develop 12-24 hours after the exercise has been performed and may produce the greatest pain between 24-72 hours after the exercise has been performed. The monks used this formula for their hard training exercises. After 3-4 weeks take some of your Dit Da Jow and place in a small glass jar or bottle(2-6 oz) for daily use, straining is not necessary use a ladle and funnel or turkey baster to add into your jar. I enjoy incorporating the best quality standards to the betterment of my patients. This has empowered us to be serious innovators in the field of Chinese Dit Da Jow production, engineering some of the most effective blends in the world and that have become trusted go-to healing formulas for a growing number of our long term clients. I prefer clear glass so I can see the herbs when Im shaking the jar, some customers prefer a amber color, but since it will be stored in a dark location the sun will not interfere with the process a dark glass container is not necessary. So thanks for offering such a good product and services and being there when I had some questions. There are also larger jars available that have a opaque top and screw on lid. Thai J Pharm Sci. This pickle jar cost $4.12 at Sams Club, cant beat it for your Dit Da Jow needs. The solvent could be water but water does not pull the alkaloidal constituents out of the herbs as well as alcohol does especially because of the resinous herbs in the Dit Da Jow formula and it can also spoil in a short period of time. Furanosesquiterpenoids of Commiphora myrrha.J. We are proud to offer a complete line of training and conditioning herbal products for the serious martial artist. If you are sparring, then the arms and shoulders should receive an application. (32 Kimura, I.; Yoshikawa, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Sugihara, Y.; Suzuki, M.; Oominami, H.; Murakami, T.; Matsuda, H.; Doiphode, V.V. A question that is always asked is do I strain out the liniment and throw out the herbs (Marc) after 4 weeks. New triterpenes, myrrhanol A and myrrhanone A, from guggul-gum resins, and their potent anti-inflammatory effect on adjuvant-induced air pouch granuloma of mice. (You certainly wont find them in cute bottles at your local Rite-Aid.). Where there is dysfunction of any of these organs, due to the various kinds of pathogenic factors discussed earlier, there will be retardation of the Qi and Blood circulation, eventually causing pain. When ready, Authentic Dit Da Jow is one of the best healing liniments for trauma type injuries, like sprains, contusions, bruises or other injuries where blood stagnation or stasis is involved. I have a quart left but ordering more very soon!!! 2006; 30: 28-35. We also have a page of frequently asked questions you can read them Here. The Dit Da Jow formulations vary primarily in whether they clear heat or are warming. [2], "Wan Chi Ming Hung Gar Institute Dragon and Lion Dance Team New York NY History ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dit_da&oldid=1145560988, This page was last edited on 19 March 2023, at 20:16. Below is how it looks. It heals up injuries and bruises super fast. This Dit Da Jow recipe incorporates the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). WebSt. Symptoms: For retention of blood in muscle and skin, swelling pain and cyanosis; for that in ying and defense, blood stagnation and fever; for that in chest and hypochondrium, fullness sensation and choking feeling; and for that in zang and fu, extravasated blood and a blood lump. shed light on the phytotherapeutic potency of the water extract of C. tinctorius for cardiovascular diseases (1). The primary uses of Chinese Dit Da Jow are: It has historically been used most widely by martial artists, but many athletes in other high contact sports have discovered its benefits, along with fitness enthusiasts who train intensely and want to be able to train more often without being sidelined by the effects of overtraining. This is Mo Yao, a chunky stone like resin herb, most kits today add as is, we do not! When the Qi and Blood circulation are disturbed, this situation will be conveyed to the Heart, and the pain that follows is a response from the Mind to this situation. We use a Mortar and Pestle to grind down the herb. So we wanted to clarify this. That is why we stress shaking the jar a couple of times per day during the first 4 weeks, this speeds up the extraction process and also pulls more constituents and molecular compounds from the herbs into the liniment. Unlike other kits I have purchased, these arrived fresh and not in some small plastic baggie. We accept Visa or Mastercard or you can pay with Paypal, Sifu has mentioned you quite a bit, thanks for your interest. Some customers prefer Gin to use and that is fine since it is 40% alcohol 80 proof, you can use either one, they both will extract the constituents and compounds from the herbs. 10, 508-511(1996). P.O. If the situation does not change, the Blood stagnates and Dit Da Jow is used to clear it. We have a page dedicated to this question right here on the website. Often a martial arts master blends his unique mixture of many aromatic herbs such as myrrh and ginseng, which are combined to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and improve healing of injuries and wounds. Thanks for your order Chris, We sent the list to your email address. Notice the Camphor floating at the top, this is added to each bottle. and is it ok to use when breastfeeding? At this point you can throw out the Marc and you are finished. As such, the same type of herb can vary in its composition and concentrations of chemical constituents from batch to batch and region to region. Freshly prepared Dit Da Jow, no plastic bag contamination, wrapped in Eco-friendly paper. Required fields are marked *. (6 Shi, F.; Zhao, J.-H.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Y.-T.; Feng, N.-P. I was confused thinking dit da jow and iron palm liniments were the same thing but after reading your site, it was explained and now I understand the differences. Externally it stimulates circulation in order to improve the healing of injuries as well as reduce pain and swelling. The longer the herbs sit the stronger it became, back at that time they used rice wine, since vodka was not available so sitting for a longer period was beneficial for a stronger Jow. It is traditionally used and preferred by martial artists. Sifu Windel have been friends for years we also have taught at the same schools. Even if the liniment does touch the seal it is not enough contact to cause a problem, the bottom part of the jar is the sensitive area. Hi, you make mention of using a Vodka that is 40% and 80% proof but then say elsewhere to use whichever vodka is on special. I am starting to do some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my joints and back are taking a beating, what else can I use with my jow for that? The reason was stated clearly,two thousand years ago, in the Simple question: all kinds of pain, itching and sores are due to Heart disorder (Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine. We have all been taught to apply ice to a freshly sprained ankle or trauma. You should first rest the injured area, apply ice, then a mild compression like a wrap followed by keeping the injured area elevated if possible and slow movement when possible, heat is out of the question for at least 24-48 hours, this can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Authentic Dit Da Jow was created to heal bruises, sprains, contusions, hematomas, reduce swelling and heal other trauma type injuries. POSTED: July 25, 2017 | WRITTEN BY: Sarah Lister. Vodka is the best alcohol to use as it it has the perfect alcohol content of 40% and it is distilled without any additives or flavorings. This secret Shaolin Temple formula is very strong, sticky liniment. More studies have shown The flowers of C. tinctorius are traditionally applied for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and gynecological complications. Ive prepared it with my Sifu in our Kwoon, real easy, just follow Dr Nicks steps. Internally it improves blood flow as well as Qi. P.O. I have been using your dit da jow for years now and I love it. WebJADIENCE Severe Joint Pain Relief Kit: Dit Da Jow Formulas Penetrate Deep for Serious Muscle, Joint & Nerve Pain | 2 Natural Herbal Plasters, 1oz Body Pain Reliever Spray, Gauze, Tape & Bandage Wrap. If you want you can bottle up your Dit Da Jow in small bottles making sure they are labeled. Thank you. Did you know that Dit Da Jow was introduced from China to Okinawa over 600 years ago and was written about in the secret book called the Bubishi also known as The Karate Bible. A solvent is any liquid that comes in contact with the herbs by soaking. Anywhere out of the sunlight is good but do not set it next to the hot water heater or furnace (winter months)or next to any appliance exhausting hot air like a refrigerator or freezer. (43 Meeker, H.G. https://eastmeetswest.com/best-alcohol-for-dit-da-jow/. It is believed to have a variety of benefits, including reducing inflammation and speeding up the healing process. Detached bisep, detached supraspinatus, detached a thumb tendon and they had to splice a wrist tendon shealth. Thanks for a great Dit Da Jow formula, I feel it is the most potent I have come across, I will order your iron palm soon. There are 232 different Po Zh processes, below are just a few of them. This is a strong anti-inflammatory and can be used for all kinds of inflammation and pain connected with a fresh injury, bruise, welt, sprain or strain. For example, flavones contain more than 9000 derivatives or analogs of known structures, which produce anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and many other healing actions needed to heal trauma injuries. So I took a few pictures on where I sometimes buy my jars at a great price and it includes free pickles. We follow these processes when needed to insure everybody the safest and most effective liniment you can purchase. Super great Jow, I love it. I personally was in a herb factory in Shenyang China and saw them packaging the dust remnants of the herb Huang Qi( Astragali Radix). We have found that we get the best results by leaving the herbs in the jar until all the liniment is exhausted and then pressing the liniment out with a wine press, see below. Authentic Dit Da Jow travels thru all 12 Meridians with emphasis on the Heart,Pericardium Liver, Spleen, and Kidney Meridians, by doing so Qi is able to flow freely thus allowing healing to occur and pain to disappear. Dit Da Jow is also good for sore muscles also referred to as DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and acts as a pain reliever for the above mentioned injuries. I do not know of any company that offers this service. Joachim and St. Anne Parish Sun City - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. 10am - 6pm CSTDitdajow.com Sincerely. Technically it is Chi Shao but really a worthless portion, they do not contain all of the above constituents. To remedy that situation we have available aged Dit Da Jow ( 4years+) in two and four ounce GLASS bottles for those who would like to start using Dit Da Jow right away. The blend of different herbs extracted with alcohol enables the above actions and creating a unique healing liniment that one can use for a variety of trauma related injuries. By shaking the jar the herbs are moved around in the solvent allowing it to release the constituents and compounds needed for a strong Dit Da Jow. Dit Da Jow The Mysterious Healing Liniment, No Synthetic Herbs-We do not use synthetic camphor like most companies or other synthetic products, All Kits Prepared By A Experienced Herbalist, Authentic Traditional Formula That Works Fast, Not One Unsatisfied Customer in over 28 Years. Our Formula is from the Shaolin Temple and is referred to as Shaolin Tie Die Yao Xiang Jing which loosely translated means Shaolin Strong As Iron Fragrant Essence Medicine. WebSt. Below is a picture of the Dit Da Jow Kit, the herbs are very powerful and aromatic so they must be used quickly, we make the kits fresh for every order, they are not prepackaged. If a herb is required to be powdered we do it manually insuring our customers the best possible liniment kit. The walls of the cells and the ducts shrink, and at the same time the substances inside the cells previously held in solution by the water crystallize or dry to a solid amorphous mass. The combination of herbs in the formula work fast to heal sore muscles so you are ready for your next workout. Even my Dr an orthopedic surgeon order it because of what he witnessed!! Since vodka is available today it provides a faster extraction process if the liniment is shaken often. First, both Heat and Cold can lead to Blood stagnation. When herbs are powdered and they contain resinous herbs like Mo Yao and Ru Xiang they become like sludge as shown below. Our Authentic Dit Da Jow formula moves blood and Qi to relieve the pain of traumatic injury. Over time the two words were blended together and Jiu and Zau became Jow, but let me break down the whole word. Read How Dit Da Jow is Great For Shin Splints I have seen it take bruises away in less than a day, just amazing stuff. https://eastmeetswest.com/kai-kit-wan/ It has come to our intention that there are several companies selling ready made Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm liniment that has been prepared using rubbing alcohol. [citation needed], Traditional recipes may include:[citation needed], Some recipes instead use ingredients more readily available, such as:[citation needed], Detailed information on the bioactive components of dit da jow is limited, with formulations varying widely. I want to buy one kit. Med. We are working on an article explaining this further, so keep an eye opn for it. For the everyday person who bruises easily apply twice a day morning and night on the areas you need. Pickle jars have a screw on lid which seals your Dit Da Jow very well. Shaking the jar frequently during this time will yield a stronger Dit Da Jow than if you waited a month and started the agitation process. Our Authentic Dit Da Jow formula moves blood and Qi to relieve the pain of traumatic injury Thanks for providing such a great product. 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